Is all of the toxicity necessary?

Hey guys, I know this is probably a dumb thing to make a post about, I understand that there are trolls regardless of where you are, but I see a lot of people getting hate in their steam messages and such online (I'm on windows so people can't message me on steam), and a lot of it is just uncalled for. People calling others slurs or horrendous insults, telling people to off themselves, and for what? What can someone do in a game to make you so upset that you would say something like that? You don't know what someone's going through, what if that was the last straw? I'm just so beyond tired of seeing so much negativity, I guess I just wish people would do better. I'm not saying I think endgame chats a bad idea or anything like that, there are a lot of sweet people and you can make a lot of friends there. This post is useless, just please stop to think sometimes. It's a game. A lot of people are new, some people have bad anxiety, some people just aren't good at games, there are countless reasons for why someone could've done something differently than you would've in a game. To me I just feel like there's no reason to be so violent.
I had a lot of this when I first started the game I just turned off end game chat and commenting and messaging on steam. Not even worth trying to figure out why people get so aggressive over a game. It annoyed me at first I even ranted on here about it but I don’t care anymore.
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When i saw people talking badly to someone or abusive behavior, i always tried to defend and show support for the person who was attacked. i feel hurt and sorry for them, they don't deserve it.
Maybe there's something psychological behind it that makes people so horrible. i have no idea why tho, it's something beyond anger or hate.
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Okay, you saw one side of the story, but there is always something before that, they might have been toxic teabagging or just using the meta #########. But if you only see the hate of one side and dont even try tofid where did it came from, its just bs.
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Its not just the people who are frustrated. The people who win the match also act extremely toxic.
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Toxicity is never necessary tbh Not just in DBD, IRL too.
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It's true that it's important to see both sides and sometimes a playstyle might rile another, but teabagging or using meta perks is not a reason for telling someone to kill themselves or be racist. It's completely disproportionate to react that way because of a video game. That says far more about the individual doing these insults than the streamer, and that they need their head checked - or at least wonder why they hate in that way, because an in-game action such as mentioned above shouldn't cause such an emotive, wreckless response to anyone of sound mind.
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Ok, thinking right now using meta perks isnt enought to be toxic, but teabag it really toxic and annoying, and I said nothing about racism, it is crime, Im not defending it.
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I see your point and neither was I accusing you of any of those things. I was clarifying that whilst people can be frustrated or irritated by others, it's important to note that if someone were to react with a slur, death threat or telling someone to kill themself, then that's not acceptable, regardless of how someone played in-game.
Basically, I was wanting to clarify your comment about needing to hear both sides of the story, which I very much agree with. There was just a concern I had that if someone was told their family was going to die, I didn't want that to appear as acceptable, irrespective of both sides. But it's true no story can be told by one side.
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Ok, ok I got what you meant now.