(Poll) Which map do you want for the next rework?

Title and you can vote. Which map and why?
Red Forest, because it is my favorite Realm.
They can delete Swamp.
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Swamp needs it the most imo. Yes more than haddonfield because it’s painful to play for both sides
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There is risk, they can make Red Forest worse y'know.
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Haddonfield without a doubt. It's incredibly outdated and drab (have you seen inside the houses?) and when we had that bug a few weeks ago where the hedges failed to load in, it was a massive improvement.
Redo the houses, eliminate some of the god loops in them, remove some hedges/fences, reduce the height of some others, and it could almost be as good as Dead Dawg, which is one of the best maps in the game.
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I said Haddonfield for the obvious reasons
But i was also debating Swamp because I hate those maps whichever role im playing, but i dont really want it. I just want to forget about swamp lol
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Badham lol
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Dead dawg is one of the most killer sided in the game.
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Already reworked lol
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Haddonfield is fine btw. I dont understand why people want a haddonfield rework. Its the only survivor sided map leave haddonfield alone.
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Better do that again, the map is still #########
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Between Haddonfield, Swamp and Red Forest it's a hard tossup but I'd say Swamp although literally just by a hair over Haddonfield.
Haddonfield needs a complete art pass and more unique structures. It also needs more movie references to the movies so I feel Haddonfield needs the most care.
Swamp looks like garbage and plays like garbage on both sides so I'd say Swamp needs it the most - BHVR also has the luxury of this being an original realm so they don't need to worry about meeting license holder expectations and can do what ever with it.
Aside from the size of it Red Forest is for the most part fine - The only thing BHVR really needs to do is scale both maps in this realm down but an artpass would help too.
tl;dr - Swamp
It is not the only survivor sided map lol
Haddonfield is not fine either good lord. So many things wrong with this pos map I don't blame people for afk'ing or DC'ing on it.
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Lmao you're not even trying to sound serious anymore
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Nah, it's one of the most balanced maps. I've escaped Dead Dawg more times than I've died there, but I usually do well there as killer too.
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Badham, Haddonfield, Coldwind, The Game, RCPD, Red Forest, MacMillan, Ormond survivorside maps lol. Other maps are balanced for both roles but killers havent any map.
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Swamp for sure. However if there wasn't any licenses then definitely The Game.
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I voted Swamp because i love the map and which it looked better.
then Haddonfield coz it's such an unfun map to go to on both sides, and you really feel it's old when you look at the car models, like it's a just grey, like it was made out of clay.
Red forest already looks pretty good to me so it can be reworked last.
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The Game was one of the recently reworked maps.
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My bad. I haven't played in a while and didn't bother catching up on the news/patch notes.
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The new police department map.
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Red Forest is big but I don't have an issue with it. RCPD feels as big but more constricting due to hallways and misc. rooms.
Swamp is just messy in general. Its too dark and the areas under the buildings are the worst. As a colorblind killer it is a hard map in general (although new Coldwind maps are worse with the corn even with colorblind settings)
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RPD. Its worse than awful.
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I like the Swamp. I can't imagine how they could make it better aesthetically. They'll probably ruin the colour pallet again. Haddonfield will end up like Badham and Red Forest I'm not a huge fan of.
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The swamp, literally the only map I hate playing on both sides. It’s ugly and boring
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It has potential to be creepier than The Game.
Just please keep fireflies dev... or add more!
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All of them
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Haddonfield. It's outdated af, both in aesthetic and gameplay.
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It should be Haddonfield for its gameplay issues. Plus for being so ugly and empty. But based on ######### I can't talk about here, it's going to be Swamp next.
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Well seem like most of people hates Swamp on my poll.
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Am I the only one who enjoys the swamp as survivor? I agree its annoying as killer though,and visually it's ugly
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It is? How? Survivors have insane loops, no unsafe pallets and an overabundance of reeds to hide in.
And we all know that reworked maps always end up with worse performance, so if that's what you're meaning then a rework is the last thing that map needs.
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The Game and Coldwind was good for perfonmance. And both maps of reworked versions are survivorside.
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Haddonfield is my obvious answer.
IMO Swamp isn't that bad, it has problems such as the hatch spawn and it's def in need of a rework, but it's still kinda enjoyable to me.
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Swamp, please. I really hate this map.
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I love the stair wells and there undersides. Quite a unique map tbh. As killer it can be a pain for certain killers.
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Both of those maps lag out my PC
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None. Leave the remaining maps alone.
I can't take those stupid changes anymore. I can't.
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Did you saw new survivor models on PTB. They destroyed Kate, Ace, David, Clau, Quentyn and others... They all are so bad...
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Yes, unfortunately I just did. And I hate where this is all going.