I just saw this, did they really?

Did they really nerf Stridor?
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They made it so Iron will (and other perks that have the same effect) counter Stridor now instead of the other way around
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The 4 need to trump the one in this game................
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"The 4"?
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4 Survivors, 1 Killer.
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Yes.. there are 4 survivors with the option to team up and tell each other over voip every little detail about what is going on, where the killer is, their blood type, their preference, etc.
You are playing dead by daylight right?
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I still don't understand what he meant xd
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Yea I do. I just didn't understand at first lol
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The larger group should be individually weaker then the singular killer AKA stridor trumps iron will. but now the group is stronger individually and collectively. aka stridor loses to iron will and becomes a literal dead perk slot out of the 4 the killer has, vs the 16 perks of the survivors.
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Ohhhhhh. Now I understand
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Technically all they did was make the effects additive rather than multiplicative.
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Well the only killer that ever uses stridor is spirit, so screw stridor.
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I have +70-80% win rates on killer already. What are you talking about lol
Stridor is bad perk already. I saw it only on Spirits. So yeah, this nerf needed. And Iron Will is not popular perk, survivor are not cares about voices so much.
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Me who can't play without it be like:
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See how you go if they ever implement mmr.
I club baby seals all day in red ranks too, but i am not blind to what is going on since SWF is VERRY common in AUS and they have 4k hours + so i see the true state of the game.
Watch the Dowsey/ Tru3 vs Oracle match and then realise that if "professional" survivor teams can force a killer to have 0-4 hooks a game then that power trickles down and a "good" but still casual swf will probably beat a killer with 1 death without much effort.
There are hard limits to what you can do depending on what killer you play in this game.
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We are talking about Spirit and Stridor. This combine was broken and so strong. We never talked about SWF. But yes, SWF is other problem of this game.
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Could someone please post to where these changes are listed?
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Just replying to the win rate comment.
I don't like versing spirit either and i want them to change HER, not change a perk and call it a day.
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Spirit is still broken with her add-ons. But at least IW will works againts her.
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######### I knew something was off about my gameplay
why didn't they ######### mention this?
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great now all 4 ######### survivors will run iron will and it will be more meta now than it is currently.
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Is that a bad thing though ? As killer I really like facing IW players as unless they do some good juke, I'll be able to follow them based on all the other tracking tools killers have. IW doesn't get in your face as BT, DS, DH, it just does its thing making juking more realistic without limits killer in any way.
It's 1 out of 4 perk slots that can be filled with second chance perks and if you use one for IW you're missing out on potentially other very strong effects. Personally I'm fine with IW but I understand the frustrations others might have with it.
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then you haven't lost the game before because an iron will survivor was hiding in the grass while they were downed.
now they all will run iron will this is terrible
it's basically a second chance perk that is passive throughout the whole game.
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Technically that's long lasting sound bug if we were precise with the wording.
When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100 %.
Injured, not downed. But devs have long history with beiing unable to fix sound bugs for long if ever. Still I don't mind as I tend to pick up people when I down them and if I'm slugging then that's a risk I must take.
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stridor is not an overused meta perk, iron will is.
this is ridiculous
spirits only use stridor BECAUSE of iron will
stridor is actually a hinderance on survivors not running iron will because the sound travels so far you think they are closer than they actually are. iron will was the only reason spirit players used it.
I don't understand why they nerf a non-meta perk like this when it's used to counter and over used meta perk seen on most swf builds.
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The really sad part is the people that were complaining before will still be complaining after.
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So a perk being useful on one killer means it needs a nerf? Interesting.
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"And Iron Will is not popular perk,"
i see it on a lot of SWF builds and if it's not that popular now it's going to be incredibly popular after this nerf to stridor rolls out.
every ######### survivor will run iron will now.
spirits only used stridor to counter iron will, not to hear normal survivors better
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You don't need stridor on spirit anyway and not everybody uses iron will. Yes there are still no-sound bugs but even stridor can't fix that.
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SWF needs nerf but this is not makes Spirit fair. Spirit is also problem.
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If killer is broken, yes. And Spirit still needs nerfs. She still has broken add-ons.
Scott and Otz had videos for this, you can watch them.
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Other way around, now its multiplicative rather than additive
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spirit is 1 killer out of 24
SWF is a much bigger problem and they are stomping all over the other 23 killers (unless the nurse has 5k hours)
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Are you sure? I am destroying SWF teams with Blight. Some teams are really strong but i have not problem with this. But Blight is so strong killer. So Pig, Myers, Trapper etc have problem againts SWF teams, Spirit will be fine.
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the fact you have mastered blight shows you are not average killer with 400 hours
SWF is a problem
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I wouldn't say it was useful, I would say it removed the only counter that killer had, you can still perform perfectly well without it against a full team of Iron Wills.
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Ofcourse not, i am playing longer than 400 hours.
SWF is problem, yes. But how to nerf SWF, have you any idea?
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My bad, I flipped it.
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1 character too short
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So, instead of making a few changes to Spirit they decided to nerf Stridor?
Why am I not surprised?
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keep in mind, that doesn't appear on mobile.
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At this point they can completely rework stridor. It wasn't really useful before (screwed up distance perception more than anything) and now with iron will becoming more meta it is practically dead.
Everyone getting it in their bloodweb will go "urgh" harder than when they get monstrous shrine.
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I'm still not sure why it's so bad, it sounds like they are making it do what it was supposed to do to begin with. I've used stridor before on spirit and I don't like it, only need scratch marks and blood aside from normal breathing sounds when running.
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Honestly as someone who mains Spirit, Stridor is very strong, yes, but there are better perks out there, not to mention grunts of pain are just one way to track a survivor. We can still hear their footsteps, see grass move, see pools of blood, etc. A skilled Spirit player can play perkless and still do just fine if they are ever aware of their surroundings.
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Very bad change. Removing the only counterplay to Iron Will is not a good thing. Why dont they combine Iron Will and Calm Spirit if they want survivors to be totally silent every game.
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Instead of changing the Spirit they really had to nerf a perk that's only used on 1 killer.
Iron will is gonna be everywhere and strider will be the new monstrous shrine.
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Nah, she's fine with her add-on because they actually aren't worthless! Spirit is fine. You got stridor NERFED so there's nothing else to complain about.
Doing gens still stomps 100% of the killers lol