Can we get an image of this non-goblin i haven't seen him yet!
Goodbye, Quentin Gollum.

It was fun while it lasted, but I will never forget that horrible face that haunted me in my games. Ciao.
Well now his new model features that giraffe neck.
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Goodbye and good riddance
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Can we get an image of this non-goblin i haven't seen him yet!
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Nevermind i found one
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Yes you can
(also they fixed Cybil's face)
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Well now we can say that Jonathan is the new Gollum of DbD.
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What the hell is wrong with his neck in that pic?
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LMAO his neck is longer than wraith's uncloak lunge with coup de grace
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the Quentin goblin reputation will forever be in our hearts.
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Same account
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He looks ok when you don't screenshot at the wrong time heh
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He looks less like Quentin then the old one. This can’t go through
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It's getting easier to distinguish him and Victor when they no longer share the same facial model.
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Here's a picture of Quinton from the 2010 film for those who want a reference for comparison.
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Officially hanging up my Quentin mainship.
Sweater Daddy Steve all the way now.
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Welcome, Quentin Toilet-Brush!
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Wow, I made screenshots and showed them in the other Thread but I didn’t see that kind of neck, and I was a long time in the lobby.
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The neck is messed up, but other than that, this looks pretty good. I'm pleasantly surprised.
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Now they need to fix claire I'm not buying her until they do. I bought all the resident evil content.
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You're breaking my heart, you're going down a path I can't follow.
You silly one, it's pronounced NECK!
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Is it bad that I liked the old Quentin? This change just hurts, seeing my disfigured baby becoming something that he isn't to impress his friends breaks my heart.
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Old Quentin looks more like the actor than the new one. I'd be disappointed if the new one makes it to live.
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His model looked fine, it was just the lighting
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He has a face as if he were a Felix puppet.
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ikr right and I thought spirit had a long neck.