Am i Only One Who Liked New Map (RCPD)

Title. I liked new map so much. Maybe because i am RE fan but this map is just great.
It looks great but it is big enough that they could have split it into two maps
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It looks amazing, hands down the most detailed map in the game
Doesn't mean it plays amazing tho
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RE fans are the only ones that seem to like it. Everyone else thinks it's either one of the worst, or the absolute worst map ever.
But once again, +rep for the art team, they did a wonderful job making it visually beautiful, if incredibly dark in places.
Edit: It's kind of growing on me as a survivor, though. Probably because it's batshit crazy and I can take the time to slow down and appreciate it.
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Visually great. Gameplay wise its horrendous. Worst map in the game by a mile.
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I absolutely love this map. everything about it 😊
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They just need to bite the bullet and split it into 2 different maps. That alone would probably fix crashing issues that are still plaguing it, and alleviate the issues of it being too big that everyone has been complaining about.
I have no opinion on the map as I only got it once on the PTB (seriously- and I played like... 8 hours that day lmfao) against a tunneling camper who didn't let me explore it, and every single time I've gotten it on the live build, it has DC'd either the killer or another survivor, so I don't get to play on it.
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Nah, I love it, but I prefer indoor maps and have a brain so I figured out the layout.
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Splitting it in two won't stop both halves of the map from loading. It's designed so that you see a lot of both floors at once. It would (barely) alleviate some the gameplay issues, but not the crashing and poor performance.
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Sorry, can't add to the love it camp. Visually the most stunning map to date. Playing in the tight corridors especially with zombies roaming about is horrible. Once safe pallets are gone the hallways are suicide against projectile killers. I'd imagine Bubba will have trouble with some of the halls and sharp turns. Even with the lights flickering, gens are in awkward places that you struggle to find. The rooms also make it easy to get accidentally sandbagged as almost all exits are narrow enough for one person at a time. Stealth killers will have a ball, as you can't see the killer until they are right up on you. Hopefully, I rarely get this map.
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As an RE fan, love it of course. As a map in DBD? Still undecided as I've only got to play it a few times. I will say, I did not like playing against Trickster in those long hallways. I also get lost pretty easy, even if I do know the map from playing the RE2 remake. Extra doors/windows/drop downs get me turned around pretty easy and me and my teammates always seem to struggle to find gens. I'm sure it'll get better over time though.
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I loved the map and because of my uncanny ability to remember patterns I had ease tracking my way through it.
It doesn't make the map not big, not confusing, and not survivor sided, but I enjoy it.
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I still think it's the worst map in the game.
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The Map is perfect as it is. I get along really well. I've only played 4 or 5 times and I know all the gears. Since I've also played Resident Evil 2, all the surroundings are quickly saved in my head.
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To me, one of the best maps in the game, especially amongst all the licensed maps we have (i.e. Gideon, Haddonfield, Badham, etc...). If you've spent any time at all playing RE2 then I feel you have an advantage because the map is almost an exact recreation and you'll already have a pretty good blueprint of the facility. Finally, the knowledge I gained from tireless nights binging RE2 came in handy for once.
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I love the map aswell
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You're most likely not, but you're definitely in the minority on these forums.
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Aesthetically and visually, the new map is the best they've ever put out. Gameplay wise, not really. Which is a shame because you can see the effort put into the map's visuals.
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It's actually a great map for ranged killers like huntress, as many of the corridors limit the survivors' ability to block line of sight.
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haddonfield is a joke to you, isnt it?
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Haddonfield is paradise compared to the RPD map.
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acutally both haddonfield and RPD are fine
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visually its a breathtaking map.
but the gameplay is easily the worst in this entire game.
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Completely unplayable with Blight. I'm not playing it. Ever.