5 steps to accurately predict every PTB reveal

Step 1) Patch notes revealed.
This is usually silent with one or two threads about things that immidiately jump out. Pretty tame
Step 2) The Shitstorm.
Here's comes the outcry from one side or another about a totally henious, disgusting, awful change to one side, buff or nerf. These are usually complete with a "What are you doing BHVR?!" or some form of insult towards the company. These threads will naturally all be posted to General Discussions
Step 3) The Movement.
Here is where the mods move the threads to the correct subform. This is important for the next step.
Step 4) The Censorship
Now there's about 3 threads talking about how BHVR refuses to allow anyone to have an opinion that criticises them, despite threads having been moved. I suppose having eyeballs is a step too far but anyway.
Step 5) The Response.
Here is where forum goes and mods alike respond to these claims of censorship using such things as "links", "Screenshots", and "basic reading comprehension".
Congratulations! You now know all 5 steps to accurately predict and even recreate your own PTB reveal!
Big boolie to people. 11/10 would boolie,
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Yer welcome
Also. gunna take a bet on how much complaints will happened when this is live. =D
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5/7 Would come on the Forums again.
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I'd prefer PTB Bingo but hey, steps work too.
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Im working on bingo for next time I made this in the car
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Dedicated as always.
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I have a reputation to uphold after all 😌💅
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When are you making the PTB drinking game?
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You also forgot about demanding a refund.
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This is going in the bingo for the chapter reveal ptb dw
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Unironically would have to check with mods if I could post that but if its a-ok then I unironically might 😳