Are lobbies slow for everyone?

Going on 40 minutes with no game. Is this because of the storms moving through the area or is no one playing?
Anyone else today 7/7/21 experiencing really long queue times all of a sudden?
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Not playing but I guess PTB.
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I mean it literally just started around 17:00 Central Time. Queues were instant all day then bam 1700 rolls around and then I can’t get into a match at all. @Peanits
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Makes sense. PTB is out and PC-only. Most killers are PC and recent patches have squashed the consoles, so those brave souls who do play are waiting...
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Looks like people on live servers are having issues. I'm waiting for a game as Bubba game atm
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Yeah, I'm suddenly not getting matches. It was fine today up until like half an hour ago and now I can't get a match as survivor. (cross play is on)
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Me. Crossplay on, took 10 minutes to get in my first lobby and it's been me, the killer and a meg waiting for 2 other players for the last 5.
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Yea something is up, been waiting 10m in que as survivor. This is during the time everyone is getting off work/getting home. Normally never a problem.
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I played two matches as trapper tonight thinking he would be less framedrops but no sadly not ..but I was brave where do I collect my medal and free cookie ? 🐷💖
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No matches since 5:30ish CST
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Usually instant que, been waiting 15mins now.
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OMG servers have been screwed up during this ENTIRE event. You would think they increase their capacity a bit.
This happened on the first day of the event and waits have been slightly longer ever since.
Right now the game isn't working at all. I spent 15 waiting as killer and now 5 as survivor. Nothing.
Event should be extended.
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Thought it was just me. after finishing a game against a ghostface, I queue up immediately... then I sit in the lobby simulator for 20 minutes. I eventually tried to cancel the matchmaking but the game disabled the cancel button AFTER I pressed it, forcing me to reset.
Before all this happened, I've had instant survivor games for the past few hours so I know something's up with the servers.
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I’ve been sitting in a killer queue for 15+ minutes now. I tried reseting the game, then even my whole console and nothing helped. Something is definitely wrong with the game rn.
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Was in queue as survivor for like 10 minutes and then got an infinite loading screen when transitioning to the lobby.
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Sorry fellow Amanda Panda all I can offer is a hug and Mountain Dew!
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Survivor: Gave up after 2x20 minutes. Currently sitting 15+ minutes into killer qeue
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Another gold star day for behavior.
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Hey, the team has been investigating reports of long queue times on live. This has been forwarded and we're gonna get back to you all once we got more information. Thank you for raising it!
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Yep. Near instant games and all of the sudden I've been waiting almost 20 minutes.
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I can not find game too so slow lobies
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######### it. Bot match
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Actually i think its a bug, cause i cant unready or even go back to the main menu.
Servers are likely a mess right now or something
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At least we get less frame rate drops this way.
This game is becoming a joke lately...I gave up after a 9 minutes lobby as a killer and now I am waiting since 7 as a surv...
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Gave up after 15 minutes in queue after getting near instant queues for the past hour.
Pretty good job so far...
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About half an hours ago (5:30 PM Central) I stopped being able to get a game. Survivor I waited 20 minutes. Switched to killer and it's been about a 10 minute wait so far. PS4. I had been getting almost instant survivor games. Something is up. This isn't just lots of people playing the PTB.
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Yeah. Lobbys are super slow. I've been queueing as Trapper for at least 30 bloody minutes. Even restarted my game thinking it was glitched
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In a group of 3 people and we've been sitting here for over 30 minutes for a match to be found. Before that we were getting matches within 2 minutes. Anyone else having problems?
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I don't think many people are in the PTB, because it's one the most dull mid-chapter I've ever seen, beside the trick buff, there is nothing interesting to test.
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Yeah, I'm queued right now and I've been waiting 40+ minutes and I've got nothing. It could be the storms and stuff, but I think it's a server thing considering it started at the same time for most people.
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this what happening to me i hope they fix this.
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Yeah I just realized I cant even unready too.I thought it was a server problem but you might be right.
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Which platforms and regions are you on that are currently experiencing issues?
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Yeah, I all of a sudden can't get a lobby. Was waiting for killer for 30m, switched to survivor, still nothing. Seems like the whole thing is broken right now.
Edit: NA servers (east coast if that's a thing), PC.
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PC North East and South East approaching an hour wait time
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EU, steam
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Same problem for both sides and i can't even select a challenge.
I'm going to play something else, Mass Effects for exemple.
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ps4 NA servers
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Big issue right now everyone posting the same on Steam, plz fix, 45k players online unplayable
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Survivor is a couple minutes, last few killer games took 8-10 mins. Restarting my app helped
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I'm having this issue too. I waited for 10+ minutes as killer and decided to restart my game, I'm now past the 10 minute mark again and I still haven't found a lobby. Normally it wouldn't even take me half the amount of time
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Here in Brazil too!
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Steam, São Paulo - Brazil. Can't find a match. Waited for 20 minutes and no match was found. I also cannot cancel the queue. I get stuck and need to alt+f4 the game. Any news from the devs? Have they identified the issue? Any ETA on the fix? :-(
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Xbox one s North American East
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Yes, have been looking for a match for half an hour with both survivor and killer, found nothing...
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So PC, Windows 10 The States, East Coast... Been in queue for like an hour...
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USA West Coast. Nintendo Switch
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I'm having the same problem right now, but there is another thread in which this subject is being discussed... I just asked one of the mod's if the devs have passed some info on the issue, on the hotfix ETA, etc.