What makes the match fun?

Gummy Member Posts: 25

Hello, new person here. I've been playing dbd for almost a year now, I play killer mostly but I do play survivor pretty often too, I just enjoy it less. When I play killer I try to avoid killing people and focus more on just giving good chases and making them feel like they're at risk of dying, without any death.

I want the survivors I'm facing to enjoy themselves, so here's what I want to know; what makes the match fun? I know that's vague but I need the advice. The most fun part of survivor for me is watching the gen bar get filled slowly. That's right.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, and if I asked this in the wrong place. Thanks for reading


  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    when I play survivor, what makes a match fun for me is avoiding the killer doing some gens and few good chases. even if I die as long as it feels like I got at least something done I'm good. when I get tunneled and destroyed that's when I get annoyed.

    As Killer I'm good with one kill maybe 2. Sometimes I'll get 3 or the 4K. but as long as again I feel like I'm doing something as killer I'm good.

    when I get taunted, gen rushed and outright abused by survivors that's when it's not fun anymore

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited July 2021

    Generaly speaking:

    1) Game is not too short but not too long (5 gens in 5 min or everyone die in 5 min OR game takes 20+ min because some random Survivor(s) are hidding or killer is heavy slugging everyone).

    2) No tunnels / camps / etc. (This however sometimes have to be broken, since it could heavy punish the Killer, however if you are not looking for win but rather a fun match for everyone, then it doesn't metter).

    3) No "super meta" builds (Like for example on Blight ---> Undying (hex), Ruin (hex) and Tinkerer or something) - However you should not listen to this rule match since you should play what you want, but again, if you want to make the match the most fun for the other side, don't play these heavy meta builds. Play something more unique (but not "toxic") or just less gen slow heavy.

    4) Don't taunt / tbagg the other side even if they tbag you. Not only you will be mature (if the other side do this to you) and calm but also if they don't do it, you won't be "toxic" for them. Well unless you can see they just taunt you for fun randomly, etc. Then it's okay to return the favor.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    The game doesn't take too long/Too short

    No tunnelling camping etc.

    Everyone using non meta perks

    The killer & Survivors are nice

    No DCs or Toxicity from both sides

    And the survivors & killer are playing decently.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I feel that last part every time I get a random red rank in my games. Very informational, thank you very much!

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I've had survivors get mad at me for not pressing hard and killing them. It sounds counter intuitive I know but a lot of them are there for the sole purpose of challenging you so meme with discretion.

    As survivor I like exploring the map. There are days I just want to sit on the generator and not be bothered but it's nice to go into familiar buildings and see if a totem is up or where the gen spawned this time. Since a lot of things are static it's cool to be able to make your trials routine with a few odds and ends. Some days though especially if survivor queues are very fast I purposely go out to be the runner and just torment the killers with flashlights all night.

    As Killer it's nice to not have to do skillchecks and get in survivor's heads. The Killer abilities keep it fresh and I find if I'm not rotating my killers I'll get absorbed into one killer and just play it for hours. 115% M1 skills transfer between most killers so if for some reason my power isn't working out I can just default to what I know. Games are usually chill for me but there are games I still get blindsided if I don't apply massive amounts of pressure.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Uh oh I literally have tinkerer on every killer. Never use hexes though. Would you recommend any that aren't Ruin and Devour Hope? Thank you for writing btw!

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2021

    Playing against opponents of similar skill level

    l dunno why these games are always super fun

    unfortunately they don’t come around to often.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    So don't drag the match out, diversify perks and generally just have a good attitude? Nice, I can do all that easily except the play decently part. Thanks for writing!

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    A game where i get 1-2 gens done, a bunch of saves and a good chase in is fun for me.

    sadly most games are a blowout either way.. 5 gens done in 4 minutes or the killer downs everyone in seconds because my team is stupid and groups up.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Huntress Lullaby can really ruin a team's day if they're not quick to seek it out and get rid of it, and especially if they're no good at skill checks. NOED can also be a good panic button for a match that really goes south(gen rush, etc), but it is also very controversial and you can expect salt after the match for using it. Thrill Of The Hunt can also be useful, and is best used in conjunction with other hexes; it takes Survivors longer to cleanse totems, and you get a notification whenever they start one.

    Really, none of the hexes are completely useless, in my opinion. Just depends how useful they end up being to you. And keep in mind that they are high risk, high reward.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Looks like many has similar goal of the game, at least in survivor side.

    They dont mind that they die, as long as the match is fun.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am having fun chasing people down, breaking pallets, getting hooks, sacrificing survivors is pretty nice too. Using my power depending on the killer...

    You know. Just playing the game.

    As survivor... I am a horrible teammate. I just want to cleanse a totem or two, do a gen or two... Open chests. Get an unhook. It always feels great to win a chase. Escaping is kind of irrelevant.

    I kind of just do a little bit of everything and that is why the game is fun for me, I guess. I just generally don't like getting tunneled, obviously. So I try not to do that as a killer even if that is quite clearly what's optimal.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    So some survivors like dying huh? I kind of get that actually, if the killer is nice I kind of want them to get at least 1 kill for their trouble.

    As killer I also love the mindgames, hag and trapper especially are very fun. It's great when I'm mid chase and I can just stop moving and watch the survivor run into my traps. Great read, thank you for writing!

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    As a green rank killer, I barely ever see green rank survivors. If the stars align and I get more than one red I just assume the Entity doesn't want me to play that day

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    In a match, I'm happy as long as I feel like I accomplished something and didn't get steamrolled. This means not going down in two seconds, not spending the entire game being chased and having the opportunity to earn some points, not getting looped for an excessive amount of time or getting stuck in a situation that's just breaking pallet after pallet (The Game is profoundly unfun for this reason), not having survivors hardcore stealth on me all game, not having all the gens get done before I was able to get 5-6 hooks in, and not having to beat up the entire team in order to hook one person. I also immediately stop having fun when someone BMs or griefs; I don't like playing with people who are playing to enrage, not to have fun together. I am always happy when I find a friendly killer or memeing survivors, and always bored when I encounter afks.

    As survivor, there's not much I can do for communal fun other than to play well and not screw over my teammates. If the killer is doing terribly, like 1-2 hooks at 1 gen left, I'll sometimes approach them and give them a free hook or a potato chase, but this tends to lead to me getting hard camped, so I've got to be ready to die for it. Sometimes I'll offer a free kill at the gates, but more often than not, killers don't take me up on it and just bring me back to the exit. As killer... well, I usually don't kill anyone, but that's pretty unusual and not something I'd expect anyone else to emulate. Still, beating people up relentlessly for 10 minutes and then letting them go isn't especially fun. If I'm playing killer and I'm way ahead of the survivors, like at the point where I could end the match whenever I want, I often intentionally mess up in chase and let myself get spun or stunned, and I will follow survivors that are clearly trying to bait me away from the gens/their teammates. Basically, if I don't lose anything by playing suboptimally, I may as well, because it gives the other side more opportunity for points and fun. Last game I had a Nemesis match where I got 5 stacks of Devour Hope, an impregnable 3-gen, and several gens left to do, so I went around chasing people with a strict tentacle only rule.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Legitimately don't get why people finish matches so quick. If I do somehow manage to knock multiple people down I usually pick them up one by one and leave for them to prep for my return, sometimes people make it too easy to knock them down though. Thanks for writing!

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Completely forgot those hexes existed except noed. Thrill of the hunt sounds cool, I think I'll try that one next time. Appreciate the advice!

    Lullaby on doctor is op, right? Sounds op

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Because escape is optional and you will pip even if you die if you did enough.

    Killers are required to kill for a pip.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I'm a terrible team mate too. I have accidentally caused some deaths that may or may not have been avoidable--

    Really hard to tell though, especially since recently killers are less predictable to me. What powers would you say aren't fun? Freddy's power if you ask me, I might just be using it wrong. Thank you for writing!

  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119

    that would be an excellent question,in response to that it would be hard to say for these past few months i have not had any fun playing this game with having to face many bullies that like to play hardcore on me in both survivor/killer mode it would be more enjoyable if people were not as hardcore of a bully on newcomers that just started playing.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    I wouldn't say that Lullaby on a Doc would be OP. Then again, I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't think there's very much in this game that is actually OP.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont think so, sacrifice is also on a single category. You 9 hooks 1K is still gain better than 4 hooks 4K. Beside, you have 3 other categories to work on.

    Im glad they didnt make it as some suggestions like "2K should be safe pip"

    Because camping with Noed always guarantee 2K vs Solo, with zero effort

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Nice to see another not killing killer! For sure agree with you on the stealth survivors, even though I like stealth myself I know when to quit. The only map I don't like is the Halloween one, though I can't exactly say I love all 30000 badhams. What do you recommend if someone is just going from pallet to pallet? Would you find someone else or just let them waste all the wood they can? Thank you!

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I definitely hear you there! Some matches are just straight up, right from the start not fun, I can admit it. I'll never dc but the entity does test me often. Hopefully full bot matches become a thing eventually and those of us less experienced or competitive can have some chill matches. Thanks for being honest, I appreciate it!

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Ha ha ha... The irony is that I am a Freddy main. Maybe fun is a stretch, but I hate walking, so you know... Those teleports are pog. And even better is when you fake the teleport and they walk into you for some free hits.

    I love him because I am new, and yet, Freddy makes me feel like I do not have 5 years of catching up to do. I do not know what loops are good or bad. So just toss down a snare and now they are all bad... For them. Can't find anyone in a minute? Well, now they are all asleep and you get 100 BP for it. Amazing!

    Trapper is the one I find unfun. Accidentally trap myself more than any survivor. Lol.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I'm newer so I'm still figuring out what, if anything, is op. I use to think bubba was completely broken for example. I would try a lullaby doctor but last time I played doc someone told me playing him is cheating, I just don't think the world is ready for him

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I don't like facing freddy but I have to admit tinkerer + teleport is pretty epic, even after being on the receiving end of it. As trapper I love knocking people down, setting a trap and then walking directly into it, their confusion is hilarious

  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119

    i have had to quit matches on numerous attempts also, if i am sent to the resident evil map for i will have to pass on that area for both survivor/killer modes. i just don't seem to understand why some players tend to bully on those whom are inexperienced. the developers really needs to sort things out to make the game enjoyable and not be bullied by hardcore a**hles.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    At some point the game is as fun as you make it. Once you get used to everything then its time to open new options and ideas. Stop running meta stuff just see what weird things you can do. My favorite for killer is jump scare meyers or battle buddy pyrmidhead *aggitation, iron grip, showstopper, mad grit* you just become a monster one shottng machine. for survivor just see what you can get away with. also if your not having fun dont force yourself to play. its a game a hobby if your not enjoying it them time for a new hobby. hope this helps.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    i have been farming crowns and maxing out every category but hooks and i never pip at rank 2. i just barely safety pip. you need to kill to pip at red ranks.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    To me, it's just letting other people play the game.

    Perks don't matter. Sure, I'm not a big fan of 4 slowdown perks on Spirit or something insane like that, but nothing is worse than playing Killer or Survivor and not being able to do anything. All of your chases lasting 2 seconds because the Killer has decided it's time to camp and tunnel you to death, or your teammate deciding to farm you and the Killer going after you, while no gens are being worked on. (And the Killer trying their best to make it as slow as humanly possible.) Or, as Killer, the Survivors needlessly bm-ing and just sitting on gens all game, with no desire to do other objectives- or even having a fun chase, because they just want to hold the w key.

    Pretty much, I think you can do whatever and play whatever. Some Killers aren't as fun to face as others, and that's different from person to person. (But I don't think that should be stopping someone from playing a Killer, because the fact is, a lot of Killers have been made recently with strong 1v1's in mind, to the point where many kinda just... shut them down at this point, so don't let it stop you from playing them.) Play whatever perks you want. Just... give whoever you're facing time to breath and try to have fun too. If a Killer is struggling, don't just sit on gens. Do other objectives, or try to meme with a fellow Survivor. If the Survivors are struggling, take a step back and let them recoup a little and at least try to get some BP. Imho, a game might not be the funnest thing in the world against a Deathslinger, but I'll take a game with a casual Deathslinger over a game with a camping and tunneling Bubba any day.

    (And obviously, I know camping and tunneling is required at like, tournament level, and is necessary in some games, and I don't think anyone should be wronged for doing it at like, no gens left, but if it's 5 gens left and you're camping/tunneling someone out... yeah, that's a problem.)

    But that's just me. Perks are whatever. Might not always be fun to verse, but whatever. Killers are whatever. Not all will be fun to face, but whatever. If I have to play 'sit around a spend more of the night doing nothing because I can't play the game' simulator, instead of DBD, that's when I get annoyed and stop having fun.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Sure. Also Tinkerer or ruin by itself should be okay, but when you just combo too many good things, the other side might find it annoying / boring (but use what you want!).

    For the hex perks, Haunted Grounds (but this one might be annoying and about luck), Deathslinger's hex perk is good too. Other perks are either more on the annoying side or just not rly powerfull at all.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Very well put. Waiting time for matches is so slow sometimes I feel like when I'm killer I have to make it worth the wait for everyone, though a lot of the time there's nothing I can do to stop groups from just obliterating all five gens and rushing out the gates, at least not at my skill level yet. And I'm never going to camp so that's not an option. Your reply was very insightful, thanks you!

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I used haunted ground only once and it was pretty effective, idk why nobody suspected what it was since I was on spirit, but it got me two juicy downs. Never really looked at Deathslinger's hex, but he's very fun to play so I'll give it a try! I appreciate the advice.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227
    edited July 2021

    What makes a match fun for me is when the killer doesn't tunnel or slug. I don't want the killer to be constantly after me. If you hook me, then please try to get someone else and not try to hook me immediately after.

    I'd like a chance to play the game. Slugging is the same. There's not much I can do flat on the ground. Boring.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The answers you will get here will vary. Everyone has a different idea of what is fun. I know people who don't have fun unless they survive the match, I know people have fun just by being the gen jockey, I know people who have fun just assisting the team and making sure everyone else lives. Personally I am a runner and my enjoyment as survivor comes from a good chase. I'm not talking about one that is cut short by a hatchet throw that didn't hit visibly, bear traps at every pallet or even a teammate sandbagging me.

    I enjoy games the most when my team can work together to stand a chance and the killer isn't just focusing on one person to eliminate them as soon as possible.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 984

    When I am playing killer, I find fun when the gens last long enough so I can have some gameplay. It doesn't mean I have to win, but I want at least to have an opportunity to win.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited July 2021

    I mostly want the match to be fairly close. I don't want to have all the Survivors down on the floor at 4-5 gens. Similarly, I don't want the last gen to pop with me only having gotten 1-2 hooks. I don't want there to be a 4 man escape and will fight to prevent one, but I'm also not gonna slug for the 4k unless I know exactly where the last guy is.

    Usually this results in me playing fairly nice until the game has progressed to the point where I realize "If I don't start playing nasty, everybody's getting out."