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Im Confused

So we all saw the Legion trailer at the game awards. His ability was completely different to what it was in the PTB. I would say that the game awrds ability looked alot more fun. It could of been just a trailer to show people at the game awards to make people buy and play. Which would make sense but then they upload it to youtube as legions official trailer. Why would they make his trailer with an ability that wasnt in the game? i think its because they actually did change his ability to what was shown in the video. But who knows? could just be a scummy marketing ploy to get people who dont liek his ability to by it.


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  • Member Posts: 2,015

    It's weird that people assume the power was being shown when it's a fact that not all trailers have shown the power of a Killer.

    It's confusing that people think disguising as a Survivor would be a useful power to have. It'd be absurdly situational and easily countered by having the common sense to avoid Survivors. That's not to mention how much SWF shits on the idea with voice chat. You'd essentially be a Wraith that looks like a Survivor instead of Cloaking.

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Off topic: global, are you german?
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It wasn't to show off an ability.
    It was a cinematic trailer.
    What you want is gameplay trailers.

  • Member Posts: 770

    @Vietfox said:
    Off topic: global, are you german?


  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Global said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Off topic: global, are you german?


    Ok then, i'm just used to germans using the sentence "i'm confused". Must be a german slang term or so.
  • Member Posts: 1,073
    The problem is that I've had a bunch of people that are going in blind that I've had to explain to them that what they saw in the trailer was not what was on the PTB.

    Yes it is great to have things for cinematic purposes. At the point where people are not wanting to spoil themselves by looking at patch notes or watching content creators all believe that what they saw in the trailer is what the killer is going to be, there's an issue. Telling people, "just watch content creators" is not an answer. These people wanted to be surprised, and they believe what they see in a trailer is the developers showcasing that surprise as opposed to assorted people online spoiling it.

    That is what a trailer is meant to do: show in a cinematic way how it is that that a character or class functions. A better way would have been to show David running for his life, bleeding from hundreds of little cuts and stabs, just barely hanging on. Then Legion vaults through a window from above, landing on David and stabbing him over and over again. It shows Legion vaulting through windows, which is what they do, and that Legion is about causing as much pain and suffering on a person as possible before they die.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the trailer. I think it's great. It just does not show what Legion is about properly and as such is promising mechanics to newer players that do not exist.
  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    It's weird that people assume the power was being shown when it's a fact that not all trailers have shown the power of a Killer.

    It's confusing that people think disguising as a Survivor would be a useful power to have. It'd be absurdly situational and easily countered by having the common sense to avoid Survivors. That's not to mention how much SWF shits on the idea with voice chat. You'd essentially be a Wraith that looks like a Survivor instead of Cloaking.

    Funny enough you would be surprised how many survivors (post match) get confused when you crouch facing a hex totem as the PIG. I have had a few "lol" moments from them once they realized it wasn't a survivor at all.

  • Member Posts: 770

    @Vietfox said:
    Global said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Off topic: global, are you german?


    Ok then, i'm just used to germans using the sentence "i'm confused". Must be a german slang term or so.

    lol alright xD

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