PC - Cannot Unbind Victor

Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

What to add in the description

Loaded into Wrecker's Yard map.

A survivor instantly disconnected.

I found a survivor and hit them with basic attack.

When trying to unbind Victor with M2 button, Victor would not release. The unbind bar, M2 visual and addons will flicker when pressing M2 but bar would not fill to release Victor when holding.

Additional information

  • Twins
  • BBQ, Corrupt, Thana, Sloppy
  • Toy Sword, Bloody Black Hood
  • Ardent Raven Wreath
  • Wrecker's Yard
  • First time this happened.

documents to add

3 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Just an FYI, I played 2 matches with Twins after I got the game restarted and I could unbind Victor. So far it has just been the one match for me.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I reported this again recently so I'm glad it's not just me experiencing this.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I also reported this a while ago, but I don't expect this problem to be solved, it's very frustrating that Behavior doesn't do anything with our reports.

  • LexyTheKiller
    LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54

    This once again has been a problem since the release of twins but I have no idea if other platforms were affected as I was on Xbox and every match I played with them before the next mid chapter patch I could not unbind victor and there was nothing on screen that said I could. Now it happens occasionally but pretty much this bug including the fact that victor counters dead hard has been neglected.

  • OrrJames99
    OrrJames99 Member Posts: 1

    The same happened to me, PS4 on Hawkins. Also had a survivor disconnect very early on after they were completely immobile