Killers are not op, Survivors bad

Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

I am seeing so many killers are op, survivors are weak etc.

I am playing both roles. And i am seeing so many survivors downs so fast. And wastes good pallets for nothing. And blames killers for that. So many maps are survivor side, maybe 1 or 2 balanced or killerside. I dont know how can you down so fast.


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I have same hope. My last match before i left with mad was so annoying. I was on gen. And then Myers got T2, i checked my side. He was not near to me. And then Myers get T3 in 20 seconds (0 Gen BTW). And my all teammates down in 30 seconds. And then we lost. I thought i am playing with low ranks. But they were 3, 5 and 5.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Agreed. I've seen so many boosted-beyond-belief survivors lately. I'll see Nea hiding halfway behind a barrel, turn it into a 20 second chase and think "damn, another yellow rank..." Take it a little easier on them after that, then turns out they're in red ranks 🤦‍♂️

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Rank up is really easy. For that so many people red rank but they are max green levels.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    lemme just tell you something, solo queue.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Most complaints, from both sides, boil down to being out played or git gud. That doesn't mean the game is perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Rank is bullshit. I had a friend hit rank 4 playing just 3 weeks. No #########, they are running technician because they miss skill a red rank.

    At this rate they will be a rank 1 in their first month of playing the game. Running technician. Smh!!

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killer is a lot easier to win.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Not not really it means that person has some sort of skill to reach rank 1. Because getting to killer as rank 1 requires work. Meaning people actually have to put work in. Most people can easily reach red rank. But after red rank most people reach a standstill till they improve on a certain killer. At least that is how it went for me.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    It's honestly an issue with matchmaking and the type of games people are playing. Solo teams or casual, average SWF with like... 2 meta perks between the four of them going against a Killer with a full meta build killer on a Killer-sided map is r o u g h, just like playing a killer you barely touch on something like Haddonfield against an OoO sweat squad with a full meta perk build who are just better/more experienced at the game is rough.

    Tbh though I do think Killers are in a pretty good spot overall. Imho a lot of Killer can hold their own against an average SWF, with their game depending more on their map and how well they play. (Obviously not OP by any means- I wouldn't call anything in this game necessarily OP at this point. Annoying or busted? (Second one generally being because of bugs?) Sure, but generally not OP.) Of course though, at the top percent of the game, Killer is definitely weaker.

    I should also note too there's a bit of a split in the community which effects this mentality. It's something I've noticed the most here on the forums, but I see a lot of people trying to take this game as 'Super Competitive, have to get a 4k/4 man escape/an escape every match' game, and I've also seen people (Like me) who see this game as much more casual, and just sees it as a win if everyone had fun/something cool or funny happened in the match. (Like a stun on a Spirit mid-phase, or getting Mettle of Man to actually work.) Other games will split players off into queues like Casual vs Comp, where players with similar mindsets can play together. There's nothing like that in DBD, nor would it be feasible to do it. Because of that, it makes games even wilder, because you might get a killer who is doing whatever they can to try to get some Furitive Chase value versus a sweat squad who wants a 4 man escape, or you might be a memey SWF who are all doing random perk builds versus a Killer who will do anything for a 4k with a full meta build and nasty add-ons. With any and all seperation mostly being left to the community to try to push on each other (I've had people tell me that if I wanna play casually, I should play KYF, and on the otherside, Scims and Tournaments are held in KYF, so there's an argument for comp players to go over there.) it's just a big, jumbled mess of queues and misunderstandings about the game.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    The builds that top tier killers force survivors to run are op against all the other killers. Which makes survivors seem op. The only logical solution is to bring all killers to the same tier.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I mean no survivors carries killers. The killer has to earn rank 1, unlike survivors who can easily rank up to red ranks just by being carried by their friends. I got some red rank friends who are red rank, who don't know even how to perform basic loops. So no solo uncoordinated team just goes okay we are ALL going to let this killer get hooks and kills. And in red ranks most teams are quite decent, even a lot of solos.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    But boosted survivor carry killer to red rank. I cant really measure that bc i have now too many hours in the game, but two years ago i got to red rank and i was not a really good killer.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Survivors have it worse to be honest. Right now it took me 5 to 10 minutes to find a match. And it's a Saturday evening lol. I can imagine tonight gonna take at least 10 to 16 minutes. It's very tuff for killers to be honest. I think a lot of people can't deal with the embarrassment of losing as killer, and shenanigans that some survivors like to play.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I've always blamed matchmaking, there's quite a few really good solo surivor players out there but each game you get at least 1-2 potatoes who just sink your whole team as you can't force killer to chase you or stop them from tunneling the weak links.

    If MM actually worked properly and put 4 good survivor vs 1 good killer in red ranks each time, we would see far more different kill rate statistics. Altough, there very likely isn't enough good survivors to be matched with equal amount of good killers. You'd need 4 times more good survivors then there is good killers consistently each game, very unlikely with how many potatoes there is.

    It honestly can't be fixed in no ther way then survivor getting better at playing survivor, possibly increasing ranking up conditions significantly (putting most emphasis on escaping and not farming emblems) to force them to improve if they want to play in high ranks.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I totally agree! I think the game is at it's most fun if that's how you treat it. I was just trying to point out in my post that not everyone really likes playing like that, which is where I believe some of the biggest disputes come from in this game- even if it's not talked about as often as it should for how big of a topic it is.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    It has literally never been easier to be a killer than right now. I have been playing for over 3 years and the changes have been overwhelmingly killer sided for years now. The trend for years has been buff a killer/killer perk and nerf a survivor/ survivor perk. The latest was buff for the Trickster and nerf for Small Game. Recent changes to nurse and oni being able to change direction during blink and lunge, Freddy changes, etc.

    All maps have been changed to be more killer sided, more open space, less safe pallets, shorter items (cars, boxes, trash piles, etc), Slimmer trees, less corn etc. The exception is The Game, they actually somehow took this already hated map and made it 100% worse for both survivors and killers. Between a bunch more pallets (killers hate) and breakable doors and dead ends (survivors hate) everyone collectively hates this way more than before.

    Nerfs to med kits, insta-heals, toolboxes, keys, takes longer to get a slug up with a stand up delay, nerf to DS, EGC (the whole thing is killer sided, including hatch) etc etc etc.

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    Yeah sirit has no counterplay hag has invincible traps. Theyre op.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I agree. I think that the current matchmaking system is the biggest cause of complaints about survivors, killers, AND balance. Everyone is just randomly thrown in with everyone, regardless of actual skill or experience.

    HATCH Member Posts: 61

    survivors are op af they are holding m1 for 80 secs and bam half of the game is over and survivors are winning

    HATCH Member Posts: 61

    getting destroyed by a flashlight wont make you invincible

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited July 2021

    With the current matchmaking we could also say that a lot of killers are also just bad.

    Honestly. Everyone is pretty boosted until proven otherwise.