Let's talk about compensation

So yall have managed to botch the event with the crowns not unlocking at the start, the console versions of the game have had consistent crashes/frame drop which make the game unplayable, and your matchmaking has been completely broken not once, but twice now. So what was that fix you did yesterday? Why did you not prepare more to stop the issue from happening again? How is matchmaking going from almost instantaneous to not giving anyone a lobby 2 days in a row, around the same time both days? At this point we need more than an event extension. We need an extension and a double bloodpoint event for AT LEAST two weeks. Honestly I don't see how you could mess up this badly. You have been working on this game for 5 years and somehow you aren't managing to keep it running any better then when you first started (and your communication is even worse then when the game first gained popularity). Somebody on the dev team should be issuing a public apology for this disaster.
don't expect an answer, as you could see, they only comment unimportant posts, and prefer to avoid the issues...
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Yeah. Honestly kinda surprised they haven't removed my thread for pointing out the issues for all to see. I find it funny how they extend the event, but console still can't play and there is abundant disconnects.
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But matchmaking has always been broken. This isn't some new problem that has manifested with the event, it's due to the players who are playing at the time.
This is like saying "and killers keep camping and tunnelling."
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They should offer an exclusive charm for things like this, target players within the window of the problem. This is what we see in other games in addition to the in-game currency being offered.
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No, this is different. Even when there is a lower number of players, you still find matches fairly quick (maximum of 20 minutes). This is due to the matchmaking expanding the rank gap between players as well as matchmaking with other regions. But I sat in a lobby for two and a half hours Wednesday night and an hour and a half Thursday night and did not find a match whatsoever. That is broken matchmaking.
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They should, but seeing as who the devs are I doubt it. All they did was extend the event. I doubt we are getting more then that.
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As killer? because that's what's happening, because survivor queues are instant.
Everyone is playing killer.
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Wednesday night was survivor. Thursday night was killer. I'm sure the matchmaking is fine for right now. They managed to fix it. Again. The real test will be in a few hours to see if it goes down again like it has the past two days
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They literally haven't done anything to change the matchmaking...
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Uh, yeah they did. They even acknowledged that matchmaking was broken Wednesday night when they made a post on the forum claiming they "fixed" it.
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I don't need a compensation. I just wish that some of us can play the game again without severe issues.
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I know the state the game is in. I feel sorry for everyone affected. The reason I (and from what I have seen) and many others want compensation is because this was a major blunder. The issues should not have ever gotten this bad and certain issues should not be going this long without a fix.
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they did, now all I hooe is that they will make it playable again at least for some days.
Ofc it would have been better to actually fix the game before extending the event, they cah extend it for afes but if they don't fix the game, it is pointless cos it is impossible to play anyways.
Lately I am only farming as a killer because having a real and competitive match is utopistic with those frame drops.
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Yeah you would think they would fix the game first so console can experience the event. Guess not
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It is ok that they extended the event and rift, but you would think that they fixed the game before doing it, now we have event ending on 22 and a MAYBE fix coming on 27.
That means just keeping the event unplayable for more time...I really don't see where the compensation is.