Whats up with the extra toxic killers lately?

Im guessing the influx of new players has more to do with it than anything as new killers tend to play the scummiest and the killer queues being longer than usual plus the new chapter would seem to support this theory.
All the red and purple rank killers ive seen since the event started have been playing normally, its the yellow and green rank killers that seem extra toxic.
If you mean any rank below 10 then it would not surprise me. Since you yourself said it, a bunch of new players who play the only way they could to get downs, and hooks.
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No I get where you're coming from, that's why I'm taking it upon myself to play killer right now and taking it super easy. Not stressing about hooks or win conditions makes the game way more fun when you're playing peekaboo as Ghostface with baby survivors and butt dancing at the exit gates.
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so clicking the flashlight and teabagging, or hitting the survivor on hook and slugging all 4 or tunneling someone at 5 gens isnt toxic? riiiiiight
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Same, everybody I have killed has either T-Bagged me (BM disqualifies you from Nice Tippy) or I did it on accident cause I lost track of the hook states and one poor bastard who got caught by me as Myers when I had Tombstone on since I needed a kill by my hand for a Daily (they did have BT and were trying to bodyblock with it so while I don't quite call that toxic, I do call that unsporting and therefore I fudged my criteria there so I didn't have to keep trying to do this when I'm trying not to murder someone)...
It's unfortunate that there are a lot of players on both sides who seem to be going out of their way to make the game miserable for people during the event (note; this is people maliciously trying to make the game miserable I'm calling out, not people just playing normal as I am perfectly fine with a killer who kills or a survivor who tries to survive) so I'm going to at least try to be a nice killer/survivor throughout the event.
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are you familiar with the concept of confirmation bias?
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A lot of survivor mains are playing killer for BP and being massively hypocritical, and the remaining survivors are being sweaty AF and more than a little toxic.
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ok so you are said toxic person, because you have no empathy to those who would have said emotions. How about we just not be nasty to one another and all enjoy the game? Do you enjoy making people feel that way? I think people like this are embarrassing not those who react rationally to people antagonizing them.
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I think I been getting a little lucky. I'm more of a killer main however I been playing survivor more to not get bored of killer lately (also to get better at survivor and understanding both sides.) I been getting a lot of nice killers that farm or simply ignore survivors to let them get crowns. I only had a few matches where I got tunneled, but it's mainly new players I would guess that don't understand it's a somewhat dick move.
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Its perfectly normal to experience emotions while playing a video game. It would be extremely unrealistic not to expect a person to do so. Thats a weird comment.
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Conformation bias requires you to first have an established belief or hypothesis regardless of existing infirmation and any "research" done is there to support the pre existing idea whereas if were talking in terms of research we would first look at existing phenomena and look for evidence that might explain it and form a hypothesis from there.
I noticed there seemed to be more toxic killers playing and from what i understand there are likely several pieces of evidence that together formed my hypothesis that its largely an influx of new players.
Thats not confirmation bias.
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No what you said was for people to keep their emotions out of the game which sounded a lot like you expect for people not to experience or express emotions at all during the game. It kind of goes against human nature, which is to say its extremely unrealistic.
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Same, ive given up on trying to play a normal game of survivor and im just farming as killer with survivors now. At least 1/10 of their games wont be crappy.
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Yeah ive known some pretty toxic players who i stopped playing with early on because it seemed like they didnt even enjoy the game so much as just played to be spiteful on both sides. Most players play both sides so the toxic survivors are probably also the toxic killers in most cases and theyve all decided to play killer. I could see that being the case.
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100% accurate? Wow, not even the weatherman can make that claim.
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My emotions are fine I just dont like people trying to justify people acting like this. You're essentially defending people who act like this. Makes you said toxic person. most likely a troll
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I cant say if they are or not. Its hard to read a persons tone in text but best bet is dont feed the trolls i guess.
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Thats correct, none of those things are "toxic"
This community has the biggest wusses in it i swear to God ya'll couldnt have handeled cod4 or gow lobbies back in the day
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they are doing it to get people to be emotional, that makes it toxic. regardless of the severity, its still not needed
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MegaDwight no offense but you strike me as a wannabe psychopath.
While it is true that a normal person can keep their emotions in check somewhat, never feeling frustration with the game or other players is unrealistic.
So you are either not being honest or you are not an average person.
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Haha tunnel and camp go brrrrr.
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It seems that everything is personal to you. While you are the one making new accounts to rile the people up.
I get the same vibes from you like from the recent troll that got banned.
I don't know a single person irl or online that never got frustrated with a video game. It is a normal thing.
You must understand why I find your posts weird.
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The posts you make remind me of @RoKrueger too bad he is no longer here I feel you both would get along very well lol
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Bingo on both parts!
For the survivor sweat I'll show you my average killer game atm.
The DC was a crash as they were stuck permanetly destroying an already destroyed portal until they crashed out and the reason why one person died was because the other two took the hatch while being too injured to go for the save.
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you got an impression that killers were more toxic.
then you looked for reasons for the killers to be toxic.
you already had a conclusion in mind when you started looking for "evidence"
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ok mr no-emotion man
search up "sociopath"
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the ""facts"" you reported are complete bunk
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I've seen more survivors being rude then killers though tbf there is 4 survivors and 1 killer.
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On the flip side, you wait for a longer queue time... yes this is super annoying
and you get a bad map and you survivors who per-drop all pallets during the chase... and almost all pallets are save... and 3 gens are already done with toolboxes and BNP.
I have switched to Doctor to earn BP and level up my brand new Spirit
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Why it would be toxic? That word is overused by this community and it has lost all meaning. Only post game chat is toxic when there are death threads, racial insults etc..
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What you describe is just survivor mains that switched to killer because they wrongly believe that killers earn more points.
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The definition of toxic is "very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way" the dbd community uses the unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way side of it. It doesnt have to be something so extreme as you are pointing out
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This. SO this. I check on a lot of toxic killers accounts and they often have more time as survivor. I ... don't get it. Let me treat you exactly how I hate being treated? Alrighty then.
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It's true, the toxic killers are also the toxic survivors. Most players play both sides equally according to the polls and that extends to the toxic players as well.
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You're trying to turn it into a debate about what defines "toxic".
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the definition is completely irrelevant.
whatever it is you define as toxic,
you got an impression that killers were more toxic.
then you looked for reasons for the killers to be toxic.
you already had a conclusion in mind when you started looking for "evidence"
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So you're giving them unearned pips and points, which will only hurt them later when they face serious Killers who they won't have the skills to handle and will claim are 'toxic' for trying to play normally?
Great idea.
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YoU aLrEadY hAd A cOnClUsIoN iN mInD
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Its a game, calm your tits
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Sounds like easy games at 5-10 lol