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Why most killer comparisons are nonsense

Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

So the trickster has been heavily buffed and people are of course ready to jump on the OP bandwagon.

When it comes to evaluating killers people start to compare them to other killers in specific scenarios. These comparisons are complete nonsense most of the time and i would like to tell you why:

1.Killers are supposed to be different and have differen strengths and weaknesses. Some killers can get away with things others can't, but this might turn around in a different scenario. This is how things should be as it makes gameplay more diverse. If every killer performed the same in every scenario, this game would be boring as hell.

2.Just because killer X can do better than killer Y it does not mean they are OP.

3.The difficulty of a killer to master does not matter. Its healthy for the game that there are easier and harder killers. The argument that a killer beeing strong or too strong is fine, when they are hard to master is simply illogical. An argument you see a lot when it somes to comparing spirit and nurse. Nurse beeing harder to play does not justify, that she is so much stronger than every other killer. (I am not complaining about her, the argument just does not make any sense). Good performing killers do not need to be a sweatfest.

4."Fun" is so incredibly subjective, that it's really kinda arrogant to state a killer should be changed because you do not think, it's fun to play against him. You are not the center of the universe and you have no right to tell others what fun is supposed to look like. And let's be real here, for many many many people more fun equals easier and more consistent ways to win.

5.You can influence beeing in a specific scenario or not. While i will admit that you do not have full control over this, you still have a significant amount of control. If you know a certain killer performs better in certain scenarios you can avoid them. Do not run to specific loops then. Do the gens first that are most likely to put you in a disadvantage. Run perks that make your life easier against killers you are struggling against. People act like they have absolutely no control over this. RNG is involved yes, but "no control" is simply a lie.


  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555
    1. Some killer have very similar mechanic and it's fair to compare them.
    2. True
    3. Well it does matter. It's not healthy for the game to have easy killer that are also strong. It's boring and painful to play against, hi spirit.
    4. Yes and no. 90% of the player base hate playing Deathsliner, Spirit &Twins. When such big part of a community universally hate something there's a reason why and the dev should look into it.
    5. It's true to an extent but: you don't have control over RNG nor do you have control over your team mate, especially when playing with random. Also you don't choose where you get chase nor do you have control over other survivor creating dead zone by dropping all pallet in a specific area.
  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    i like your point of view and agree in the most parts. I think the only big issue is when you compare other killers with nurse, cause it’s hard to find any weaknesses on her. You can just say she is difficult to learn but then comes the point she overperformce... yesterday I had two games in a row against a rank 1 nurse, both with more than 5000 hours and although I think I’m competent in chases, both matches ends in 2-4 min with 5 gens left. So, it’s true that you can’t compare the different killerstrengh in multiple scenarios, but on a really good nurse you have all together in one killer: chasepotential in every situation, mappresure, anti loop/juke mechanics, snowballing... in my eyes it’s normal to ask for killerbuffs, when you see this one killer, which has all.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    1.Even Killers with similar mechanics are supposed to be different. Beeing ranged is also not a criteria that means all ranged killers have to perform the same.

    2.Glad we agree:)

    3.I think we just disagree on this as we both have different views on whats healthy for a game. Fair enough.

    4.You are just making things up.

    5.Yes you do have somewhat of control where you get chased. I already admitted that there still is RNG involved. But you have more control than you think is the point i was trying to make :)

    Thanks for the reply and not beeing personal :)

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    From Reddit, this forum, youtube comment, having 3 discord group in my native language playing DBD & the official discord server. Those killer are disliked by a vast majority of player.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    I agree, but i was trying to avoid a whole discussion about nurse, because the point i was trying to make is that difficulty should not be a factor when it comes to perfomance. If nurse is OP or not is a different topic.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    These things you mentioned are not even close to 90% of the playerbase.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    But you do realize, that this does not mean you are in position to make that statement. Especially since our social circle is heavily personalized. More so when it comes to social media or media in the internet in general. I spent a lot of time on reddit too. I cannot confirm your statement.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2021

    That should not be the focus either. I was much more interested in expressing that such an icon quickly serves as a template for comparison and tempts everyone else to scream for improvements. And at this point, a comparison is of course understandable.

    As I said, in general I agree with you about and I think it is very important for the fun of the game that there are different skills with their strengths and weaknesses.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555
    1. It's still fair to make comparison.
    2. -
    3. It's just one think, that in my opinion, can make the game not fun. IMO it's never fun to get beaten by killer that require next to no skill & you can't do much about it because they're strong.
    4. That's simply what I see and look at the post above to see my reference
    5. How to do have some control? Depending on where you are mobility killer and Stealth killer can come from nowhere and hit you, can't do much about that.
  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103
    1. It depends on what you want to say by doingt that comparison. Do you want to showcase different strenghts and weaknesses? Alright. Do you want to say that Killer X is better than Y because they perform better in a specific scenario? Nonsense. Killer perfomance should be compared in general. Not by who can deal with shack better. It might be that Killer X performs better than Y overall because they are the better chase overall. But this point is not proven by comparing specific scenarios. But even a great chaser might be a bad overall killer. There are many criteria that determine how good a killer performs overall. Showcasing who deals with shack better or easier proves absolutely nothing. Its a logical fallacy to believe so. This is the most important point of my argument, i do not think i can convince you on the others. But i want to get this point across.
  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    A Comparison showcasing Strengths and Weaknesses? Yes absolutely i am all for it. A Comparison to showcase Killer X is better than Y by showcasing a specific scenario? Logical fallacy.