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Well, this takes the cake

Member Posts: 266

This one literally left me speechless.

At first glance, you might think this was a match where folks legitimately DCed. You'd be wrong.

Match begins - we're in the swamp. As always, because the game spawning function has been utterly broken since the Twins update, we all spawn in around the Killer shack area. (Tangent: BHVR please for the love of all the gods, FIX THE SPAWNING ISSUE. I'm tired of seeing no spawn offerings and yet survivors continually spawning in together, or survivors literally spawning in next to the Killer.)

I immediately begin moving away from the area, and thus don't have an actual visual on what transpires next. Hear the audio cue for Nemesis - and the next thing I know, Survivor #1 is slugged on the ground. I have no idea how, because I didn't see a lot of chase happening.

Killer does not pick up survivor, and instead begins "chasing" another survivor. I use quotation marks because they are all still up around the Killer shack. By this time, I have barely made my way down to the jungle gym, as I try and find an actual gen. We're maybe 20 seconds into the match.

A few seconds later, Survivor #1 is off the ground, presumably thanks to another survivor - except now Survivor #2 is slugged on the ground. And then Survivor #1 goes down again, slugged, only a few feet from Survivor #2. Killer picks up Survivor #2, and hooks them. Survivor #1 promptly rage quits. Survivor #3 gets slugged (again, I have NO idea how this is happening so fast - we're only about 45 seconds into the match at this point, and all I can see are the red silhouettes as people go down). Survivor #2 - on the hook - promptly rage quits. And then Survivor #3 rage quits.

I have finally reached a gen, but basically am just standing there, as I finally see the Killer through the trees. I'm pretty much at a loss at this point, so I just wait as they walk over to me. We basically look at each other for a few seconds, and then they walk off. So I think "Well, maybe they want to salvage something out of this hot mess," so I get on the gen... and then the Killer quits.

I still have no idea how all three of them went down so quickly. As I looked at the above end-of-match once it was all over, my guess was the three were being jerks with flashlights (or, perhaps more accurately, were trying to be), and thus found themselves all on the ground after getting multiple punches to the face from Nemesis' very large fists (I don't remember seeing a lot of blue on their icons to indicate infection). The fact that none of them brought in an offering is a BIG red flag (I thought it was odd at the start of match, but figured maybe the folks were playing characters that needed the Crown but hadn't been played in a while and thus had already used up any good offerings they might had have and didn't want to spend bloodpoints on them).

I'm going to be brutally honest - this event has been the most awful gaming experience I've ever participated in. The amount of toxicity on both sides has gone through the roof. If you'd asked me six months ago if I thought the toxic in-game behavior could get worse, I'd have thought not. This event has proven me wrong.

This is what happens, BHVR, when you do nothing to prevent horrible behavior and instead continue to call it "acceptable under certain circumstances." It festers and grows, until this is the result.

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  • Member Posts: 301

    Ha, imagine being able to enjoy the event. PS4 (and maybe XB1) players can't enjoy the game at all with the fps dropping to 0 every few seconds.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Well at least you escaped right?

  • Member Posts: 266

    Yeah, that's awful.

    I viewed the "event extended" announcement this morning with trepidation, because I suspect it means another two weeks of this mess.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Been saying it for a while now:

    The biggest threat to me is always other Survivors. I can finish a gen with a Killer chasing me far more easily than I can with another Survivor nearby.

  • Member Posts: 266

    LOL I guess. That's literally where 5k of that score came from. I have no clue where the rest came from, to be honest - maybe some bold points at the beginning when I was still trying to extricate myself from the area where the Hot Mess [TM] was occurring. And I think I got in a couple of skill checks before the Killer poofed.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    yep, most likely a bully squad

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    All the disconnecters had flashlights. The killer had Starstruck.

    You don't need a visual on the clusterfuck to know what went down.

    I'm guessing the killer DCed because they understood you weren't a part of the group and wanted to spare you, but didn't want to waste several minutes letting you do gens or trying to find hatch on swamp, so they just bailed. Not much else to do at this point in the match.

  • Member Posts: 266
    edited July 2021

    Ahhh, the Starstruck explains it (I am not good at identifying Killer perks on visuals alone)! Thanks! That's definitely the missing piece of the puzzle. I saw the flashlights, so figure it was a trio of friends planning on being jerks.

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