I beg you PLEASE fix the chat filter...

This is the worst thing in the game right now by far,

how can it be fixed?

either 1. remove it

or 2. make it accurate.

Right now it's broken, it filters unnecessary words that aren't related to any rudeness or negativity, we are talking in post game about strats and what happened and the filter is blocking random words.

On another note, in an 18+ game why are you guys willing to put socks in our mouths when we want to talk like adults about a game. It really kills my whole mood when I have a great game and post game people are talking about it and all I see is ######################


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you give them examples of words that are being blocked, but shouldn't, it's much easier for them to fix it.

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325



    both blocked in postgame chat

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    Yep, they are blocking random words. ######## If I write a sentence it will most likely be ########'d

    Post game chat is like this right now.

    a: gg

    b: yeah gg: ########## ###### ############

    a: ??

    B: #########

    A: has left the lobby

    C: Can't talk I'm console

    D: Can't talk I'm console

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    By the way @Orion they aren't blocking words. they are using some "high tech" context blocking. It's not curse words. it's chat that COULD be offensive. So if you say something like

    Thanks for not facecamping me

    it will appear as thanks for not ########### me

    because they think you're being a Meany face. I personally think it should be removed... it's an online game, and making the small margin of non-toxic players not even able to communicate because they are afraid someone might get offended is silly

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    Ok for starters. the word Insta

    gets blocked every time.

    like if someone gets insta downed.

    I guess i need to start using full words like instantly killed