Why people hate Dead Harding for distance

If a Survivor Dead Hards for distance, its not actually anything crazy because another exhaustion perk used earlier in chase could’ve given them even more distance, or they could have made that distance over time with haste from Hope/Blood Pact.
The reason Killers hate Dead Hard for distance is because the speed happens in a quick burst so it looks like their hit is being taken away, when in reality that never had a chance to land it. Heck the Survivor could’ve Dead Harded randomly 10 seconds earlier and the result would have been the same because of the distance they accumulated in advance.
TLDR: It feels better to feel like you never had a chance then feel like there was a chance and it was taken away. That’s why Dead Hard is so hated.
um okay…
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...people hate it because it has no requirements to use besides 'be injured', which is going to happen in a chase anyway.
It may not give as much distance as the other Exhaustion perks, but it's on demand distance with no downsides.
Sprint Burst forces you to move slowly lest you activate it prematurely, Lithe needs a vault, Balanced Landing needs a drop & Smash Hit needs a pallet stun. Dead Hard? All you gotta do is push
It takes no skill, or effort, or timing to Dead Hard for distance. Mess up a loop? It doesn't matter, because you can simply Dead Hard to make it to the pallet/vault anyway. There's no counterplay to this. The Killer cannot prevent the Survivor from using it incorrectly.
It's a free second chance button that can be used multiple times a match with only a short cooldown between them. The definition of a crutch perk.
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If Dead Hard is a "free second chance" that "takes no skill" and is just "press E to outplay" then why do 99% of the survivors I play against goof it up or get easily baited into using it?
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please not everything in this game needs counter play. the whole point of DH is to extend ur chase so you waste more of the killer’s time. even then most competent killers wait out dead hard and usually knock down survivors seconds after them using it
if u don’t know when to drop a chase just say that and move on…
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The main argument against dead hard I don't understand is the no skill argument. People say that dead hard takes no skill because you just press a button. But just because you press a button doesn't mean it take no skill. Killers have to press a button to swing but does that mean it takes no skill to know when to and not to swing? No. And dead hard is the same way. Imo It takes skill to know when it's best to use dead hard or not.
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You didn’t read my post lol.
Distance adds up over time. The reason a Survivor barely makes a pallet/vault in chase could have been from a BL, SB, SH or Lithe used earlier on in that chase.
Dead Hard’s burst of speed is just more in your face than other perks. An exhaustion perk doesn’t end the second its timer runs out its value only ends once all the distance that was gained with it is lost and the Survivor goes down.
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They put in their minds that dead hard is only for dodging while that's nowhere said nor in perk description nor confirmed by devs so they complain about it until it gets nerfed to ground I really heard so many crazy ideas for nerf that I don't even think it's joke anymore lmao few ppl suggested making survivors getting locked in any action for seconds after using dead hard lmao imagine that so we would waste perk slot for a perk that is only for 1 second advantage basically if ur locked in any action after using it it gives you 1 second away from getting downed (the time killer needs to recover from missed hit) so why would I use a whole perk slot for a perk that gives me only 1 second of extra life? Like some of those suggestions are so crazy lol and again never ever was anywhere stated dead hard was made for dodging hits only
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Because they’re bad
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The game isn't always just counting the seconds for distance gained from holding w. Dead hard for distance also negates mind games where the survivor ######### up. No other exhaustion perk can do that. That's not to mention the million utility cases dead hard still gets over other exhaust perks.
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Probably the same reason why people don't like facing strong chase killer like spirit or slinger. You feel like you getting hit (in case of DH not getting hit) is out of your control.
I personally don't mind DH just as I don't mind strong chase killers. For both you have to realise that sometimes the other side has the advantage and you can do very little to stop it.
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Ironically, at high level holding W and maximizing distance is one of the strongest strategies since so many of the top Killers are anti-loop. Do not underestimate the power of gaining distance, it is one of the strongest things a Survivor can do in the game, which is why all exhaustion perks are stronger than most non-exhaustion perks.
As for fixing mistakes, playing risky is part of the strategy with Dead Hard. What you might have considered a mistake could have been planned or at least predicted by the Survivor because they were playing around their Dead Hard.
If you can get away with it, greeding and playing risky can be the optimal way to use Dead Hard.
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Outside of sprint burst at the start it's arguably the strongest exhaustion perk early game. If a killer find a survivor on the first chase, hits them, and they manage to dead hard for distance to extend the chase for 20+ seconds or make the killer abandon chase(wasted all of the killers chase time for the first hit) the killer will more than likely lose the game against a good team of swf. You can't do that with sprint burst at the start of the game and all other exhaustion perks require specific tiles/you have to use up a resource to leverage it.
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killing myself on hook is counterplay to spirit
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No the reason killer hate dead hard is because they dead hard for a pallet or window. So they waste all that time for a pallet break this is not worth. At least when someone sprint burst at the start you can immediatly leave him and get him when he is exausted.
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Killers hate it because they hate the idea of survivors having good perks. Or anything, really. Meanwhile they run Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer every match.
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Glad we agree that Spirit is balanced and doesn't need counterplay
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like yall have second chance perks too🤦🏼♀️
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It's not playing risky if you know you can mitigate any bad decision. That's not a risk. Dead hard for distance allows you to play dumb and greedy and get away with it every time because you have a dash.
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It amazes me that all of these players wanting a nerf to a perk yet can't give a valid reason why it should be nerfed.
Here are the arguments..
- Can't counter Dead Hard for distance - The other exhaustion perks give 2 to 3 extra seconds of distance without being counterable. Plus there are so many perks that don't have counters anyway, so it's just a bad argument.
- Dead Hard doesn't require skill - The people who say this haven't ever play survivor. Dead Hard is probably 1 of the top 10 survivor perks that do require skill. Blast Mine anyone? Plunder's Instinct, Ace in the Hole, Open Handed, Kindred, the list goes on forever.
- Its a second life stage - This is just straight out dumb. That would make everything that makes a killer miss a "Second life Stage". Drop a pallet and the killer swings, 2nd life stage. Jump through a window and the killer swings, 2nd life stage. Sprint Burst away right when the killer swings, 2nd life stage.
- I-Frames - Well different perks are different. Dead Hard has I-Frames but has 2 less seconds of speed, it's a trade-off.
- Dead Hard has no downside - You have to be injured to use it. You can't use it against one-hit downs when healthy. Another really bad argument.
- Press 'E' to Win - Everything is a Press "So-and-So" to win. Sprint Burst is press "shift" to win. Lithe is press "spacebar" to win. This is just another absolutely bat-sh*t crazy argument. They are using this argument because they actually don't have an argument.
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dead Harding for distance is the only actual good use of the perk, dead harding for avoiding hits is easily countered, I am killer main and I know that DHing for distance is annoying some times but its very occasionaly gonna have a insane value and get annoying, I dont see why people say it should be buffed to avoid hits, its not the use of the perk. And I see what is your point, you are completely right but Killers that get annoyed by DH this easily just bc they used to get 2 meters more distance, are annoyed quite easily if it was not used to get to a pallet or window( even then its very occasional).
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This is some impressive bait.
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- Those perks have restrictions and conditions and we're not talking about those perks so they don't excuse this one
- Every perk requires some degree of skill to get use out of. NoED needs you to hit the survivor. However DH is down there with the low skill perks if you're using it for distance. DH to dodge? Yeah thats a little skillful. DH for distance? not at all. In either case, skill is not really a main point to nerf something imo. Is it too strong is the question. The skill isn't really the problem, its how easy it is to meet the requirement and how strong it is, which leads to it requiring low kill.
- Again, DH for distance is the problem not DH to dodge. So the killer wouldn't swing so all these "and the killer swings" points are moot which is all of them. Also yeah everything you mentioned is essentially a second chance for the survivors. The problem is this one requires no resource nor risk as its a poorly designed perk and its contributing to the over abundance of second chances survivors have.
- The I-frames are probably fine.
- "being injured to use it" isn't really a downside. You're going to be injured in the match no matter what happens. Even if you get 1 shot when you get pulled off the hook or picked up you'll be injured. The requirement is basically "play the game", which isn't a requirement. 1 hit down killers are also very few and the 1 hit down perks have restrictions. In the vast majority of your games DH is essentially free.
- Yes but other perks have restrictions and requirements. SB requires you to walk or risk not having it and if the killer leaves and just comes back after you wont have it. Lithe needs a vault nearby and on certain maps that's not an easy thing to come by, as well as restricting your pallet plays because if you fast vault a pallet it'll activate regardless if you want it to or not. Sure every perk has a situation you can be it to get use out of it, but as stated earlier DH is essentially just "play the game" and its very strong for such an easy to meet condition as well as being completely on demand.
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Huh, weird. Are you under the impression that everything except Dead Hard is the only perk that takes 'no skill'? Hmmm, the killer cannot prevent the survivor from using it incorrectly? Why is that required? I am not sure what you are on about with this. Yes, it's a free second chance. That is it's purpose.
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I'm from the future. But don't have enough time because of the flux capacitor running out of energy.
The recent released killer abilities causes some issues with the space-time-continuum. The meta ia shifting from mikro to makro killer so that makro perks will be used more often sth like Lithe that increases the initial chase distance or the "w-shift-potential" how we call it in science circles. So running a perk that counters those new makro meta killer will be way more efficient than a mikro perk like Dead Hard.
But now I have to leave! My time is up! Remember my words and change the future, I'm counting on you.
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Those perks have restrictions and conditions and we're not talking about those perks so they don't excuse this one
Dead Hard has restrictions.
Every perk requires some degree of skill to get use out of. NoED needs you to hit the survivor. However DH is down there with the low skill perks if you're using it for distance. DH to dodge? Yeah thats a little skillful. DH for distance? not at all. In either case, skill is not really a poit to nerf something. Is it too strong is the question.
Ace in the Hole, Kindred, Open Handed, Plunder's Instinct. No skill required.Again, DH for distance is the problem not DH to dodge.
Again, DH for distance is the problem not DH to dodge.
Other perks give you more distance and they aren't a problem, therefore DH for distance isn't a problem.
The I-frames are probably fine.
"being injured to use it" isn't really a downside
Perks don't need downsides.
Yes but other perks have restrictions and requirements.
This is the 3rd time you've used the exact same argument and I've refuted it twice. I can refute it with yet another reason but I don't think I need to at this point.
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People hate dead farting for distance because it's the only exhaustion perk that when activated you really can't do anything about it as an M1 killer, all the other exhaustion perks the survivor can get hurt when using it except dead hard, so you kinda just extend a loop without the killer making a mistake
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Actually, I'm fine with Survivors having good perks, but when they Dead Head for Distance, costing me a hit, that can potentially spell a 0K right there for me, simply due to the nature of the game at this point. Gens fly too fast to waste an extra 20+ seconds dancing around pallets.
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Without arguing hard on this, dead hard for distance and making it into a pallet can be the deciding factor between winning a match or losing.
Let's assume you are using a normal M1 killer, let's say Pig.
So you need that down for the pressure and a survivor made it into a strong loop because of E, the problem with dead hard is when good survivors use it like that, not when the average survivors use it.
A few days ago, I was playing clown, as you know sometimes his power is bugged, dead hard actually gave a survivor a strong window I believe it was a long wall jungle gym into a pre drop into holding W.
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You’re acting like there was a chance for you to get the hit and you were entitled to it.
It’s the same logic as a Killer getting mad that they swung at someone who was holding Sprint Burst. They weren’t getting that hit regardless
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None of these people seem to realize that the survivor that has Dead Hard knows they have it, and they WILL be greedy with it in order to extend the loop. Remove DH from their build and they just drop the pallet one loop earlier, and its the exact same result in the end - no hit. They need to stop acting as if their hit was guaranteed if there was no DH.
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You can take off ruin and undying from the match, and tinkerer is predictable once you noticed it once.
Now, can you tell me how can i take off dead hard from survivors?
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I hate all exhaustion perks and think the entire mechanic is completely bullshite. They exemplify the hold-W meta. I've disliked them for nearly a year, and now, after so much free distance that they've given my completely skilless opponents, I absolutely despise them. Especially since I don't even use them myself and I do perfectly well, if not better than many (or most) of my Exhaustion-wielding teammates.
But Dead Hard? Dead Hard directly robs you of your hard work. It's the equivalent of a third health state. You essentially have to hit people 3 times to down them. Once to injure, once is the hypothetical swing you didn't even bother taking that massively extends the chase, then comes the third.
I hate free distance. But I hate free second chances even more.