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What do you prefer the outcome of a match, escaping or getting 4 downs? Or points?

Member Posts: 1,288

What do you guys prefer when playing survivor? Do you guys just care about escaping as quick as possible and getting 15k points. Or getting a longer game with more action, like getting into chases and things like that and resulting in more points despite maybe not being able to escape, but still getting more points.

And as a when playing killers what do you guys prefer? Just getting the 4 downs as quick as possible, and only getting maybe 17k for a match. Or trying to get more hooks and chase everyone. Despite the end result being only getting 1 or 2 downs in the whole game and 2 survivors escaping, but resulting in more points.

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  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I just like seeing pips as Survivor.

    As Killer, I normally go for 3 sacrifices. I don't tunnel or camp for them, though, cuz I want them to be a result of playing well, not taking some easy road.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    I prefer longer games with actions as long as the Killer isn't Spirit, if it's her i'd rather finish the match ASAP

  • Member Posts: 295

    When playing surv I like getting 20k+ points and a long chase, thats good enough for me. When playing as killer Merciless( 3k 11 hooks) is really rewarding, I think its what I always aim for.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    So lets says as a survivor all you do is do gens the whole time never even see the killer, no action and only get like 12k points, you don't mind I'm assuming. And as a killer you just get a 1 minute match where you down everyone in less than a minute and sacrifice everyone, with no action during the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 843

    As survivor i need to escape if not its a lose if i escape by the hatch i consider that a lose too because i could not finiah my objectif.

    For killer its a 4k anything less then that its a lose

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I suppose it depends on the killer, that you may want to finish the match as quick as possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited July 2021

    What if you don't escape as a survivor? but 3 of your teammates escape?

    And what if you sacrifice 3 instead of all 4, as a killer?

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Regardless of the side I'm on, I prefer longer games of which the outcome was contested and deserved. I like steamrolling teams as much as the next guy, but I strongly prefer to be equally matched. I don't want to feel bad for the other side.

    Longer games almost always give more points, at that.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Normally as survivor, I'd rather stay in the match longer. BUT lately, I just want to escape and get the stupid crowns. But killers are DETERMINED to deny me them.

    As killer, I like longer games. I don't care about kills. I'll take 8 hooks, hooking everyone twice, over 4 hooks with 4 deaths any day of the week.

  • Member Posts: 843

    If i die and the other 3 escape i lost as an individual but the team won.

    For killer if i get a 3k its a lost because i could not complete my objectif to kill all of them

  • Member Posts: 488

    You say that but I am sure that most killers fell exactly like this. The game has escaping as the 'success' for survivor and killing all 4 survivors as success for the killer. Anything less is a failure. I disagree but I believe that is the belief in both sides of the community.

    I like escaping and I know it contributes towards pipping and gives 5K blood points, but there are much more interesting things survivors might be able to do at the end of the match. That being said, if it looks completely hopeless, I definitely might duck out.

  • Member Posts: 830

    Killer: Nice crossmaps is all i want (I mainly play huntress cause the other killers are not as fun for me :p), the ones that makes survivors go "Damn man, you are insane, i really want to play huntress now". Usually i don't go for kills, but when survivors are like "haha i dodged 2 of your hatchets so i'm gonna tbag and spam my flashlight cause you are trash" i'm gonna make sure that guy is dying 'til the end of the trial.

    Survivor: A long chase and flashy saves, i don't really care about BP or escaping if i had fun looping the killer and helping other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 348

    When playing survivor I'd rather have a long game with interactions spread out, so getting more points rather than getting less points/surviving.

    When playing killers, I'd rather have 8 hooks and no kills, rather then 6 hooks and 2 kills. I'd rather have all 4 survivors, and myself getting a lot of points and having a good time, rather then necessarily going for quick kills.

    But If i'm sensing a 4man SWF and I am getting my butt kicked, im going for a kill to hopefully slow down their progress. I don't really enjoy going against SWF with comms, but I won't bounce if that is what i'm guessing in the pre-matchup screen.

  • Member Posts: 843

    How is this dumb i never played a game were failing your objectif is a win.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    If I'm not doing anything specific I try to get everyone out even if it means I die

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    It's all about the bloodpoints. Everything else is irrelevant

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Honestly, my main thing is trying to do my challenge (rift or daily). If I can do then, then I'm happy no matter what else happens. During an event, I'm also happy if I can do the event activity (which, right now, is grabbing a crown).

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    For survivor my win condition is a safety pip or one pip. Idk... escaping shouldn't be the main goal as a survivor. One, its boring banging out gens and just leaving. Two, it encourages people to play selfishly. Escaping > teammates to a lot of people and that is sad :<

    For killer it is just 'did I have fun'. Good chases, a few hooks, make some nice plays, and always nice when survivors are playing normal too. That kind of thing. Measuring fun by kills is icky (for me I know others live for it). If I get some kills cool but I am not going sweat for them.

    Its sweaty try hard behavioir that ruins this game. Taken too seriously DBD becomes a headache. Look at the forums... full of salty peeps because 1 thing didn't go their way or they didn't 'win' to their standards... or even worse their win was 'stolen' from them because X Y Z reason (usually the killers fault).

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