Why the Double Standard?

Why is it that survivors can do what ever they want in a match but a killer can't feed off of the playstyle of the survivor? If survivors want to rush a gen in my face I am going to slug all of them no doubts about it. But then I get called a trash bag or baby killer. If you are willing to die for the gen that's fine but don't expect me to pick someone up if 3 of you are still sitting on the gen. This is rhetorical I know there is a huge amount of entitlement on both sides in this game but the sooner people accept that killers/survivors are going to play the way they want the less toxic this community will become. I am sick and tired of the messages after each game because the survivor/killer Survivors for the most part don't like to lose. i have seen killers act out but not as much as survivor and thats prob only because there are 4 survivors each match and only one killer so the probability is higher but still. EARTH TO SURVIVORS the killer does NOT have to ALLOW you to do a gen because he downed someone. He/She is NOT obligated to down/hook every chase.
PS I love you BHVR
Yesterday I ran into a breakdown SWF. They hung around the broken hooks knowing I couldn't do ######### about it. After the third one in a row wiggled out I decided "alright you want to be slugs? We can all be slugs."
Ended up being the best choice I could have made since I went from 2 hooks at 4 gens complete to a 4k really fast.
If they didn't force me to slug I don't think I would have etched out that win.
They were so damn livid. For me it's like, "what was I actually supposed to do? What was the survivor handbook play here?"
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There is people who will never accept that others can play the way they want (so long as they aren't actually cheating obviously). At the end of the day everyone paid money for the game and everyone will play the way that they see fit. Sure you will find people who have playstyles you don't like, but that is life. Move on to the next match.
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To be fair, I disagreed with having the hooks respawn without the old variant of Hangman's Trick. It was a change that wasn't needed and made the killer think before they hooked somebody. I think the hooks should have better spawns though so you don't get stuck in a corner of the map without one.
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There's always been entitlement.
Survivors say you can't 'camp' or 'tunnel' at 4 gens, meaning you can't try to win until a gen pops.
But then other Survivors claim Survivors have won, or the Killer has 'failed', if all 5 gens pop. Like, Killer's are supposed to stop trying once 5 gens pop? What about the Exit Gates? Just supposed to let them open because the Handbook says so?
So that means Killers have 4 gens to kill everyone, because they can't try before 1, and can't try after 5.
Killers are also supposed to give the hatch to the last living Survivor. This is not 'if you feel like it', no; some Survivors expect it. They will get angry if you kill them instead, like the Killer broke some hard & fast rule.
But how often do you hear 'I was the last Survivor alive, so I gave the Killer a kill'? Nope! It's only expected of the Killer to have forced charity!
And only Killers can be 'sweats' and 'tryhards'. How often do you hear a Survivor call a Killer a sweat? Or he 'tried hard for that 4K' and 'Why do you expect a 4K? Be happy with 3!' When balance is addressed.
But you never hear Survivors claim 'We should be happy for a 3E!' or 'Man, we really sweat for that 4E!' It's more 'Killers should stop trying' mindsets.
And tunneling! A Survivor is unhooked, has BT, and bodyblocks me. So I just wait for his BT to run out (They tend to stop bodyblocking when the timer runs low) and downed him. And thus, I was a 'tunneler'! I mean, he stood in my face, but I was expected to let him go, because Survivor Rulebook Chaper 4 states 'A Killer can never hit the same Survivor twice in a day'.
And, to bring up 'camping'; I love when I hook a Survivor and his friend is 6 feet away, waiting for me to walk away. Instead, I chase them around the hook, because they don't want to leave it. Yet I am 'camping' because I did not give them the free hook they demand they get!
And since they want that unhook so badly, they do expect the devs to alter the base game mechanics to give it to them. How this will affect the Killer means nothing to them.
Oddly enough; I never hear Killers seriously talk about 'gen camping' and 'gen rushing' (Except when using it to erroneously talk about gen speeds being a bit too fast). because most Killers are aware that 'genrushing' = Survivors trying to quickly win. So they don't complain about their opponent doing their goal.
It's such a mass of double standard screaming, where Survivors are trying their hardest to force the Killers to play by made up rules, and even demand the devs alter the game to enforce those rules!
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I am a survivor main. I admit that now. But I can understand where killers come from (specifically when I just want to do my killers tome challenges) and the choices they have to make. I think it’s just an endless cycle- survivors get sweaty killers so survivors play sweaty which in turn makes the killer play sweaty. I have been guilty of trying to have a calm killer game and the next thing I know all I see is red from the rage and the survivors are all dead.
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I think making hooks respawn was more about helping survivors right? If i cant get you to a hook youre slugged. If i try and get you to a hook thats to far away and you run back to the same corner youre slugged. Your friend that comes to pick you up is slugged to. I cant imagine this is behaviour they want to encourage by not having hooks respawn
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People are just bad losers that is all. They know you are allowed to tunnel, slug etc just like they are allowed to play how they want. If they have a problem with this games rules they should take that with BHVR and not the opponent.
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You lost me somewhere, what hasnt been addressed? Slugging?
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I think its because this part here doesnt make much sense, or maybe im just not understanding what you mean
All hooks cant be saboed, and them respawning in 30 seconds cant be worse. The only time "theres no hooks" happens is when someone dies on one in a corner and a survivor keeps running over there because they know that.
As far as slugging is concerned, not sure what youre expecting, sometimes its necessary for a variety of reasons beyond sabo (which to me feels rare and is actually fun interaction)
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I see, so youre saying they fixed all hooks being sabo'd, but never did anything about what happens when all 4 survivors are slugged.
Not sure theres anything to do about that. All 4 survivors slugged is more akin to 5 gens being at 90% (or the last gen being at 90%). We woukdnt expect the game to somehow stop that or give the killer new options (outside of perks) in that situation
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This is incredibly situational, but usually it is just an illusion, particularly if all 4 are still alive.
Unless you get really lucky and slug them all of course :) 😂
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I am sick and tired of the messages after each game because the survivor/killer Survivors for the most part don't like to lose.
Honestly does anyone like losing? Some people just take it more badly than others, and it seems like in DbD there's something about this game that can make people really frustrated at what they consider to be a loss. And if you're getting annoyed with the messages you're in full control of that and tools exist to prevent literally the one problem you brought up. Baffles me that people are still complaining about the "toxicity" and all the messages they receive, when it takes less than 20 seconds to prevent anyone from sending you a message ever again.
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I played this build for meme. Happened to face this squad.
I mean seriously, after 1 die and hook in middle of the map, I barely able to hook another one even with Irongraps & Agitation if another one down near that broken hook.
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I don't even care anymore. They need to take rank numbers off because it adds too much to the game and we dont even get rewarded for it. It wouldn't be so damn hectic and stressful if they remove ranks and you just get blood points in the categories
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Or you get the opposite because you got tunneled. It really doesn't help at all.
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I doubt 50% are in a swf. We get too many complaints about solo queue as it is. And most swfs aren't like your streamers who can do all that fancy stuff. They still end up in the same boat till they learn how to be efficient and end up a normal competitive player for wins, unless they say fk the wins and purely go for fun with weird quirky builds.
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I had an exact game like this a few days ago, all tool boxes and I couldn't hook anyone it was so infuriating, in the end though I just exploited their desperation to keep swarming me and I slugged them all eventually and then I just danced while they all bled out on the floor, I could have hooked them at that point but it was clear they really, really hated hooks.