I hate Events

As Killer i get nothing but toolboxes, keys and bnp. If they don't bring a strode key i still get haddonfield, red forest or rpd.
As survivor i get nothing but tryhards with moris who slug, tunnel, camp etc and get carried by regression perks.
Events bring out the worst in this community and its gross seeing people intentionally bully newer players. Or try to ruin the event for others.
Also the bugs and lag are gross. Especially for our console brothers and sisters.
Events gets more people to game. More people more problems. I think you are right.
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I hate events and how people play during them too.
However I like BP so I have to play anyway
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They try to bully me as a new player, but the joke is on them, I like it when they swarm me! It is those stealthy gen rushers that make the game feel kind of unfun for me. Mostly just when they use 3 or 4 cakes and then leave before I get any meaningful BP. If they do that without cakes, I am glad to find a different lobby afterwards. No complaints here.
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I agree that some people are being the worst they can be during events. But speaking for myself, I'm not that way. I try to give people their crowns and a lot of points when they burn cakes.
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Matches feel more or less the same to me other than the odd killer who only wants to farm, but those are fortunately rare in my experience.
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I can't play killer at events because 5-10 mins queue... and I HATE playing survivor
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Truth be told, I love how events used to be but I hate how they currently are.
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I'd give anything to go back to the summer bbq days and the bloodhunts. I have no idea how they keep failing so hard at them...
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So do I. We all miss the time when events were actually good.
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This is the worst it's ever been, for sure - and it was in the midst of last night's toxic matches that I realized - not only do we have the event toxicity, now we have pre-rank-reset sweat and toxicity. It's horrific at this point.
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This event has kinda been bad if I’m being honest. Cakes are nice but I don’t get them every bloodweb anymore and the crowns aren’t interesting anymore since they are the same as last year
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The thing that made me lose all interest in the "crowns" (which aren't crowns at all, but rather halos) - is that they only work on the character's basic, default head. I have zero interest in acquiring crowns I will never wear because it means I can't use any of the other heads I've purchased.
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Five to ten minutes queue? You're lucky. I waited twenty minutes before I gave up and came back to Survivor.
Even before the event, my Survivor queue was fast. As a Killer, it was five to ten minutes... Now, I don't even know if after twenty minutes I'd be done.
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Remember summer bbq? Winter solstice and the best menu music in dbd? Or the 1 time Blood Feast 3xbp event? Now we get maybe one 1.5x event per year and the grind is far bigger now than then.
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Sadly I wasn't here for Scorching Summer BBQ, but by Entity I wish I had been. From what I've heard and seen it was one of the best events in Dead by Daylight's history.
But Winter Solstice? Ah, my friend, Winter Solstice is unforgettable. It was when I first started playing DBD, and that theme alone was enough to send shivers down my spine.
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How it was? My first event was Halloween 2020... 😔
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The Scorching Summer BBQ was basically a summer themed version of the Howling Grounds (which was also a good event, mind you). It lasted from 7 August 2018 to 23 August 2018. The Event featured personal Challenges that required the Player to collect special Tokens in order to unlock the Cosmetic Rewards.
Those personal challenges were: Repairing "Frozen Cocktail Machine" Generators:
And hooking Survivors on "Grill Hooks":
The rewards were Kate's Free Song Bird Slip Dress and Billy's Pro-Pain Hammer, both of which are currently available for every player.
The event also had a unique theme:
The Winter Solstice happened on two occasions: 14 December 2017 - 4 January 2018 and 17 December 2018 - 3 January 2019. It featured a Blood Hunt, Winter Themed aesthetics and one of the best themes of all times:
Dead by Daylight's golden age of events was truly impressive.
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Feels the same but with easier grind.
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I don't understand the drama around crowns either they're useless they mean nothing and looks awfully designed like I saw my teammates ignoring objective looking out for crown
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I wouldn't say golden age. I know people look at the past more favorably but some of those events had their own issues with the community.
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Undeniably better than the ones we have today, tho. At least they were fun.
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They seem the same to me in a lot of ways. The only benefit that comes with events is more BP per match. Either from a global double or event offerings. I did dislike the events where you only get more bp if YOU offered an event offering. On top of needing to hook survivors on special hooks or repair special gens.
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Well, I think they are more fun. But that is subjective.
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Events can be both fun, sometimes and terrible, other times. Everyone tries to get points at all costs and sometimes that is just chaos.