Is everyone hoarding their cakes?

Okay I have soo many matches where players aren't even burning offerings... I mean this is the best time to use your cakes while the event is live and most people have them. Saving them for later won't make them as effective. Just spreading them out is useless
I notice this too for some of my matches. I'm guessing people are waiting until performance patches go through so they can enjoy the game with their cakes.
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I'm hoarding mine on one of my killers for an admittedly selfish reason(want to save them for future chapter grindfests)
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People don't understand the fact that you can use the cake, get 100% more BP and then get even more cakes with the extra BP while upgrading your character at the same time. Saving it isn't a productive strategy. If you keep burning it you can keep a constant flow of supply (especially for killer) and if anything you will get more cakes and not less. Saving it and using it for later is just wasting the opportunity.
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I haven't used a cake in days I'm hoarding them for the next double bloodpoints if that ever happens lol
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I'm also waiting until the performance to stabilize I have tons of escape cakes on bubba so I will burn those when I play him so people don't fill jipped(I think that's how you spell the word)
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I used up mine, and I've leveled everything on my main characters so I don't want to waste any more blood. It can take three or four levels to get one on survivor, so they aren't really worth it. Especially when most killers have been so sweaty they are hurting themselves with how fast they kill everyone.
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Maybe for Killer, but for survivor the BP gains just don't get you 300k per match.
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Bloodwebs are around 50-75k and when killers are sweating as hard as they have been its not worth it running the very few cakes I can get from my bloodwebs, if any that spawn.
Why should I play a cake and when the killer sweats not get any return on it. If anything it rewards the killer for sweating while I get screwed. No thanks.
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Also I would like to point out as long as there are 2 or 3 cakes burned you still get tons of bp if you play well enough
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I don't think killer sweats are gonna stop just because you use a cake or not.
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Their point is killers have been total ######### during this event. Given that why would I waste a cake for a shity game?
Yes I'm aware survivors have been ######### too.
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Yes I am because I am so tired of killers ignoring everyone else on the map and I'm always the first one dead. I'll save them cuz they are pretty. Its not like I get anything anyway.
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It's not like sweaty killers are exclusive to this event. You will still find sweaty killers whenever you decide to use the cake.
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Exactly so there's no need to share. They get the most benefit in both no event and in events.
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I have only played killer this event and used my cakes in every game only to be met with sweaty survivors. I'm actively trying to play a longer game so we can all get lots of BP, but they are acting as if they're in a hurry or actively trying to make me depip. Everyone is playing sweaty not just killers. Like have some fun ffs!
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Lately I've been getting into matches where players either put in all their cakes or they don't but the moment I put in a cake the match goes wrong where it includes a killer playing like a pig, tunnels or maybe even camps...
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Leveled up 2 survivors to prestige 1/50
...and i only got like 10 cake on each of them
Its just sad
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I'm not getting many tbh, but I also do the dailies and try to get the crown for different characters and not all my characters have cakes.
I do hoard the event items (medkit, toolboxes, etc).
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I was burning them, but I was getting tunneled out of matches making less than 5k base at times and not having any fun. When I stopped burning them, I started having better matches.
Like I always say, Bloodpoint offerings are bad luck. I can't blame people for not wanting to burn them. I notice that, whether it's me or someone else, whoever burns a cake somehow gets tunneled out first thing. This is why I usually just trash BPS when I prestige.
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Survivor cakes are surprisingly rare, could be that.
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I levelled nemesis and all my cakes are on him.. i just can't play him any more.. he is just so weak that it was making me disconnect some games when i get strong swf squads and can't even get 5 hooks...
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I don't burn mine because the performance on ps4 is just trash at the moment. I don't want to risk my game end quickly because I get a freeze that gives the killer free hits (as survivor).
As killer I don't burn them too since I get genrushed like 45% in my games or the game just decides to freeze at the most unwelcomed moments.
However, as killer I just let people get their points while I leech off others their cakes. I don't care if they live or not. I play normally but will be relaxed when people are on death hook so they can get their 5k escape points (and possibly their crowns, since I know how it sucks for survivors to get them sometimes).
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That too. I wish they would up the chances of event items or offerings in bloodwebs for survivors too, since its a chance of 1 to 4 to get a cake. On killer it's just cakes.
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Thats simply not true. The bonus is additive, so it doesnt matter if you get +100% BP now or somewhen else.
However, a lot of killers dont care about the other players, and tunnel and camp more than usually (to make the game easier for themself and thus getting more bp potentially), increasing the chance that you leave the game with few bp anyway, not making it worth a cake.
So no, its usually best to keep your cakes for now and spread the Bonus BP, because you never know before which games are worth your cake anyway.
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And this is why we can't have nice things -_-'
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5 cake games become too sweaty though
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I have 110 on jill and i am hording them but using my bps & the envelops, why not just use the cakes I like the way the look in my offering box lol yes I’m weird :)
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I was saving them because I wanted the boost when leveling new characters. But I bought the characters earlier than I thought I would, so I kind of regret not using them.
One huge problem is that I played a lot of Freddy, so he has less cakes now, as I am putting the bloodpoints into all of the new characters. To compensate, I am just playing the new killers with shoddy perks to use the cakes.
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I see someone using them in most matches. Don't really understand the people saying they're saving them because "all killers are tunneling and camping!" or "all survivors do is genrush and leave!" People come to these forums to whine about these things literally every day, and the whining goes up whenever there's a BP event, so what are you saving them for? A magical future where everyone plays how you want them to? Because that time ain't coming.
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And they are a collector's item.
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I stopped using them because of how disgusting survivors and killers are being since this event started. I'm not going to waste them when so many killers are super sweaty with the face camping and tunneling at 5 gens. Survivors are letting solo queue teammates die first hook because they didn't bring a cake, etc... It isn't fun and I'm not going to reward randoms with that kind of behavior. If I'd only seen this happen once or twice I'd probably not feel this way but my matches have been awful.
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Well said.
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Farming as a solo survivor is terrible.
Low points for repairing a generator. Only with the Prove Thyself perk can you get the normal amount.
There are few ways to get stacks for WGLF. You also need
give stacks for clearing a totem, planting a generator, opening a chest.
Survivors save you without BT. Or the survivors don't save you at all)
Survival category, no words needed here ...
It turns out the following, to get the maximum points you need to take BT, WGLF and Prove Thyself. And actually sell teammates.
I see no reason to use cakes))
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when they fix the dc penalty i might consider using them but until then, i cant use them because im leveling survivors right now
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I use them all the time. Whatever Survivor I'm leveling, I just run them. Use whatever Perks they get. It's pretty refreshing, especially playing in higher Ranks.
Same with Killer. It's easier for me to learn a Killer's power when I have no meta Perks to use. Then I rely on the Killer itself, rather than crutching up on Perks.
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I just hate that we have to spend points to get the chance for points.
That, and it took me 12 webs to get my first cake. The drops are horrible.
This even has shown that even with a 5x multiplier the grind is still atrocious.
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No point using them when every match has a DC and nobody gets more than 20k. When the penalty gets back on I'll start burning them.
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For me, I’m playing with characters that don’t have them. They are level 50 and I am using up all their items before i prestige them to the next level.
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I don't get cakes often with survivor so I haven't been trying to get any due to there not even being a cake in the bloodweb half the time. However I have like 80 on twins
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I stopped using mine last night. I didn't have a single non-toxic match last night, and about halfway through, I was just done and switched over to other offerings.
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If you're having trouble actually finding them, aim for the brown and yellow mystery boxes too because they both can have them in there. It's not a great increase, but if you're running the Survivor you're using BP on, it keeps them coming.
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There are simply not enough cakes per bloodwebs.
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Agreed - especially since it's completely left up to random chance (meaning it's become obvious there's no bit of code telling the game to "generate x number of cakes per bloodweb level" at all. Which means some people are being exceedingly lucky and seeing multiple cakes per bloodweb, while others feel fortunate to see a single cake in a bloodweb.
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Also.... where are these elusive cakes? These are the bloodwebs I keep seeing on my characters (I literally just got this one):
I just leveled up my Feng from 46 - 49, and got exactly one cake from four bloodweb levels.
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Because survivors are hardly getting any. Why do you think killer ques are sooo long all day, except during at night. Because a lot of people are grinding for points.
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I use them here and there, probably like 1-2 every 6-10 games. But yes I am hoarding them on my main survivor for the most part.
Also have used cake where it ended up being wasted (either teammates died early/threw) or I'd get tunneled/camped to 2nd hook.
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I'm hoarding them for when Im in need of bloodpoints.
Right now it's easy to get 100k from one match. Where as in the future I may be struggling to get them and therefore have cakes to help me out then.
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I keep getting 1 cake for every 4-5 bloodwebs on Yui. :(
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I just prestiged Nea - 14 bloodweb levels later, and I had exactly ONE cake show up on the 14th bloodweb. One.