I think that's gonna happen.
It's the most wanted character and fanmade spotlight, gameplay and perks exist
So yeah, that's could be cool
It's definitely not the most wanted character, and fanmade spotlights, gameplay, and perks exist for many characters, some of whom are a lot more desired.
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Mean while I just would like Slenderman. Classic horror icon from 2013 and could actually be connected to the Entity
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You and I have very different definitions of "classic horror icon". Slenderman is 8 years old and is just a creepypasta. The only reason he got notoriety was because of people literally going psycho over him.
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I'd really rather they kept the more adult theme of DBD's killers, nothing about FNAF was scary. But if enough people cared and wanted it I wouldn't complain.
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I honestly wouldn't mind it, but I don't think that "most wanted character" is accurate.
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FNAF is not scary. It's jump scares. Anyone can flash an image and a loud noise on a screen to make people react.
That's why horror movies suck; it's always SUDDEN NOISE AND MOVEMENT! and writers/directors think that equals scary.
I'd never buy a FNAF DLC, myself.
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Jason Vorhees is the most wanted license. Personally I want Parasite Eve, but nobody remembers that game. Sadge.
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Most wanted chapter?
Jason and Chucky did not added to game yet. So i do not think FNAF is most wanted chapter.
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What got me into him was Slender the Arrival with Markiplier and some of his scary stories. Also ironically if you look at some research about people that went psycho was also psyco with multiple other characters but not getting into it.
He literally became a horror icon just from a photo in a contest and everything about him was made by the internet making him into this mysterious tall being connected to 8 pages.
And classic does not mean it has to be old like Freddy or Ghost face since Pyramid Head is a classic and he is from 2001.
The main reason he got popular was that he had no real backstory so fans made their own to fill in the giant gaps creating The Slenderman people know today.
He just needs some Spotlight again and a fresh new start since he is wanted by quite a bit of people from the community and mentioned a lot by a certain fog whisper in some wanted videos.
Ps loved him in my childhood being scared from either video games or creeped out by stories.
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sorry im late guys
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I wouldn't mind it.
People getting ENRAGED AT THE MERE IDEA AND GOING ABSOLUTELY RABID makes me want it, though.
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The only reason its not the most wanted killer is because Jason Voorhees exists. The ONLY reason. If he didn't, Springtrap would win by a mile, blowing right past the liked of Pinhead, Pumpkinhead, Candyman, Chucky, Predator, Xenomorph, Pennywise, and countless others
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I love how everyone says it’s not scary cause it’s jump scares. WRONG!! That’s not the true horror of FNAF what makes it scary is the atmosphere and how you can’t move you decide your fait. Do you want to play it safe and lock the doors but lose power faster or conserve power but risk getting killed that’s what makes FNAF scary cause your Vulnerable you can’t fight back. You decided how you play. The environment is scary cause being alone with these giant ass robots coming after you and in the 3rd game a dead serial killer stalking you in a haunted walk through? Seriously it’s not adult?
we have a story we’re a guy murdered many kids and dies by the way he hid the bodies then comes back as a rotting body in a suit trying to kill. But nah that’s to interesting it’s bad cause kids play it and it’s jumpscares
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That spotlight changed my mind. I want fnaf more than candyman now
But still not as much as pinhead
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I'm well aware of the lore and mechanics of FNAF and there's a reason it was popular with children and not adults.
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Parasite Eve was amazing.
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I really hope they do this. It'll be the thing that allows me to finally quit this game.
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Pyramid Head had his own backstory, it was just very well hidden.
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Yeah I know that, just mean a classic does not have to be old.
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Well classic does mean its kinda old. And Pyramid head is still waaaay older then Slenderman.
Not saying Slenderman isnt that classic, even if i wouldnt want him that much.
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That's literally what it means. And 20 years is enough time, IMO.
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I just say classic since grew up with it and was the first ever thing that got me into horror and plus would make a neat killer.
Well, I just say it's a classic in my opinion since grew up with it. Also whats IMO?
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There's is nothing scary about FNAF, unless you're young. It's a meme at best.
We need Hellraiser, Pumpkinhead, maybe a Leprechaun skin for the Twins, or any of the other iconic slasher/horror flicks from the 80s/90s. Stalking around as the Tall Man would be fantastic in DbD. An animatronic toy? No.... please just no.
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The story does not matter. The only 'scares' are jumpscares, which are the laziest form of 'scare' because they just surprise you.
The story could be the most amazing story in the world, but the games are still basic jumpscares, because making real terror is hard.
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I played the first game and never understood the hype this series has. After the first 5 cheap jumpscares the game gets boring really fast.
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I have a friend who really wants Springtrap in the game and while I'm not an avid FNAF fan I could see it working. From a lore perspective about how The Entity takes people who commit serious acts of violence and the Entity would 100% consider William Afton. The man was a psychopath who murdered children, not to mention from a thematical and appearance standpoint, Springtrap would fit into the game pretty well.
It's a rotting corpse inside an old and broken robotic spring lock suit. Springtrap looks more like a horror character than Legion or Trickster. The only problem I can see with Springtrap is what would his power be? I have no clue, I've seen a lot of fan ideas, some are really interesting, while others are just.....really bad. No offense to the fan chapter showcase guys, they're amazingly talented, but their power and perk ideas are really....weak. They either look like they're very watered down and basic or they don't fit the character they're trying to represent at all.
All in all, I'm certain it would work and there could be a lot of neat character elements they could fit into Springtrap as a killer, like imagine after he does certain actions you hear the sounds of metal creaking and the springlocks jamming into his skin, along with the sounds of bones breaking. They could do a lot of really brutal and unique things regarding him as a character.
Could be a fun chapter, but I think execution is the most important thing here.
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Good lord. This ######### just won't go away.
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you could say that to all the killers there stories don’t matter. It’s not just about jumpscares yes it’s how you die but the game builds terror as you try to survive cause in all the games there’s characters all around you and trying to fight them all off or conserving power builds tension and fear.
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I could see some sort of animatronic killer but never a fnaf chapter
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
It builds tension like one of those pipe puzzles: by having a ticking clock.
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The only fear is 'when will I get screamed at next?'
Sorry, I just think FNAF is a lazy game. I mean, Scott hit it big with FNAF, and good on him. He kept trying after failing, and he made it big. 👍️
But the 'scares' in FNAF are about as deep as those early-2000's prank videos people would send by e-mail, where they tell you to look closely at an image because 'Something is wrong in the room', and 3 minutes later: *SUDDEN NOISE AND IMAGE!*
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I personally don't necessarily want it but i wouldn't mind and would buy if it looks mechanically interesting
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Damn, this thread certainly didn't make people happy.
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Fnaf in dbd is like the plague you mention it an you get a lot of angry mobs coming after you
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I feel like FNAF would attract the same generation of people who keep saying “sus” nowadays.
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Hopefully it will never happen. Dbd doesn’t need ######### licenses.
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I honestly hope they add a fnaf chapter just to give me a reason to take a 3 month break.
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Hmm. I'm not really a fan of Stranger Things. It looks like a cool show and all, but I don't watch shows anymore. Most are boring with the same recycled scripts and environments. It, along with Resident Evil were added mostly to get new players from their specific fanbases. Much the same as with the other licensed Killers. Fans of those series would be drawn to DbD to maybe live out a fantasy of playing as their main antagonist, or surviving as the protagonist. Demogorgon certainly isn't a "proper" slasher flick monster, much the same as Nemesis. They're more drawn from an action horror style of genre, but cash is cash, and at least they fit the DbD theme reasonably well.
As for FNAF... the fanbase is pretty large, but it's mostly younger people who are scared by simple things that have no real horror value in and of themselves. The animatronics are kinda creepy, but they don't have that inherent terror value like Freddy, Michael, or any of the other licensed Killers because they don't really do anything. They just move when you aren't watching, and if they get too close... they jump at you. Oh boy... I tried one of the games one time. It was unimpressive at best. Like Spooky's House of Jumpscares but without the action and actual moving around.
Not saying that DbD is scary or anything, except that f'ing Ghostface pulling me off a damn gen, but it has a certain horror atmosphere that is reasonably serious in nature. Once you've been playing for a few dozen hours, it loses that horror feel, but for the first 20 or so, DbD is a damn scary place. I still remember playing it back in 2017 for the first time, my cat probably does too cause she got tossed about 10 feet the first time I ran into a Killer. FNAF just doesn't have that same feeling. It's more like a bunch of kids at a sleepover in elementary school telling local legend ghost stories.
There are just too many other good horror series that would fit into DbD. Personally, I'd love to see something akin to The Grudge or some of the other Japanese horror films. The Spirit is great, with her jerky movements and odd posing. With her increased phasing add-ons, she is creepy AF. One of the few Killers that actually does give me chills sometimes, just from the way she moves. I'd much rather see this type of thing added, or maybe something out of Middle Eastern/Indian lore. The Plague is Babylonian (right?), but I'm thinking something more along the lines of Djinn or the Hindu Mythos. Hell, I'd rather play as the Chupacabra than one of those ridiculous FNAF animatronics. Hmm... Blood sucking goat demon? That sounds like a good next chapter eh?
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Relative to the Demogorgon? I feel like the standards aren't particularly high for them to be considered.
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Ain't the most wanted, but it's definitely up there.
Personally, I want Dead Space, but fnaf would be good too. (Any horror license is fair game)
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"The more adult theme" you do know that william afton murdered children right?
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So did the big bad wolf
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Lol, I don't even know how to respond to that, other than letting youtube on your parents iPad raise you as a child.
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Jesus dude too real
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At this point, I want it just to see how apeshit everyone would go.
Have no connection to FNaF.
Don't really find it all that interesting.
I just think it'd be funny to watch.
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The big bad wolf eat 1 kid in a toned down story Afton murdered 5 children and is still trying to torment their lost souls. Big difference if you ask me
Post edited by DontNerf on1 -
It's not the most wanted chapter but it is the most spotlighted in the past few months for some reason. My problem with it would be how would it work? Springtrap has no powers. He is just a corpse in a suit walking around. He doesn't even cause the hallucinations in FNAF 3. Only thing I could think of would be maybe a miasma that follows him around that would poison and cause the survivors to hallucinate?