What's with this event?

Finally got around to playing it and holy crap the try hard sweat is so insane I can't have a fun game.
I'm killer, but I'm going in aiming for bloodpoints. No camping, tunneling, facecamping. Just gen patrolling and short chases.
I played trapper on Ormond, literally 3 gens done in less than three minutes. I had 1 hook. By the time I got 2 hooks 4 gens done. Like holy crap! The gen rushing is so insane I can't get enough time to get hardly any hooks. It's so fast right away in the first 3 minutes.
Then I look at the event survivor add ons and ah.. ok.. beefed toolboxes and medkits. Am I not seeing this right? What are the killers getting? Idk man.
It's taking over 5 minutes to get into matches that end in three minutes and im scratching my head wondering how I'm supposed to play long enough to gather bloodpoints.
Maybe it's just bad luck today or just me but man are these games flying!
It’s not just you.
I think the reason the event is so sweaty is because Survivors have to escape to get their crown, so they’re going to sweat. Killers are going sweat in return so they don’t come away with nothing. Those Killers soon expect all Survivors to be sweaty, so when they get a chill team, the team gets wiped out because of the Killer expecting sweaty players. Survivors who already have their crowns are also expecting all Killers to play sweaty, so they play sweaty in order to survive.
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And now add in the pre-rank reset sweat, and it's a horror fest in every single match.
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Events are capable of summoning the worst and most toxic players in the Fog, but for some reason this one has been particularly rough.
The best option is to level up your characters and ignore everything else.
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Yeah I guess. RIP trickster practice lmao!
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Why would people sweat before their rank resets? Isn't that pointless? It gets reset, right? I am new. So I genuinely don't know.
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I suppose some players try to reach the higher rank tier (colour), so that they don't lose too many ranks.
(longer explanation if you don't know how rank reset works: ranks are divided in "colours". For example, red rank is from 1 to 4, purple from 5 to 8 etc etc. Once every month, you get reset at the highest rank of the previous colour based on what you were in. If you were red rank, you get reset to 5, which is the highest of purple ranks, if you were purple you get to 9 etc etc.
This means that if you are currently sitting at rank 5, it would be wise to try a bit harder to reach at least rank 4, so that you will be reset only one rank, instead of jumping down to 9)
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What they said.
The end result? A jump in toxicity and sweatiness during 4 or so days before the 13th of the month and then for about 7 days after, as people who drop rank want to reclaim it.