I feel like I'm getting my ass kicked every game as Killer

Trwth Member Posts: 921

No, this isn't a post about how Killers are too weak.

My first game of the day was against a full squad on Hawkins. Walked away with no kills and didn't even hook all four of them. My next game, it wasn't even a SWF and they wiped the floor with me. Maybe I was already sore from the previous game that I did so poorly. I always tell myself that not every game is gonna be a winner, and that even in those games I learn something new and adapt, but I can't help but get angry at every little mistake I make and frantically search for something to blame to keep myself from crushing my controller in my hands.

It also aches me to say that I'm semi-tempted to switch to Survivor after back-to-back losses. I previously played Survivor almost exclusively unless it was for a challenge. Now, I want to turn over a new leaf and dedicate myself to something new over the summer and, since DbD is my favorite game, I figured I might as well learn Killer.

So, all ranting aside, I have to ask: Killer mains, how do you do it? How do you get absolutely demolished by SWF, get mortally punished for even the tiniest of mistakes, and deal with the inaudible scrutiny the Survivors could be giving you, and still enjoy playing Killer?


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is about the gameplay loop. As a survivor, I need to find a gen, and then I need to sit there and play a glorified QTE. If I get caught, the game is designed that eventually you will get caught unless the skill discrepancy is huge on a strong part of the map. And once you get downed, or hooked, you basically do nothing for 1-3 minutes (maybe longer, no idea what the slug timer is).

    If I don't escape, I lose an item. If I do escape, I feel empty, like, I just opened a gate and that's it... It only satisfies me if I did a gen or 2, got chased for a couple minutes, healed a few people, found a good item to use. And as a low ranked survivor, if I am first to get spotted, I can expect none of that will happen.

    As a killer, if I run into an amazing looper, I can leave and find someone easier or stay engaged to see what they are doing to learn from it. Whatever tickles my fancy. If they want to drop a pallet and get the free flashlight stun when I go to break it, I still broke it. I get to decide just about everything from who I target to, whether I commit after injuring them, to slug or not to slug, which gens I do NOT want them to have. Whether someone lives or dies. I had a twitch tv Jill, presumably in a SWF as they all tried to take hits for her. But she clicky clicked her lights and me no like that too much, so she dieded even though she was rank 2 and I am a baby killer.

    I came from Overwatch, fam. You know why I desperately needed a break from that game? I was sick and tired of absolutely useless teammates. Playing the team based role in this game would have made zero sense, albeit, I still do SWF with my sister. Anything is more fun with co op and she loves gen rushing, so it all works out to lead to some interesting end game scraps that sometimes make escaping feel more imperative.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Killers have had sizeable buffs in the recent past, but not more than they've been nerfed. Your hexes get cleansed immediately because of crap spots, breakable walls are survivor sided, farm maps are still busted, red forest maps are still too big. Counterforce to counter hexes, Blast Mine to counter kicking gens, Unbreakable to counter slugging, BT to counter tunneling. There's like a counter for everything you can do as killer.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I have played mostly killer for about 3.5k hours. Feel im qualified.

    First off, win conditions mean as much as you want them to. You really don't need to care as much about every match as you might think, Did you earn bloodpoints? Then it's fine. It's easy just to say don't get tilted, but a big part of this game is rng. Sometimes the perks the survivors are running and your build just go against you. Sometimes the map or tiles go against you.

    Sometimes you will have a perfectly lined up blight takedown and the game will bug out and make you swing an m1 before you can use your power, or decide that part of the map can't be bounced on at that time.

    It happens, happens to survivors too, this game is heavily dependant on so many factors that sometimes things really are out of your hands.

    As for dealing with these groups, it comes with time, learning when to chase/break and how to apply pressure/set up 3 gens and bait out what you know a good team will be doing, and that only comes with hundreds and hundreds of hours, and doing the same on survivor. And even then, the aforementioned rng is such a factor that its always better to gg and move on.

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    You probably just had a bad day, that's it. Sometimes I get bad days too and think that MMR is secretly on which sometimes it is but that's not the case majority of the times, that and also you're learning the game. Learning how to deal with squads is something you get with experience, good thing about it is that you'll notice that 90% of swfs are not that good so when you start getting good at killer rarely you'll come across a tough swf. My number 1 tip for going against a good team is to go for the weakest survivor so that you can start putting pressure early on, if you chase a good survivor you're just wasting time and not getting any pressure. If there are no weak survivors those are the very hard matches, but like I said luckily that's rare to come across since majority of players are bad or just decent.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    This is what you do. Grab freddy, add in some noed + stbfl + bloodwarden, smear on some bbq and chili, then just kick back, put your feet up and stop worrying about the gens. Whatever happens happens :)

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    TBH, I played killer exclusively for the first year I had the game and I eventually got to a point where I decided to quit DBD completely because it was so stressful. A few months later, my anxiety about playing survivor cleared up and I came back and became a both-sider, but I still have to deal with the killer side in controlled doses, because it can become un-fun very quickly.

    My advice is not to force yourself to grind killer constantly if it's stressing you out. Maybe start your play session on killer, and then finish on a high note on survivor, since that's what you've enjoyed in the past.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    One thing to keep in mind is that matchmaking is truly atrocious in this game. I can't imagine how much of a nightmare it must be for all the new players coming in to dead by daylight thanks to Resident Evil, and getting absolutely destroyed trying to practice not just survivor, but killer.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2021

    What killer(s) were you playing?

    Were your cosmetics hurting your possibilities of getting some loops?

    Have you compared your perks & general killer skill to that of the survivors you're against?

    All these questions, at least for me, need to be checked before entering a match. I love Spirit's white hair, but it's so detrimental that on some loops that are really hard to see (for survivors), it becomes a detriment because your hair is now poking out of the already ginormously tall loop. Some killers just suck at cutting down on the looping tools survivors have, which sucks. I commend you, though, for talking to yourself every game and trying to cool off. I guarantee you that you're a superb killer, it's just that even the best sometimes get outplayed. Nothing to be ashamed about. It's annoying, but it surely is a lot of fun when you get the 12 hooks.