

Is this Anniversary Event Good or Terrible?

Member Posts: 439
edited July 2021 in Polls

Self-explanatory question. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Note that the following content is included in the Anniversary:

  • The Resident Evil chapter
  • Sacrificial Cakes
  • Crowns
  • Exclusive event cosmetics
  • An extra starter 500,000 Bloodpoints
  • Iridescent Shards per Day
  • Update patch 5.0.0+

So whatever your opinion may be, there are facts up here in the event you want to justify your opinion.

EDIT: If you decide not to vote for either Good or Bad, please Upvote the first comment of this thread. This will give a middle ground to voting and will reflect more accurate results to peoples' opinions.

Is this Anniversary Event Good or Terrible? 81 votes

It's Good (Explain Why)
25 votes
It's Terrible (Explain Why)
56 votes
Post edited by Vulgun on

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  • Member Posts: 497
    edited July 2021
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    When the Resident Evil chapter released it caused the game to be unplayable for a lot of people.

    For the event, people are playing like this is some sort of tournament. However all the other stuff like the 500k blood points, cakes, and blood shards per day is neat

  • Member Posts: 393
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    While the actual event itself is just whatever, not really terrible, it is a rehash of last year that came with its own bugs on top of the RE chapter. Honestly just including the RE chapter moves it to terrible.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited July 2021
    It's Good (Explain Why)

    The event is fine, the high occurrence of strong BP offerings is really the only good thing.

    Crowns are a little boring but cosmetics are nice I guess.

    I prefer events where they have offerings that give you extra points for getting hooks and completing generators, like the summer BBQ/

    If they cominbed the two event types ie. using a cake lets you get bonus poiints from gens AND gives you more points, then that would be amazing.

  • Member Posts: 439

    If anyone does think it's "Meh", then I'll count it as a choice, though it'll have to be written.

    Unfortunately I can't change the poll's answers. This forum is designed about as well as the game.

  • Member Posts: 942
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Since the release of the chapter, the game has been a nightmare to play, frames drop every few minutes, and you can barely play killer without getting screwed over by lag spikes/fps drops.

    Not only that, the event has awoken the worst in people on both sides, there can be 4 cakes and my teammates can be bullying the killer/gen-rushing or the killer can be tunneling (actively just chasing one person out of the match, not the loose version) and hard camping. End game tunneling/camping is fine I don't care, and I'm not expecting the killer to play nice, but it's a nightmare to play against.

  • Member Posts: 588
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    It's awful, all they did was slap crowns on the map and put in cakes and balloons. Plus, killers are just making the game unfun by tunneling someone out of the game with cakes

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    All things considered, it is a really bad event. Useful if you wish to level up a character or two, but that is about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,014


    The shards are nice and the resident evil chapter looks nice


    The game doesn't run smoothly on most consoles and nemesis needs some serious buffs

    I don't care about event items, cakes, crowns and cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 1,118
    It's Good (Explain Why)

    It's the same Anniversary Event as it always has been every year. People get mad they can't farm BP with someone who doesn't want to farm and complain in the forums.

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I like how they said they were going to cancel smaller events to make the anniversary a big one but look what we got.

  • Member Posts: 5,785
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Events happening while its basically unplayable for a lot of people

    nothing to counterbalance this fact like a longer event or a 2nd event for when major issues are "mostly" fixed

    no tracker for community goals

    Cakes massively down for killers from last year from up to 4+ cakes down to an average of 1.5 cakes per bloodweb and survivors still suffering with 0-1 even items per level 50 bloodweb

    Its just last years event but with the shrine of secrets more active but the rest of the event is more just a shell of its former self since its the same thing but there are less event nodes in the bloodweb so its effectively a drained version of last years event

    What I would like to see to "fix" the event before the event ends

    Community trackers (at least updated on the hour it doesn't have to be 24/7 I just want to see the progress / progression)

    Either extended event or 2nd event for when optimization issues are fixed

    More event items per bloodweb I think each side should have 3 event nodes per bloodweb minimum so that killers can stack up on cakes and survivors have access to plenty of event items, not just 1ish item per bloodweb, its an event its not supposed to be a grind its supposed to be fun and a time of celebration not of stinginess

  • Member Posts: 3,387
    edited July 2021
    It's Good (Explain Why)

    I hate the crowns. Floating on top of their heads looks tacky. However I am enjoying collecting them all for some reason.

    Yes, visually it is a mess on consoles but I won't judge an event I am enjoying as the graphical glitches and frame rate issues were present before the event started.

    I also like that the devs gave killers so many cakes! A nice treat for killer mains which is very much appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 340
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Nothing about this "event" was hyped or even interesting once you did learn what it was.

    Free stuff is better than nothing, but I think the presentation is lacking and the event itself is also underwhelming.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Lovely. A recycled event with a slightly updated crown. Peak BHVR right there.

    "We'll be prioritizing on our anniversary and blight events," Lies, just lies.

  • It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    The December event was way better, and it is a minor event according to BHVR

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    It's Good (Explain Why)

    I don't think it's terrible. I like getting extra shards. I like having an extra task to do, even if it's trying to find a crown without getting tunneled to death. I don't think it's the best event ever, and I don't see this as an event that they went all-out on after conserving resources and scaling back other events, but it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 672
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I appreciate the extra iri shards, But this event feels kind of meh to me. It's basically the same event as last year and it gets kind of boring after a while.

  • Member Posts: 882


    At least the Naughty Bear charm looks cool, but that's about it. The Crowns aren't even good, they look worse than Last Years (at least the 4th Year Crowns were useful in making Jeff look like Jesus with a Halo, this years looks weird and doesn't fit anybody).

    But hey, at least the BP is nice.

  • Member Posts: 517
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I wouldn't say terrible but... mediocre and forgettable

  • Member Posts: 2,209
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Needs an in the middle option since overall its not a terrible event but its just a copy paste of last year which is boring and the crowns are dumb cosmetics since they are connected to the default head, if they were disconnected from the rest of your cosmetics they'd be pretty dope but I likely wont use them almost ever in there current state and besides crown hunting there is little to no gameplay change. More BP is nice I guess but people play pretty try hard during events so its usually not that much fun tbh

  • Member Posts: 688
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I think it's not terrible, but it's not good either. It's just the event from the last year, that is it. Just adding a few decorations, items and an offering doesn't make the event unique or good. Where are the actual good events? We have had them in the past. I liked the summer event, where you would fix the event gens for extra points or hook survivors on the event hooks for more points too.

    We have the crowns as unlockables, but not only do they look a lot like last year's, but they are also visible from space. Only people who don't care about stealth would ever use them. Also, killers can get the crowns easily and survivors have to get them and survive, which is much harder, there should have been a middle ground, like, find a crown and fix a gen to keep it or something.

    All in all, we were promised the anniversary and halloween events would be the best ones, because they would focus a lot on them, but it doesn't show, at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited July 2021
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    The toxicity has risen sharply on both sides and gens seem to be getting done in half the time. Seriously, my matches used to be 10 minutes long, now I'm lucky if I can pass the 5 minute mark. It makes red ranks an absolute pain to play and sucks all the fun out of the game, feels more like a chore sometimes.

    Also I do not care about crowns at all. The only thing that's good are the cakes.

  • Member Posts: 5,564
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    So many bugs with the RE chapter. No need to explain more.

    Old console is so sad. I genuinely can't believe it hasn't been taken out back and put out of it's misery.

    This event.. one of two they were focusing on.. what have they done? Just reskin last years event basically. They also lowered the drop rate of event items/offerings in the bloodweb. Anyone who tested this event should have seen the problem.

    They then release a developer update that ignores all of this. Quite insulting to this community imo.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The event itself is thoroughly mediocre, however it seems you only want extremes.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    You could have added more options, not just good or terrible. For example:

    Excellent, good, neutral, bad, terrible

  • Member Posts: 96
    It's Good (Explain Why)

    The event is good its just that there's no difference from the previous one

  • Member Posts: 8,330
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Performance issues making game unplayable. This is the biggest of them all. Even if event was worth playing the performance issues are so bad that I can't enjoy the game and I also worry about dbd breaking my ps4 for me to even consider sucking it up to play during the event.

    Killers being able to deny survivors crowns - this was complained about last year and devs did nothing to fix the issue. I've seen killers target survivors that are not licensed or already wearing cosmetic just to prevent survivor from being able to get crown. While the point was to prevent survivors from getting crown and suicide on hook because of past events now survivors are suiciding on hook or DCing because they figure they won't be escaping that match and should just move on to next match quicker in hopes they'll have better luck. Neither side should be able to prevent the other from receiving rewards in an event - when killers were limited to few event hooks in other events the devs made it so survivors couldn't sabo those hooks and prevent killers from their event reward. Requirements for cosmetics/BP should never be something that one side can prevent the other from receiving.

    Because survivors need to escape with crown they are getting gens done as fast as possible to escape which leads to killers playing harder which leads to both sides trying for quickest match possible and that most times will end out being low BP even with cake offerings. Ultimately the matches are quick and unfun for either side.

    Only 1-2 items/offerings per blood web. Bloodwebs should be filled with these not limited, especially on survivor side where there's multiple items along with offering.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2021

    This should be a good event, but it's only meh. We're getting tons of BP and shards and Resident Evil characters. However, the event being copied and pasted from last year, horrendous state of the game for a lot of people, RPD map being disabled, no tracker for the community goals, and seemingly no compensation for the amount of issues the latest couple of patches introduced brings it down to meh.

  • Member Posts: 440
    It's Good (Explain Why)


  • Member Posts: 1,246


  • Member Posts: 710
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Ill ONlY talk about the real aniversary, the resident evil and 5.0.0 patch aint counting there

    The devs said they would drop other events to focus on their 2 big ones, Aniversary and Halloween...

    Now this aniversary...IS THE SAME AS LAST YEAR

    same crowns, same idea, same loading screen, same cake and items, just with a fiew tweaks here and there, and its so sad because it isnt hard to pull off, nor does it show the extra work around this event for dropping others, even skins on hook and gens are the same, maps arent specially skinned for this, no new addon or offering, no new gameplay mechanic just forthe even, not even a Double Bloodpoint time...

    And so instead of having a Bday party, many players play the same or tryhard some extra and the time.of the event ends up not even feeling special anymore

    If Halloween ends up being the same as last yer...it will just be another big disapointment

  • Member Posts: 1,265
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Please don't get me wrong, i think The Resident Evil chapter is very good compared to the last chapter. (If we don't talk about the bugs.) everything about this chapter is my favorite.

    When it comes to the anniversary celebration, everything seems off.

    The crowns are not good to wear and connected to the default head. not to mention our licensed characters who can't have one.

    Recolor cosmetics and charms are disappointing, nothing is really new to look forward to.

    I would have been very happy if we could have a special battle pass or arcade to trade cosmetics.

    I feel sad in this event to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    there is nothing bad about the event.

    but there is also nothing great about it either.

    so neither of your two options work.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Its decent, I just feel trolled by the fact that many of the perks in the shrine of secrets are from free/base killers, we got BBQ and Surveilance from the good perks, but for the killers is like rubbish, basically no paid Perks for killers or survivors. I hope for the days left we get something strong like DS / Blood Warden

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2021
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Throwing free stuff at the community is a real easy way to get most people to shut up and for other white knights to criticize the people that don't like the event saying "wow you don't appreciate free stuff how entitled are you".

    The fact is it's lazy. Giving free things to the community isn't what I call an event it's just called incentive- people will get back on Dead By Daylight if the devs promise them free in-game currency and this boosts player numbers and likely an increase in sales for cosmetics, chapters, and everything else.

    An EVENT is supposed to actually significantly change the gameplay of the game itself for a temporary period of time such that normal gameplay is put on hold for a brief period during the year. An event provides a window of time where people are allowed to take the game less seriously than normal and to just have fun with a reward system that provides a goal to work toward and earn something for playing during that time.

    However, again, what they did was lazy. They reused nearly everything from last year's anniversary, even the overall banner theme and advertising for the 5th anniversary uses the same black and gold thematic from the previous year- which looks fantastic, but using it two years in a row all of a sudden makes it less unique and less important in the grand scheme of the history of DBD. The actual gameplay change is not impactful at all since players don't have to actually be proactive, they simply need to be in the right place at the right time, and very little about the overall pace of the game is changed (although survivors have to do a bit more work since they need to survive. The "reward" itself is the same dumbass crown which might have some interesting lore attached to it being a "primitive and crude representation of the entity" and all but beyond that it's not a worthy reward to actually sink your time into. Aesthetically the crowns look completely out of place and the floating halo that bobs above a survivor's head frankly just looks more ridiculous than anything else. Of all the cosmetics that have ever been created for events, which has resulted in some truly stunning and amazing cosmetics by the way (think of the Blight cosmetics for both killers AND survivors), these anniversary crowns are undoubtedly the worst.

    Which is truly unfortunate because one of the devs themselves during the anniversary stream said that they were going to put less emphasis and resources on / toward most of the events so that they could allocate them specifically for two: Halloween and the Anniversary. (Personally I would have said Halloween and the Winter Solstice [or even the Lunar New Year] because historically the anniversary events themselves as they take place in-game have always been more or less lackluster and trying to make the anniversary "bigger" and more grand really is just a show-off move which strokes their own ego but okay). So remind yourself that THIS event- the one that's going on RIGHT NOW for the 5th anniversary, is what they saved and waited for and were so excited to release. Truly pathetic.

    I normally don't agree with Space Coconut and frankly just listening to his voice alone rubs me the wrong way because of how naturally snarky and sarcastic it sounds in every single ######### video, but he hits it right on the head with this one:

  • Member Posts: 11
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I'd like it if it didn't lure a significant amount of toxic players back to the game. I've been seeing a lot more disconnects/face camping/taking the game hostage/hate messages in the game in the past week than I had prior to the event. If auto-ban comes out during the event, it'll be great.

  • Member Posts: 11
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    I feel this. Been 4k slugged and just left there to bleed out while the killer taunts way to many times. I know I'm not amazing but dang, just hook me so I can get I to another match and have fun!

  • Member Posts: 187
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    The Devs hyped that they were going to be doing more in this and the Halloween event by cutting other content. I thought this would be more in terms of gameplay. Instead we got what would have been an amazing chapter if not for it the horrifying levels of lag that it's brought and a rehash of the same event/cosmetics from last year. The giveaways are a nice gesture, but that's a very fleeting thing that doesn't add anything special to the event itself.

    I think one of the worst aspects of the this whole thing is the lack of any community oriented stuff like contests. A 5th year anniversary is a pretty big milestone, yet nothing was organized in this regard. I felt like an idiot in another post how excited I was to go out and get stuff to make an entry for the yearly contests only to be left going "uhhhhh, wait, what?"

    I laid down some money for the RE chapter since I've been a huge fan since PS1 RE3 release as a kid, but after I finish up my tome I am putting the game on the back burner for other stuff. Kinda done with the cycle of hype and letdown, it feels like an abusive relationship, lol...

  • Member Posts: 92
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    It's the same exact thing as last year's anniversary event, the only good things are the iridescent shards that they gave out (even still, not enough imo, should have been enough for a full set of cosmetics, 21k), and the bloodpoints, which make the game feel like less of a slog to grind through as you earn BP at a decent rate. There's nothing else I can say that's good, the crowns are boring and lazily just float at the back of your character's head like last year, and beyond that, what is there really? Retextured items are cool, I guess?

    The main issue is that they said they weren't doing a lot of the other events because they were supposedly focusing on the anniversary and halloween events, or something akin to that, and this is what we get? I don't think there's been a genuinely good event since halloween 2019, personally.

  • Member Posts: 32
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    While the event isn't horrible the devs pulled resources from other events to make the anniversary and halloween events better but both have been pretty lackluster and for that i believe it's terrible

  • Member Posts: 31

    I really wish they would have tied balloons to the body bags in the main screen area. Lots and lots of balloons.

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    It's decent for some BP farming but it's otherwise just a huge disappointment. I guess the Devs just straight up lied when they said they were putting more effort into the events.

  • Member Posts: 396
    It's Terrible (Explain Why)

    Broken chapter full of bugs, missing console optimisation and the „content“ of the event is basically just a bunch of free blood points, some shards and one recycled cosmetic that almost nobody is going to wear.

    Add to this that a big pile of the free stuff was given out to silence the crowd because the game was literally unplayable for some people.

    happy fifth anniversary...

  • Member Posts: 439

    So after seeing all of this, let's get to the results. While this is a small pool of people, we have the following poll results for the anniversary event and the reception it has had by some in the community:

    • Total Votes: 116
      • Votes for "It's Good": 24
      • Votes for "It's Terrible": 54
      • Votes for "It's Meh": 38
    • With almost 50% of the vote, "It's Terrible" won the vote. This means that the mode, at least here, shows that people did not like the event presented here.
    • But as the poll suggests, a majority of the people who voted have either lukewarm to negative reception towards the event.

    Perhaps BHVR should look at polls like these and actually make their events more entertaining to the playerbase. While again, this is a small sample size, and I could run a poll regarding how people "felt" about the event, this still shows that quite a bit of people weren't positively receiving the event as a whole.

    But, I will run one more poll just to gauge how people felt about the event. See you then.

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