Is there a DBD ship you'd go down with?

Personally I'll ship anything as long as I've read or seen at least one bit of appealing fan art/writing for it.
I do like killer/survivor ships though. Because enemies to friends to lovers is literally the best trope. But enough about my shipping tendencies...let's hear about yours?
I don’t do shipping in general but Jane and Jeff would make the best couple
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The Pale Rose is the only available ship to go down with!
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Killer and survivor ships are definitely weird to me... Why would a survivor even want to date somebody who has killed them 1,000 times? Survivor to other survivor ships are okay but I would just rather the killers stay bloodthirsty murderers.
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Yun-Jin & Ji-Woon both are terrible people who deserve each other. I'd be like that toxic couple that refuses to break up.
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Jake and the trickster. The trickster is obsessed with Jake’s lack of pretension and need for celebrity so he develops like a weird celebrity stalker thing of him
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They shipped Philip with Sally a while ago and i don't mind one bit.
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I was hoping for this kind of comment and I was not disappointed.
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It's not a proper thread without at least one dad joke!
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This never fails to tickle, lmao
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This game is rife with punable opportunities😁
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It's okay people who bring logic into shipping are weird to me. Like high key the most fun ships to read about make like zero sense. Ain't nobody ever read a romance that made sense and been satisfied or entertained by it.
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I wish I can say the same.
If it doesn’t make sense, I can’t read it. 😓 There’s gotta be some kind of decent background and/or buildup, the characters personality is important too.
That aside, people enjoy different things and that’s okay.
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Yes, all the guys on the Titanic.
They can all be Jack & I'll be their Rose.
My favorite scenes to recreate will be the draw me like one of your french girls and the I'll never let go one. Also that one scene where they cuddle inside that old car.
Oh of course how could I almost forget, also the I'm flying scene. So Iconic.
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I really want Jeff and frank to have had crushes on each other before frank was taken by the fog. That's my personal favorite relationship I'd love to see explored in a tome since we haven't gotten a Jeff or frank lore tome yet.
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Jake x Quentin
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Leon x Claire. It’s time to continue the Redfield bloodline.
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Hear me out: Claudette and the Blight being friends that study the flowers of the fog
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Personally, I'd love to see some bugfixes shipped already.
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Feng and Cheryl <3
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I just made this yesterday...this one ship is universal from the internet.
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I ship all survivors with the hooks on the map
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Freddy and Pig will always be my favorite ship.
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Oh I don't mind build up, I just think that the more unlikely a pairing is the more satisfying it is to read a fanfic where a writer pulls it off.
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Kate and Zarina. The burnt out sell-out and her moral compass. <3
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You don't want to know what I imagined when you said that. This is the problem with trying to be platonic in a thread made by a veteran shipper. Because I WILL ship the hooks with the survivors...heck I'll ship The Entity with the survivors. It's not exactly tentacles but it'll do :3
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It's all good
they're called ships because they get sunk by canon :^)
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Hence why you go down with the ship. Canon is not sacred, it exists to be twisted and warped by the fans. That is it's one true purpose I ship Canon with Fanon, but it's a toxic relationship where Fanon won't let canon out of the Yandere basement.
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I don't know what half of what you just said means but I'll vote you up anyway
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Yun-Jin x Dwight would be amazing doe
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Yun-Jin x Dwight 1000%.
Cute nerdy intern and the serious boss lady? Amazing
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David King and Chris Redfield
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Jeff x kate
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Victor and Nemesis is my OTP.
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My favorite ship is Nea and Meg ❤️
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I ship anything that has yaoi in it. But I have to say that I love Joey x Frank the most.
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I mean they do look like they'd get on. XD
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I hate Pale rose
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jake x ace
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I ship lisa and nurse but more in like a friendly way and less of a romantic way.
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Why? It's one of the easiest places so to run around the killer? I ship Pale Rose with myself it's very romantic.
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While it may be good loop for survivor, the entire map is ######### for both sides. The swamp in general is ######### along with Pale rose
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I ship Bill and Steve as friends.
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Have you tried it with Huntress or Nemesis?
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Oh by the way I can't figure out if I should ship Trapper with Dwight or Meg or Philip. The best stories I've read are Dwight/Trapper and Philip/Trapper but the best fan art is typically Megmillian. Can I just ship them in a foursome? But then Meg would be the only girl. I also kinda like Nea/Phillip and Sally/Phillip and Sally/Nea. This is the problem with being open to shipping literally anything as long as there's good fan art/writing of it or you know canon content in the case of Sally/Phillip. You end up very confused about which ship is the OTP. Also I ship Nea/Feng platonically as beasties because you just know they would be, but like shitposting beasties that get into more trouble than they get out of. Also Yui 100% flirts with anything with a vagina and no one can convince me otherwise I imagine her like Johnny Bravo but female and Japanese.