Stats Show Us: Kill Rates are not so High!

Stats shown to us: Kills and escapes are almost equal. Kills are higher but the difference is very little. Kill rates are under 60%.
Last stats before this, kill rates was high. But seem like not anymore. So we can stop say: Kill rates are so high, survivors can not escape etc. Game is balanced i think?
No, we can't say that. We shouldn't draw any conclusions from the stats they released. Those stats only tell how many escapes and kills there were, it doesn't say how those kills and escapes happened (suicide on hook, dc's, key escapes, moris)
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Still doesn't take in the factor about Dcs and First Hook Suicides...
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Suicides are normal deaths. But Dcs are not in case ofcourse.
But suicides will not change stats so much because after penalty time most people stopped dc.
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I meant like..
First one down. first one hooked. then just killing said self on hook. putting it at a 3v1 in the first minute,
And technically they do. Survivors tried to skewed the stats before.. and this is also bhvr. we don't know if Dcs take it in place aswel,
If so then that's bs
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Yeah but this is not common. I am 4 years player of DbD. I will not lie, i saw so much dc and suicide but 90 - 95 of my matches were normal. So i really do not think dcs and suicides will change stats so much.
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A difference of roughly 300 millions isn't, at all, little.
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Yes. And?
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They include a period with double pallets, infinites, vacuum, yaddayaddayadda.
They're just a fun fact.
If you want to draw conclusions, you need something on a more defined and recent period, where the game hasn't undergone so many changes. But afaik they don't plan on releasing those.
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I don't think the stats have changed from that old one everyone quotes. Its was 56% kill rate for all ranks, but 68% at red rank.
Besides, we all know the drill with these stats. They are more for fun than anything.
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Percentiles are important.
Kill rates are like 55-56% with this numbers. So this is clearly normal and balanced.
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...They're still common,
You'll always have a 1 dc or 1 suicide on hook in 85% of your matches,
I played this game for like 5 years, waaay before dc penalties...and there still was alot of dcs..
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Things to take into account before you extrapolate from that data:
- No method of kills/escapes is mentioned. For example, if you look at my "Wholesome moments" thread, most of them are from killers being nice to survivors - it wouldn't surprise me if this increased the number of escapes. On the other hand, not every suicide is a "legit" kill (in the sense that it could just be a salty survivor trying to avoid the DC penalty because they didn't like the killer, map, being found first, or any other number of things) - this will increase the number of kills.
- This is for all ranks. I don't think this needs to be explained further.
- This is for a year where DbD grew a lot more than in the past years. That means a lot more newbies. However, a newbie killer will crush a newbie survivor team. This will increase the number of kills.
- Farming trials will inflate survival rates, and many killers feel compelled to farm when a few survivors DCs.
Point is, there are a lot of factors that you have no way of taking into account that affect these numbers.
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Bruh, these are stats collected for like 4-5 years and only looking at original content.
This stats are for fun, they are not to be used in an argument as they say very little
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Survivors were using old stats in arguments lol. They were keep saying kill rates high.
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"Data from 2017 to 2021".
Means nothing but big PP numbers to show off.
Give us statistics that make sense, this right there doesnt mean anything.
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Im bad with math but the kill rate is less than 50%. If it was 50% the number of kill would be 3 000 000 000.
Correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure im right
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A handfull of people were usibg old stats in arguments for both roles
Survivors are not a collected unity
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You're wrong. The kill rate would be the number of kills divided by the sum of kills and escapes (because every survivor who escapes is a survivor who wasn't killed - that's the total number of survivors). It's around 55%.
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I can be wrong but i found with this way
Total Survivors: 1500000000 + 1848239570 = 3348239570
Kill Rate = 1848239570 : 3348239570 = 0.55
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Some people keep saying kill rates are high. But seem like kill rates are normal, new stats shows us this.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Good i did not used math in a long time XD i forgot about that ty for the clarification
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This is exactly why the devs never release stats, because people look at them, don't consider any external factors, and jump the gun drawing several balance conclusions off of the when they were released for fun. Ceteris Parabis these would be great, but we cannot assume Ceteris Parabis due to the range of time the data was collected from + how much the game has been updated since then.
These were literally meant to be for a press release. They were made to impress, not to give us things to draw conclusions from.
How many times do people use the argument that the kill rate doesn't matter? Now suddenly it does? #########??
"Oh but the devs use these stats to-" they have access to more stats than what they give us, and also community feedback is taken into account (even if just a small amount of it).
Tl;Dr: these stats were made for a press release to impress, do not draw any conclusions on them because the data is inconclusive, the game has been updated so many times over the period of data collection, and we do not have all the stats.
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It's total escape and kill rate, not in a specific rank set. The last updated stats we got of red rank games were massively killer sided. The really bad brown rank killers lessen on the kill rate a bit.
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Yea from all the way in 2017 when exhaustion recovered by running and there were infinites, in all reality back then the escape rate was probably around 70 percent and has been dropping over the years with nerfs to survivors and map changes
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What about bad brown rank survivors?
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Yeah that's also a factor. That's why I don't like using these statistics because it's taking into account all ranks, not just red ranks.
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It’s an average though. SWFs will pull this up, the kill rate against solos will be much higher.
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The new killers crushing new survivors sure does increase the kill rates.
That being said, since the escape rates are a flat number, i´d take all the stats with a grain of salt.
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It's 2017-2021. Back in 2017 survivors escape rates were very high and infinities still existed, no slow/mid-vaults, no window blockers, fast self-care, you could use several exhaustion perks independently of each other. Things have changed radically in the last few years, so these stats don't tell us anything about the current state of the game.
All we know is that even if we combine high escape rates from 2017-2018 with current data, the killrate is still above 50%, so right now it is much higher.
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It shows that the killer is NOT power role. Its balanced atleast
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Killer being the power role is how an asymmetrical game is balanced.
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There is no conspiracy of 40,000 survivor players to purposely skew the statistics. And if, to go way out in left field, there were a conspiracy of say, a few hundred (from some secret online group), they wouldn't be able to have enough of an effect to skew anything.
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That's what I feel too. There are maybe 3% survivors that can destroy any killer, but when I play killer, I usually destroy 80% of survivors, very often with no gens done. When I play solo, my escape rate and escape rate of my teammates is around 30%
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Those stats are worthless to make conclusions from them.
The escape rate in the first years was much higher because the game was completely different from what we're used to see now. Look at the last released statistics, kill rate for some killers was at ~60-65%, and i would put my hands into fire that it has gotten more for some killers over the last year (DS nerf, map changes, killer reworks). Killers win definitely more games than they lose right now, the only thing that killers still can't compete with are squads with 4 good survivors (on comms), but against any other (solo) squad the killer has an advantage, matchmaking is also a factor here.
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You're implying that being balanced means killers is not the power role. Power role =/= autowin role.
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This is unrelated, but those stats about the most played Survivor is very clearly false. We all know the real ranking is:
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Out of all the stats they've ever released, these rank at the top of the "Don't try to attach any meaning to them that isn't there" list.
They're fun big number stats that were probably taken at the point where 1.5B escapes was reached. If there's anything that makes me do a big 🤔 it's honestly NOED being the 3rd most used killer perk, I've played the game for all the years the stats were gathered from and I never found it that common at all.
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I think kill or survival rates don't matter much, because too many survivors don't care enough about survival.
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NOED was so strong perk and it was meta. Specially after Nightmare chapter. I saw so many Remember Me + Blood Warden + NOED builds. And maybe NOED is not meta anymore but i am still seeing so much on high ranks. And i am sure NOED is still meta on low ranks.
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the char does feature the word "sacrifices", not "kills" or "deaths", so by that wording it should be pretty safe to exclude bleed outs, DCs or Mories from it.
just one small thing i'd like to add, otherwise i fully agree.
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Last stats show a killer rate of 65-70%. Remove swf from this statistics and listen to killers in this forum, because they say they always escape when they play as surv. So solo escape rate should be 5-10%
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This is exactly why we cant have nice things...
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I mean yeah it was certainly not a rare perk, but #3 in terms of use surprises me. But NOED is a general perk not tied to any killer and has been around since the start, which I'm sure helped it out in that regard.
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Haha. Every time I see someone saying that he has escape rate of 110% in solo, I look at his posting history and it's full of "entitled survivors", "toxic survivors" etc. Killer main detected.
But the posted stats are from 2017-2021 and can be safely ignored.
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These stats say absolutely nothing
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stats mean nothing in a game like this, hell they mean little in a lot of games
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stats are a reductive and superficial way of looking at a game.
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And then the survivors want to nerf Noed, but look what they bring
Self care!
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2020/2021 data be like: 80% kill rate on red ranks.
Devs be like: Ooh! But killer won't play if they don't win most of their matches by default! Better reduce the killrate data by spreading the statistics all the way back to 2017 when survivors were a lot stronger.
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This data doesn't even take into consideration licenses (outside of most used perks). It says "kills by original killers" and "escapes by original survivors". Which means, there are more kills and more escapes not recorded by this data.