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I feel bad winning at 5 gens.

Member Posts: 2,270

I don't play killer super often but when I do a lot of times I get those games where it's just pure destruction and they can't get a single gen done. It doesn't have much to do with my killer skill but more so the survivor's skill.

Do most killers really not feel bad when the survivors can barely do anything against you because in those situations I feel like I have to give someone hatch and it really pains me to keep hooking over and over. It feels like I'm ruining people's games because I hate it when I can be in those games as a survivor too.

So how do you handle that?


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  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I did that tonight because of an early DC, but I'll only really do it because of that and the event.

  • Member Posts: 688

    Sometimes the killer is just too good and while it is annoying for the survivors, there is a something they are also doing wrong if they can't even finish a gen. Other times it's the survivors that just destroy their own match, for example, the killer hooks someone, another survivor comes and unhooks the first one right in front of the killer. The killer either downs the same survivor or hurts and downs the savior. By that time, another survivor is already close to the hook too and it snowballs.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    It never happens to me. There's always at least 2 gens done, usually 3. That's just the nature of AU, is suppose - even the awful teams do gens at the start before they die horribly.

    But it also means that I don't really stretch out a trial til someone's dead. It's too likely they'll slam the last few gens while I'm taking it easy.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Playing the game is ruining it for others?

    So only the other side is supposed to have fun?

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    It mainly depends on how they play:

    If they are clearly people who shouldn't be playing against me I feel bad and might farm.

    If they are cocky trolls going out of their way to annoy them then no mercy.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    I'm not amazing at killer so if i steamroll them i know they must be new or not used to the killer I'm playing. I do feel kinda bad when that happens :(

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    No but you can have empathy for other players playing poorly or just getting a bad team. It's being human.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I do feel some empathy if I achieve that. If survivors are struggling I'll extend the trial, and if it's apparent there's a new player within they will most definitely survive, even if everyone else has to die.

    The main reason for this is because I'd like people to continue playing, expanding the collective of players. Also, if someone starts off with some positive experiences, they're more likely to continue, and when I started I was glad there were some empathetic killers who showed mercy. Pass on the good will!

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited July 2021

    When I feel that I'm destroying survivors with almost no gens done, I just leave the hooks on purpose, go to the other side of the map to hunt survivors, don't tunnel, always go for the uninjured survivor first.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I also never tunnel or face/proxy camp. After I hook someone, I move to the other side of the map. This makes it easier for folks to do rescues, etc. During this event, I've done my best to let everyone escape (the only sacrifices I've gotten were when I forgot someone was on second hook, or when for some unknown reason to me, their teammates never went for the rescue) because I know what a pain in the ass it is for survivors to get their crowns. I make great bloodpoints each match, so sacrifices have never been my primary goal anyway.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I just take my win at five gens the same way I'd take my losses at zero kills and very few hooks.

  • Member Posts: 915

    During the event, when there are cakes or BPS in the game, or some survivors obviously need a crown, i do various things to make the game fun for everyone. Sometimes i just 2 hook everyone and then let them escape, sometimes i give one survivor hatch who found the crown, sometimes i "simulate" killing them by downing everyone and then let them wiggle off and escape. It depends on how much gens have been made, i hate farming and i won't watch them doing 5 gens, so...

    When there is no event i either try to end it quickly so everyone can move on to a better game (sometimes with giving hatch if i think someone has earned it) or i go for 12 hooks and try out some tactics and tricks that i wouldn't try in a close match.

  • Member Posts: 6,278


    If I’ve killed 2 survivors, and no gens are repaired yet, or only 1, and I’ve observed that pretty much everybody was really struggling to cope, i’ll start signalling to the remaining survivors to finish gens and farm.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Do you feel bad if you 3-4 escape with barely any hooks?

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Always when i do that i get tbaggs and a ,,gg ez".

    Also i dont want to continue playing a game that isnt a challange. Thats boring and i want it to end asap.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Is what it is sometimes. OhTofu made a video about this problem a while ago. Ranks stop at 1, but there's a massive chasm between, say, a 500 hr rank 1 player and 5000 hr rank 1 comp level player. For matchmaking purposes though, those players are treated as equals. Hopefully MMR can address that issue, but I have no faith in the devs ability to quantify good survivor play when it's such a context-heavy thing. And it wouldn't necessarily be any fault of their own. How do you quantify good positioning vs terrible positioning, a good 20 second chase vs a terrible 35 second chase that throws a game, etc?

  • Member Posts: 919

    I normally just kill them, but if I ever do feel bad for them then I'd probably let them do a gen or something. I can't be bothered to wait.

    Gens go so fast there's really no good excuse. They were just that bad, if they were even trying at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    I just don't care. If I want to farm I'll farm if I want to give hatch I'll give hatch. If I want to 4k I'll 4k

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    That's matchmaking for you. But I find it interesting how during the chapter reveal stream that BHVR did, they asked for the veterans of this game to be welcoming of the new players coming in because of Resident Evil since there was nothing in the game to properly let new players practice. But with no way to practice and DBD already having poor matchmaking, it really shouldn't be up to the community to do their job for them. No one wants to get demolished over and over again, but that's the reality you face when you're a new player to dead by daylight, or just someone who's wanting to practice a new killer. It's the reason why no one sticks around, and why the number of players aren't steadily increasing.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    If im at a spot where i can win super early ill back off and let them reset a bit.

    As an example 1 time i popped t3 myers 30 seconds into the game and had everyone down slugged 20 seconds later. I hooked 2, let one wiggle off then hooked the third and just walked away till everyone was healed. Killed them all with 1 gen left.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Eh depends on the skill of the survivors for me. If they were all decent/constantly rushing me trying to bully squad then no. If they were obviously outranked then yeah I feel bad when that happens.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I feel you man, usually when I know I'm abt to absolutely destroy a team my morals get the best of me and I just play nice. It's not fun playing nice and I need to stop but I just feel so bad killing them.

  • Member Posts: 78

    if im steamrolling at 5 gens ill usually go get a glass of water or something, let them reset because i want everyone to enjoy the game. maybe they are new and dont know what to do so i give them a chance, theres a streamer out there, wont say names and i do enjoy his content sometimes but he always slugs and stomps at 4-5 gens and honestly its become boring to watch, idk where people find enjoyment in that, i like the chases and close calls and good plays

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Shouldn't feel bad. If 4 survivors can't do even 1 gen, they all deserve to lose.

  • Member Posts: 873

    I feel bad killing spiders. Sometimes I help them get outside nice and safe… sometimes I don’t.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Yesterday I was playing as legion for a daily, 2/4 survivors got destroyed so bad I could've finished the match right there and then at 5 gens, All I did was pick up a survivor to give them a chance to refresh and try again.

    The other two were swf, they told me at the end that survivors like the other two are the reason they are looking for 2 other survivors to play daily, because they threw so bad.

    If you feel like the match can go on and have more fun, do it, no point in winning at 5 gens with barely any points.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I feel bad, but what can I do about it? The matchmaking puts me up against red ranks in swf and they win just as effortlessly. You just need to roll with the punches and gg go next.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    survivors don't feel bad for winning, why should killers?

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    We play for a challenge so yes destroying the other side is a complete waste of time

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I generally feel bad for destroying a killer too if they only got 0 - 2 hooks the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 60

    An unbalanced outcome of a competition is a possibility, there's no fault. No right or wrong.

    Players have agreed to play the same design, same set of possibilities, so they are equally responsible of being exposed to emotional triggering factors as the others, atleast as long as the intended design is followed by. (No cheating, exploiting...)

    People having different emotional triggering factors is why there's no point on trying to change self behaviour to please everyone.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Nope. I leave Killer matches with lots of bloodpoints, so why care about something that doesn't matter?

  • Member Posts: 582

    It depends. I try to ease up on them a bit, but there are some games where you'll ease up and they still just won't do anything or will take so long to do it that you can practically feel yourself aging- games like that or games where they just made super major mistakes, I usually won't ease up. (Great example being the game I had a few days ago where they popped a gen literally right next to my Devour totem while I was playing Spirit, and while everyone was exposed, but they didn't cleanse it. Or when they unhook in my face or try to BM- then you signed your own death warrant lol.)

    I'll normally give hatch though to the weakest member- especially if they just kept getting screwed over by teammates who wouldn't take hits for them or would try to leave them to die. (Like a Jake I had the otherday- his team wouldn't take a hit for him while he was injured, and would leave him to do a gen alone while he was injured and dead on hook and they were full health. Jake still tried to do gens though and even popped one in my face, so I let him go- turns out he was like rank 18 and only had one perk.)

  • Member Posts: 227

    I wouldn't say that I feel 'bad' about it, but especially since I don't play Killer that often, I tend to play at ranks 12 or so all the way up to 20. Especially in those first 4 ranks, I do try not to just completely steamroll the Survivors if they are truly new and struggling(you can kinda tell if they are new, or if they just haven't played in awhile, or if they just de-ranked to abuse Killers). If they really are struggling, I'll dial things back just a bit.

    Now when it comes to disconnects...if they have a disco right at the start of the game, or if my first hook discos, then I'll usually give them at least one gen, maybe two, as compensation for that...just an attempt to level the playing field a bit. If there are two such discos in early game, I'll try to get the remaining two to farm with me. That usually goes over well.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    This is why I love playing killer more than survivor, you have control on how the game plays. You can either be dirty, and make the survivor's experience miserable, or you can be nice and let them have some fun.

    Whenever it's just pure destruction, I'll start taking it easy on them because I know that they are getting use to the game and I actually care about their experience. I care because I was once in their position and it sucks to get destroyed, it's just no fun and often you don't learn anything because you died to quickly. Until they grow up and become toxic flashlight gamers! 😝

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