Do you think BHVR will stop making characters in the next few years?

It seems crazy to me that they've been making chapters every 3 months and the vast majority of them even being free. At this point they have made 51 total characters including survivors and killers and that's so much content. They've made a ton of maps and you don't need even need to pay iridescent shards to play on them. It just seems like they give away so much content for free and they're gonna have to slow it down soon. In typical fighting games like Street Fighter V the game is $60, there are only 35 characters, and you are forced to buy DLC characters with real currency.
Every game in a fighting game series eventually loses steam and they have to move on to the next sequel. I don't think they should make a sequel to DBD but man does it seem like they're going to run out of ideas soon.
So do you think they will/should stop making content at some point soon?
They should start releasing characters once every six months to give themselves time to improve the quality of the game. Unfortunately, the shareholders run the show and the Devs are beholden to make as much money as possible so no, they won’t stop.
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Majority being free?
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Yeah, the majority of all characters are free to earn with iridescent shards.
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Oh, so you mean they don't cost actual money.
When i think free, i think Nurse & Huntress.
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I think we'll have two more years of DLC every 3 months. 32 killers and 35 survivors. I don't find it realistic we'll have more than that.
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Gotta run out of ideas eventually.
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Plenty of horror characters, though. And I sure hope they don't stop until at least the Candyman.
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I think we're at a point right now where it starts getting too much. The grind for new players is hardcore, the amount of stuff you have to learn (killer powers, perks, add ons, maps) is awful, you have to consider that there is a bad matchmaking which pairs new players with seasoned ones, this makes the experience not very fun especially for the new players. I think slowing down and reworking older stuff (which they already do) would be better. Unfortunately, people in 2021 are so used to steady content that every creator thinks they have to water down their game with a constant flow of new stuff - imho a huge misconception.
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I just feel like they've been running out of ideas already. Trickster is just Huntress but worse and Nemesis is just Pyramid Head but worse. Yeah I know there are differences but c'mon it's really just been "power that goes over pallets and through windows" since Deathslinger.
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We can only hope they stop for a moment with new content until this game is almost bug free
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Trickster is also more fun to play than Huntress, IMO. Dunno about the other two because I haven't played them.
If you want to oversimplify things, then, sure, every killer power for a while has gone over pallets and through windows. In fact, I'd wager that's nearly all of them, except killers who use traps and some stealth killers.
If you have some ideas for completely original killer powers, you can write a suggestion in the proper section. Eventually, the devs should feel inspired enough to make something completely original.
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I have a slight preference towards originals, so i hope they won't end up with 0 ideas and then start pumping in license after license.
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Same, but Candyman will always have a special place in my heart.
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Fair enough. 👌
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The problem, of course, is that new characters / DLC is one of their primary ways of getting an influx of money - and without money, there's no game. I agree, though, that we're running into problems when it comes to the ever-increasing stables of Killers and survivors. It's not just originality, and more about just how many un-used perks there are in the game - and every time we add new characters, they have to create even more perks, most of which will get no use (other than people wanting to get the Adept Steam achievement).
Perks are also getting more and more specialized - and again, that's not a good thing, because there are so few perk slots. With only four slots, every player has to maximize the value of every slot they fill (especially survivors, since they have no way of knowing what Killer they will be up against). So the more specialized perks tend to fall by the wayside - there are always outlier exceptions of course because someone has a particular fondness for a perk or because they enjoy running odd builds, but there's a reason certain perks show up in 90% of builds, whether it's on the Killer or survivor side.
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I think that as long as this game is out there they will make new chapters/characters, but it will take longer between them at some point.
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I think they need a Chapter that is purely about bug smashing and optimization. While it might not make money, it would probably bring a ton of older players back who quit because of these issues with the game. Too many companies think money, money, money, then when the game fails, it's because "reasons" rather than the fact they didn't keep the game healthy overall.
Then maybe some more new ones, but currently, adding in more broken things to an already buggy game is just going to make it worse. They really need a full Chapter of just fixes and care. Maybe throw in some cosmetic sets and a new map or two. I love getting new maps, even if they aren't thematic to any specific Killer. Just make them fun and interesting. A Wax Museum, Alchemist's Lab w/ surrounding fields/woods, maybe a house/mansion, or pick any other horror trope scene. We can always use more GOOD maps.
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Honestly, asthetically speaking theres almost no end to original characters they can make and they have thousands of years of folklore/horror stories to draw from
Power wise is a different matter but whats going to happen is theyll keep up the current cycle until they are out of ideas for perks. Once that happens theyll lean into legendary skins much more heavily.
Just an easy example: you coukd easily add legendary skins for a werewolf or Xenomorph to demogorgan as long as you add new audio files and reskin the portals. No new power or perks required