Anyone else mentally exhausted?

DBD is in a rough spot right now, which is fine. I can understand the issues. I play on the first version of the ps4 so it gets wonky from time to time. No game is perfect, but I understand everyone's complaints. You're right for having them.
But, this post isn't about that. It's just about.. the aggression. Just how it feels like everyone's at each other's throats and competing on who can make who feel more like a piece of #########. Now, it isn't just dbd that's like this, a lot of games are like this too. But, I play dead by daylight the most. I love this game, I met some really awesome people and I'm happy to be in the forums. Even though it can seem like it's on fire at times. But, 2020 and 2021 one just has been awful. It's been horrible.
I did quit playing dbd for a bit to focus on drawing as a hobby, I even made a post asking what your dream cosmetic is so I can draw it and bring it to life. I haven't made progress yet because work reasons, but that's cool. I'm just happy to work and I promise to continue when I get the chance.
But, the event rolled around and I hopped back on. I did a lot of farming with survivors so they don't miss out on anything, I've been called really nice things, and then I want to unwind and play normally... and like a light switch. I'm the villain.
I don't camp, I refuse to tunnel, and on extremely rare instances do I slug. I play pretty blandly, but I'm still the biggest scum on the planet to these strangers. It's tiring.
But, I haven't given up on the community obviously.
But, does anyone else just feel really tired of other people?
Always have been...
Thankfully I play on console and rarely do someone try to msg me
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I think it goes beyond DBD, but yes I am worn down by people.
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I do know what your talking about. Now rage and emotions will always be things. Wouldn't be human if they didn't affect you but we can tone it down. I try to be as nice as I can. Now there is something we say. "Come and see, play with me, friends are we." I believe if we can replay this sentence in our brains enough and convince ourselves of it stuff like this can be greatly decreased
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Yeah, I feel you. Being exhausted over seeing everyone worked up over the same thing that doesn't affect you much can be frustrating. I usually just step back, play a single player game for a bit, maybe for a couple days even, then when I feel better get back to it. If that feeling doesn't pass, maybe it's time to move onto something else. That's just me though.
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To be honest with you, I am pretty okay with the community right now.
My mental exhaustion with DBD comes from recent changes, most of which I completely disapprove. But then again, this is extremely personal.
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It's the cycle of games like this. Some survivors have had extremely BS matches with horrible killers meanwhile killers have had sweaty toxic SWF in their games. They try taking out their frustrations in their next game, which none of the survivors or killer deserve.
Fortunately for me though, I just play on my terms and rarely do I feel frustrated playing killer. I find solo queue more frustrating with the amount of boosted red ranks, but even then, I'll just move on to the next.
Word of advice: if you feel that it's exhausting you or frustrating you to this level, drop the game and play something else. Your health matters more.
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Nah I fully understand why anybody playing DBD rage quits, doesn't matter the frequency either. I firmly believe this anger is the cause of literally 80% of DCs. That extra 20% being split between first downs and crashes.
From being hit a mile and a half away from a window, to being looped for an eternity. Its not killer or survivor specific, though more DCs happen with survivors because there are more of them.
Unfortunately, the community is to blame. The dev has a hard time balancing between what everyone wants. Its like trying to play Santa Claus on a budget. I get it. But there ARE things they could have done sooner, and could do now that aren't changing much(ie: being hit through a pallet). Hell they even had a bug where swinging automatically meant you wouldn't get stunned.
DBD legit made me go download RE: Village. I wonder how much money DBD have caused its players to spend on other games out of either frustration or sheer giving up on it all together lol
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Stop caring about the other side's made up rules and it'll feel like a massive weight is taken off you and you'll have a lot more fun.
If people wanna act like you doing things that are not against ToS and are in the game as a part of it makes it like you're a bad person that's on them not you.
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Yeah this game has a really bad player base lately. Most of you seem nice enough on the forums here but lately this event seems to be bringing the worst out of people. And no I'm not talking about being tunneled or camped I'm talking about people being absolutely awful in end game chat for no reason whatsoever. I'm glad the event is being extended bcuz I need a break from all the toxicity T3T
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I do not care what they say or do realistically. I only play "fair" because I do not want to rank up so soon. I only joined a week ago and I was already rank 9. That might not be high for people who have been playing the game or have a great understanding of it, but I STILL don't know how basic mechanics work.
And sometimes I get games with "toxic" players who are trying to troll me. But it is okay, I will improve at my own pace while having fun. No offense to anyone here, but if you think someone dunking in a video game or flashing lights is enough to frustrate me, you have another thing coming. Compared to some of the psychos I have had to deal with irl, this is literally not even BM enough to qualify as a joke.
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That's not just it. It's about how some will go to vial depts just because they lost. Being angry is fine. But, being an actual monster is not
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To be honest, I don't blame you. I've been getting tired of it as well. Unfortunately though, nothing can be done to stop it.
I've been leaving matches instantly after they end for a good while. I just say "gg" and get the hell out of there. I ain't got time for it anymore.
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It helps to see most of them as just children, cause believe or not most are (Not even just talking about age). I work in retail, and every day it never ceases to amaze me how human beings treat each other. Always find myself wondering how people can act the way they do, and be alright with it. Video games are my stress relief for the most part. And I just imagine anyone who has rude things to say are these kinds of people. Then it no longer bugs me, cause I was able to get back at them anonymously (Even tho I know it's not really the case). Makes me smile, and that's what I need.
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Failed design makes the game tedious and can trigger people when used against them enough.
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I'm luckily not a person that cares about what people say to me.
I just laugh about it,report them and move on.
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Yes, people are tiring, even other survivors when you play survivor. Everyone wants to win, that is it and of course it's not possible. You either are the killer and kill someone so they lose or the survivor escapes and you as the killer lose to them. It's worse during the event because there are many cakes being thrown around and no one wants to get just a few points. No one wants to be the killer that can't hook survivors or the survivor that dies before they even have 5000 BP.
Also, I think frustration is built from the number of matches you play. If you played 1 match and it went badly, well, it's bad luck, but after 5 matches were you were either tunneled, camped, died early or were tbagged, prevented from hooking people and victim to survivors toxic behavior, you have had it and then you lash out at these random people that are destroying your fun.
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I’m tired of the massive increase in camping since the event started.
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You really ignored the point of the thread just to post something so trivial like that?
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They asked if anyone else was mentally exhausted, I am by the constant camping. I’m entitled to my own feelings, I literally answered the title of the thread.
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I just have a problem with the community in general, everyone complains about everything!
Devs buff weak perk? Complain
Devs nerf a strong perk? Complain
Devs make a cosmetic? Complain
Devs don't make a cosmetic? Complain
Devs moved a rock in one map? Complain
Quentin looked like a gremlin for years and everyone was asking for a face rework, devs did it and guess what? People are complaining.
I know the game is in a bad spot right know and we should be criticizing, but even when the game was in a okay-ish state people were already complaing over stupid things.
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Honestly with the way the game is extremely unoptimized, there is no doubt in my mind people are playing sweatier because of it.
For me it has reached a point where I have either died or lost a match because of that frame freeze issue many keep having.
Now, I’m not going to say I let out my frustration on others but it has certainly forced me to play a different way just because of the game itself having these issues.
As a killer you can’t make it harder on survivors if you can’t even land the hit that you should have because they got away, as a survivor you can’t maintain a proper chase if you’re being tunneled so much all while you keep lagging.
So in essence what I am saying is don’t take everything to heart, because it’s when you do that it becomes mentally exhausting.
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I had a slugging camping noed spirit message me post game saying well played, thing is, she carried me to hatch and let me go. There is a god 😅
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Luckily I play on PC so I have not had to deal with the performance issues. Honestly with the extended event dbd has been it's best state ever right now. Killers and perks are becoming more and more balanced and we have Resident Evil as a chapter! I've really been feeling good about the game more than ever.
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This is how I feel about my work situation. I'm so exhausted from it I pour myself a big whisky every day I come home. And then to relax I play this game..imagine that. I'm super tired of everything in life but still this game have some fun moments it's not all bad.
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I'm right there with you. The issues on console, the monotonous repetition of this game, and people spewing hate toward you if you dare beat them... I've been spending more time reading on the forums than I've been spending in the actual game.
I've got a bunch of single player games lined up to just chill out and take some time to decide if I even want to continue playing dbd
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I'm not mentally exhausted, but am very bored by it. The posts that are more inquisitive or silly in nature are far more entertaining than reading a plethora of recycled, rudely-put complaints (although constructively made complaints are perfectly fine when presented properly and maturely).
One of many possible reasons for this might be because of feeling they have to be a certain way, because the other side has influenced them. Whether it is because they see invisible rules, told that some perks are weak or strong, complaints over playstyle, or even someone who has given up playing for others and now play for themselves only and be damned for others (which ironically is a result of the influence of others upon them) .. there seems to be constant pressure to play certain ways through this "You're wrong. I'm right" feel. That pressure is probably where it can feel exhausting.
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I think you're running into the Event Wall - because survivors must escape with the Crown in order to collect it, people are getting extra angry when they don't escape.
For me personally, it's the toxicity that's exhausting me. The number of non-toxic matches have been dwindling, and last night I hit my limit. Every single match was just awful. The Killers' behavior was toxic every single match, and more than a few of my fellow survivors were being absolute asshats as well. Hell, I noticed I'd once again gotten tossed into a lobby with a three-person flashlight squad (fortunately, it was early enough in the countdown I was able to back out of it). I won't be playing survivor again until after rank reset at the least.
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Not me, but if some of you truly feel mentally exhausted then try giving yourself a scalp massage while taking a bubble bath.
Place sliced pickles onto your eyes and just relax, have chamomile tea at arms reach so that you may take the occasional sip. It will calm the nerves and soothe the body.
If you're into it, you can listen to some music. I personally enjoy listening to Nicki Minaj & her song called "starships canon in D".
Anyway, remember that you're meant to be enjoying yourself and I hope that you can overcome this mental exhaustion soon.