When will the 7+ minute killer queue times end?

I have 400+ cakes at this point on killer & odds are I won't be able to use them since these queue times are so long. Some of my matches don't even last that long when will the torture end
When the events are over. Everyone, like you, is playing killer for BP and hoarding cakes.
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when people decide to play survivor again because right now there's over the double killers than survivors in some regions
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When the event is over obviously
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How is it hoarding if you literally can't use the cakes if you want too lol
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You can enjoy short killer queues, once the event is over. Until then, enjoy short survivor queues.
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I'm involuntarily hording them since I'm buying more than I'm able to spend, but i see your point.
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Level up survivor, seriously you will never get through all these cakes in a year. It's much better to spread it through both sides. I still have 4th year cakes, some killers still have 50+
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Killer get cakes more frequently and BP pretty easily as well. Just wait for the event to end.
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I wonder if this extended playtime as killer will make them realize killer really isn't as hard as some claim it to be.
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Either way, I hope it dispels the myth I read people telling newbie killers.
That every game is against an Oracle tier group, when matchmaking has made it so I have rarely fallen below a 3k.
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It's only until this event that I've played survivor.
I usually 3k because I play killers that ignore pallets like huntress/deathslinger/PH, I don't avoid things that will help me win like camping/slugging/etc and the pipping system throwing in survivors that shouldn't be there in red rank.
Am I saying that killer is op? No, a good 4 man will always triumph a good killer in theory, but in practice, i have rarely fallen below a 3k because you will rarely run into them.
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The only thing i can think about with these queues is all the people in this forum always being like "with all the BUFFS to SURVIVORS there won't be anymore killers! You want infinite survivor queues??"
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As survivor main I like this queue, no matter what time a day, I instantly get games, never have to wait more than 10 sec.
This is going on since RE release, but now even faster than was before.
Killer can be buffed, but then I will also become a killer main
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It kind of depends, but yeah sitting there when you know they are on crucial gens usually isn't the best thing to do, but there are those fringe cases when you begin to walk away and see a bit of their heads sticking out the multiple bushes.
I will say, my brief season as nurse was refreshing. It was nice being able to run what ever I wanted no matter how much of a meme they looked... well, when the game isn't having a mental breakdown and just forgets how your power is supposed to work.
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It takes longer to find a game as a killer, there is a reason. It's much easier to play as a killer than as a survivor, and that's why it's harder to find a game as a killer, because there are so many more. Against SWF they get destroyed, but most people play solo.