Left Behind Achievement Tips/Questions

Murph Member Posts: 43
edited March 2021 in General Discussions


This achievement wants you to repair the last generator as the last survivor and then exit through the gates. I'm planning to use resilience + wake up + spine chill + dh/sb +bringing a medkit and 99ing my heal so I can heal in a pinch at the gates. This is one of the last achievements I have left that I have to go out of my way to do so I'm trying to get it now. To people who went out of their way for this one like me, how did you do it?

My big question is whether, if you're on a gen and the killer closes the hatch, if you escaped through the gates after would it count? The hatch basically automatically finishes all gens and triggers egc so would the code count that as you also finishing the last generator? Because that would make the achievement one thousand times easier.


  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Technically closing the hatch does not finish the gens or at least it does not proc rancor

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,354

    You need to finish the last gen before the hatch is closed.

    As for a tip, best option is to 99% a gen close to a gate. Play with a group of friends so they can sac themselves to the killer on the otherside of the map then you can just tap finish the last gen and open the exit gate.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    You should finish the gen which will power the exit gates. So it must be the last gen. For how to people earn that achievement is that during my gameplays as killer if I like the survivor and if there is one gen left I let him to do it then let him escape from gates. Other than that it is kinda hard achievement.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Yeah, closing the hatch does not count. This achievement was very situational before end game collapse and now its even worse.

    Good luck, you'll need it.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    It doesn't count if the killer closes the hatch. This has got to be the most lucked base achievement ever. Not only do you have to finish the last gen after all your teammates die, you have to do it before the hatch is closed and escape through the exit gates.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    No, you have to finish the last generator as the last one left. It's a holdover from before EGC and the ability to close the hatch.

    The odds of it happening organically are next to zero. You have to be on a 80% or above generator, as the last other survivor is hooked (and killed before you finish it). If the killer finds the hatch before you finish the gen, or worse yet, finds you with BBQ, no achievement for you. Not only that, then immediately after you need to open a gate and escape - when the killer knows where you are due to the gen complete notification. As the last survivor left.

    I wouldn't even recommend trying it. The way I got it was by convincing a PH to let me finish the last gen and escape by memeing around when he found me. That's the only way I can see it being done, to be honest.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    I've done it only one time for my career. Completed a gen and won 50/50 at the gates

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    The way i got it, it was a close match and 2 were dead. One was my friend that asked the killer to let me get it and they did lol. The achievement is broken.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I just happened to get it eventually.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I was lucky enough to get it when I was still low rank and hatch was unable to be closed. The killer found it and just patrolled it while I did the last gen then opened the door.

  • Murph
    Murph Member Posts: 43

    Yeah, it looks like going all out with perks for it might be the wrong approach because of how luck based it seems. I think I'll just try to play nice and not toxic and point to a gen/drop my item when the opportunity comes

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    ...I was a bit of a scumbag getting it. This was way back when I was trying my hardest for every achievement, what I did was wait for a game where there was 1 gen left and me w/another Survivor. I'd 99 all the gens and wait for the other Survivor to get caught and killed, then as soon as they died I popped the gen, opened a gate and leave. Only worked once, where it was a Huntress on Lery's with the doors miles apart. I waited till she left one door then opened it and left right as she got back.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2021

    When you find a killer with TTV in their name, text them in their chat if they're live and ask them to let you get it. I think there are plenty out there that would be up to let you get it.

    I know I would.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I FINALLY accomplished this a few days ago after trying for months (off & on, as the opportunity presents itself).

    It wasn't even the build I'd planned, since I switched out to a David at the last second to fit with a random meme party and just had whatever perks equipped. Actually ended up being a pretty damn fun game against Deathslinger. The achievement hadn't even crossed my mind that match until I saw it---the perfect opening. There I was with the last generator at 95% and the last David just downed for a death hook on the other side of the map.

    I didn't have a clue where hatch was, but he did get downed near shack.... so my big fear (as always has been in planning) is that killer snapping it shut before I can snap that last generator. The second flat I see that POOF "dead and off to heaven" cloud, I pop that mother hard.

    I'm even right next to the gate! I had no idea! But unfortunately, the other gate wasn't far off, and the area a total dead zone. I knew I'd have to play it crazy stealthy.... in my Halloween David outfit with orange glowy shirt. That didn't fly. Slinger spotted me after maybe 20 seconds. Thinking quickly... I offered up my toolbox as a bribe and pointed at the gates in pathetic desperation. Luckily, he accepted!

    At maybe 3 seconds left on gate, the ######### snatched me right off of it onto his shoulders. Yet... he seemingly changed his mind and only walked a little bit, before letting me wiggle off. I slowly walk back to the gate, knowing my life isn't mine anymore anyhow. Its just "will he" or "won't he." Success! The gates open and I'm on my... BAM. Shot in the back and reeled out of there before I can cross. Downed. I don't know what the call is, but I'm gunning it out the gates on my belly. And he didn't interfere.

    He was just ######### with me. Hardcore ######### with me, but ######### with me nevertheless.

    I MADE IT!!!!

    And then... and then.... and then....



    SON OF A #########! YOU HAVE TO ######### BE KIDDING ME!!! I ######### KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU MOTHER #########! GOD ######### DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And that was the second most frustrating of all my attempts so far.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,452

    I know how it feels. I am trying to get this achievement and it is a nightmare.

    As you know, this achievement is a remnant from a better time (unpopular opinion, but personally I don't like EGC and I miss hatch standoffs. Call me crazy if you want to). It was situational before, and now it is even worse.

    My advice? Luck. 

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I got this achievement on the new updated The Game map. Unless the killer is running a tracking perk or has high mobility, it's guaranteed you're escaping.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    But you don't know the name of the Killer before the end of the match.

  • lewis
    lewis Member Posts: 63

    I managed mine cos of a really friendly trapper, on the flip side I was playing huntress and there was this Bill who I let do the last gen.

    The exit gate was open and all I wanted was a long range down but the lil B kept dodging, maybe about 15 Hatchets. So when I finally hit the [BAD WORD] I run up and hook him. He’s upset and I explain to him all I wanted was a long range down and you’re being a lil [BAD WORD].

    [BAD WORD] you Bill *laughs in villain*

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited March 2021

    I got lucky with this one. I had a friendly Legion allow me to finish the final gen and leave.

    And that may be the easiest way. When the 3rd survivors dies, run up to the killer. Drop a items and do the 'come here' gesture. Hopefully you can be friends and point a generator. If you have one gen left, the killer will hopefully allow you to finish it, instead of closing the hatch.

    LEGIT? ok go for perks:




    -WAKE UP

    If you want to do it legit, one way is to complete the final gen 99% when the 3rd survivor is in the hook struggle. Wait for them to die. Complete the gen. Now carefully get to the furthest gate (Poised and Sprint Burst will help). You could throw a pebble with Diversion to give yourself a bit more time. Allow the killer to patrol the gate once before they go back to the other one. Now hopefully you'll now have enough time open the gate.

    As someone mentioned on here: The Game/Gideon is the best map. Make sure the final gen is on the bottom floor. Complete the final gen using the technique above and get to a gate. Throw a pebble on the bottom floor. This hopefully will make the killer think you've found the hatch and are taunting. Be careful, and make your way to an exit gate. The killer will be more than likely looking for the hatch/you on the bottom floor, giving you enough time to open the gate.

    I must say this a real luck based achievement.

  • taimea
    taimea Member Posts: 84

    old trade but had to back in the day on ps4 you COULD see who the killer was.