Dead hard is the literal definition of a Crutch Perk

Did the killer catch you in the open by their own game knowledge and you would be dead otherwise? Just press E and have an i-frame to make it to the next loop.
Did the killer red light mind game you at a pallet and there's no way to recover from the distance the killer has gained towards you? Just press E to instantly dodge their swing and be safe at the pallet.
This perk is the literal definition of a crutch, a way to fix a mistake you made on your own accord and completely negate all mind game from the killers side.
And the excuse of "wait it out" is complete and utter BS when this perk is used for the distance instead of the damage 80% of the time by better players. Can't wait until BHVR puts this perk in the trash where it belongs, zero mind game or counters for free invincibility and distance because you played badly and got injured.
Isn’t that the point of equipping perks so they can help you.
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Sorry, but, if you say DH is unbestable you... are just not that good.
Just, please tell me you never advised anyone to 'just bring X perk to counter (a specific killer/something a killer does)
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No because having to use specific perks against specific killer is just bad game design.
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Yeah except when I see every survivor using it and it literally being a free health state.
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But as for dead hard: It's annoying but it's not really bad enough to be called a crutch. It's a slotwaster, though
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Well seems like majority of survivor perks are just bad so that’s why you see Dead hard on every single person. Exhaustion perks will always compete with each other for survivors just like certain perks will always compete with each other for killers.
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it gives the least amount of distance out of all the exhaustion perks in the game. I can't see the issue with it. It feels bad because it's used in your face but that's it.
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Yeah just immediately change the conversation, typical surv bs to ignore blatant problems with perk design.
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I'm not ignoring blatant problems with perk design I'm calling out NOED man
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Here's my copypaste reply to every DH thread:
DH for distance is fine as long as bloodlust is in the game. Remove bloodlust and we can talk about it
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Yeah but we are talking about dead hard, stop changing the conversation because you think that dead hard is fine as it is. Don't bring "whataboutism" to my threads and expect me to not see what you are doing.
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top killers also think that slugging, camping and tunneling are legit tactics. Top killer are saying ruin/corrupt is a great combo. Top killers play deathslinger with M&A, stbfl and double reload addons. what's your argument here?
so, it's 'unbaitable'? how come I've seen streamers throughout ALL ranks being able to predict when a DH will be used when they're chasing a survivor?
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Typical survivor bourgeoisie, am I right?
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You were the one who responded to it lol. By calling it out you just changed the subject of the thread.
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You are comparing a weak perk that may not even activate with a perk that by pressing a key, you can lengthen the duration of a chase by more than a minute.
You are the definition of a baby main survivor.
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Wait out Dead Hard.
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Not when they use it for distance to make it to a pallet. Its a literal uncounterable play. Say your both running to a pallet and the survivor misjudged how far the pallet was so you hit them here right? Nope E to the pallet they are invincible so theres nothing you could do and they just instadrop. Now thats at minimum 20 seconds added to chase because of pressing E.
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A legitimate counter to that argument is that there are lots of killers whose power straight up ignore Dead Hard. There are a lot of killers who can't do anything about it but all of the best killers (except for Nurse) can counter it in one way or another.
Spirit is completely invisible and Dead Harding her in phase is almost impossible and is based on an extremely hard guess. Pyramid Head's shockwave can be longer than DH. Deathslinger's shot is kind of like Spirit's phase because it's extremely hard to predict and very sudden. DH will do nothing against Hag when she has multiple traps in the area. As there are killers who legitimately can't counter DH all of the best ones can and that's why I don't think that it's as good as everyone says.
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Okay, so? Ruin, pop, tinkerer, NOED are also crutch perks. Are you complaining about them?
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Devs should buff other survivor perks to be more than just a part of a meme build. Otherwise survivors are just going to use the same perks.
Also how would you nerf dead hard without killing it?
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You just said that you're using top players as your reference but then you use something anecdotal like "I can Dead Hard Deathslinger all the time". Just because you can DH bad Deathslingers doesn't make his shot not come out in like literally half a second.
Also a good Pyramid Head will only use his shockwave attack when you're vaulting a window or pallet making Dead Hard completely useless.
I can also name like 10 more killers who can counter DH in one way or another like Doctor who stops survivors from vaulting completely and Demogorgon whose shred is wayyyyy longer than DH.
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you really want an answer to that scenario?
break off the chase.
either i find someone else, or the person I chased will
- use their ds thinking I'm doing something else (successful bait, because many don't expect the killer to break a chase off) allowing me to turn and smack them
- in some cases actually come after me because they feel insulted that they didn't get to 'outwit' me with DS (there's threads about people complaining killers breaking off chases)
- just run around doing nothing worthwhile because they don't know what to do with themself now.
DH is not unbestable (wait, did you think I wrote 'unbaitable'? good gracious) people just need to stop thinking the way otz, tru3, scott etc play is the ONE TRUE AND ONLY WAY!
also, adorable use of buzzwords there. pointless, but nice showing you know some bigger words, even if you use them entirely wrong.
And lovely to see how SUDDENLY you do say some killers can counter/bait it. I thought that was ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE OTZ SAID SO!
threads like this are a dime a dozen on this forum, and all boil down to people thinking there's just 1 (one) way of playing the game, and get upset when something takes away their iWin button.
I mean, there's people that call Kindred cheating and unfair because it kind of counters camping. Kind of.
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ermm ok, what is the definition of a "crutch" perk?
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Whats funny about that, is that I get bloodlust mostly because DH was in play during that chase
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While NOED can be considered a second chance perk, it can be easily removed or prevented from ever coming into play. Dead Hard cannot.
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Exhaustion status add ons and exhaustion status perks exist.
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NOED is just the killers version of the hatch, only the need to use a perk for it.. you get your pity win chance every game for free.
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I think the hatch should be removed, it's a dumb mechanic.
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i kinda would like for Coup de Grâce to give tokens upon hooking survivors so you could gave more than 5 and you could use it to counter Dead Hard. What about this buff ? :)
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I just did a quick search and the only killers that have these add-ons are Huntress and Pig. I’m pretty sure the Devs are working to remove a killers ability to affect exhaustion.
The only perks listed that affect exhaustion are survivor perks.
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If timed right.
I see many people Dead Head into walls, or then instantly double back after the Dead Hard and run right into me anyway. Those cases buy them literally 2 seconds before they go down anyway.
That's how DH isn't a 'crutch' perk, it requires skill to pull it off. It doesn't matter how much skill that is, even if it's "so easy" to time it right (for you) it's still a skill that needs to be learned.
Cutch perks are things like Technician and Rookie Spirit, which literally eliminate a penalty for failing.
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Blood Echo
You're welcome.
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Blood Echo and Mindbreaker would like a word with you...
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I dont know, Blood Echo applies exhaustion on survivors.
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Crutch perk? I've never had to use Dead Hard or rely on it or feel the need for it. Probably makes me actually worse at looping...It's there to help survivors who struggle to loop. Just like how Tinkerer is there to help Killers pressure gens. Pointless debate/statement. Not to mention things like Mindbreaker & Blood Echo exist on top of exhaustion addons...
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Thank you.
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Yes, someone pointed that out for me. Still, the killer has to chase, down, carry and hook the survivor in order for it to work and also has to have the other survivors injured.
What do survivors have to do to earn Dead Hard?
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I mean with that argument what do you have to do to earn Sprint Burst, Prove Thyself, Iron Will, NOED, Mindbreaker, Blood Warden, etc? Just because a perk doesn't have some complicated prerequisite doesn't make it overpowered.
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It can prolong the chase even more if you are good at looping.
I am not considering dh broken tho. Strong yes, broken no.
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Can be disabled and not even activate
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There are many many ways to deal with Dead Hard so that it doesn't even happen in the first place or could be made useless.
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Sort of, but NOED is also pretty crap. It's the worst of both worlds, it's ridiculously unfair and nearly worthless. Dead Hard, though, is one of the strongest perks in the game.
I still wish they'd buff the absolute crap out of Coup De Grace so that everyone can know the pain.
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Funny because if you actually watch Otz or any of the biggest streamer/youtuber you'd see they:
- Wait to see for DH and most of the time survivor DH into nothing
- They can remember what perk each individual survivor have.
The other exhaustion perk can give you enough distance to get away from a dead zone/go to an other zone, DH can't.
Hit's are on the killer's side. That mean by the time you see the killer raising his hand for a lunge, on his end he's about to or already hit you. That mean DH is much harder to use to prevent a hit & is more about the distance than anything else. This is also why you get hit even if you stun a killer with a pallet.
Finally 99% of the player base is not at the skill of competitive/scrim nor they're at the level of streamer/youtuber. That mean the outcome of a match has way more to do with your skill vs the skill of survivor than about the balance, like in any of the more competitive game out there.
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Tbf NOED and DH are both literally the third most used perks on both sides so they roughly have the same use rate.
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But what point does it prove lmao. Who cares if it is or isn't? Does insisting that dead hard is a crutch perk suddenly put a curse upon everyone who uses it or something?
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Actually, if the killer downs you with bloodlust means you did well. Also, bloodlust freezes some peoples games, so not good at all for them.