Why do so many killers use Save The Best For Last as of late?

Hello everyone!
I have put about 600 hours or so into this game, but I am still at a loss as to the usefulness of certain perks. That being said, I see a lot of killers I go up against these days using STBFL. Is this perk somehow underrated, and I just missed it? Am I missing synergies here with it? Do I just not see its potential? I am genuinely curious as to what makes it such a good perk to see so much use.
Thank you for your time.
Stbfl is a really good perk on killers that have special attacks that don’t count as basics. Like Demo, Nem, Trickster, and a couple others. Making it so you never lose your stacks.
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At max stacks it give you 40% less cooldowns on hits which is kinda huge. With killer than have an ability that can injure or even down survivor you can chase the obsession and not lose stacks which is good.
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If you’re a killer like Demo who has easy access to an alternate attack you can gain stacks and never lose them. If you play a killer like doctor or clown you can drastically reduce the distance survivors get from you hitting them which is one of their biggest weaknesses. And if you play slinger specifically you can just annihilate people. Basically it’s a solid choice on any killer that isn’t an instadown or huntress.
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It is one of the best Chase-Perks. If you add up Stacks, you have a really fast recovery after a Hit, meaning that the Survivor cannot get much distance. So it is useful on many M1-Killers.
And really good on Killers who can bypass the M1 with their ability.
E.g. I run STBFL on Killers who are either already strong in Chases (Doctor and Clown) to min-max their abilites or on Killers who can save Stacks (e.g. Deathslinger, Demo or Trapper).
But even outside of those, it is a good Perk on M1-Killers.
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1) it is an amazing perk and ive always used it a bunch
2) its good on killers where holding w is their counter because yiu catch back up faster this might be why youre seeing it more
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STBFL is also a perk that soft counter SWF, where body block, BT happens alot. And you actually gain benefit from them doing that.
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STBFL is good on many M1 killers. I always use it on Pig and Demo
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As of late? Its been pretty popular for years now. Arguably the best chase perk in the game.
Perhaps the caliber of your opponents has just gone up as if late?
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My favorite perk in the game.......As of late.
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No matter what strategy the survivors use STBL is good against it.
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Normally you have a 3 second cooldown on attacks at which the survivor you just hit can make 18 meters of distance (because of their speedboost) or another survivor that was near 12 meters
With max stacks your cooldown is 1.8 seconds which means the hit survivor can make 10.8 meters difference and another close one 7.2
That's a difference of 7.2 meters and 4.8 meters respectivilly
7.2 meters takes 12 seconds for a standert 115% ms killer to catch up
4.8 meters takes 8 seconds for a standert 115% ms killer to catch up.
It makes quite the difference
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STBFL is great for killers with secondary powers that do damage (Demo, Nemesis etc.). M1 attacks to non-obsession gives you a stackable 5% cooldown on attacks. Thats a 40% reduction in time on attack animations. This has helped tremendously as you can attack ,recover and attack again.
Then to avoid losing stacks you use your special on the obsession to damage them (Demo's shred).
With the recent HUD changes you see which in game character is your obsession (i.e. Jake, Laurie). So you won't accidently M1 the obsession and lose stacks. This was a big buff imo.
I suppose all killers can use it, but I think Demo is the best since Shred is effective and he just got buffed lately.
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Huh... I've never used it as it sounded really dum but I may have to try it now.
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There was a time in my early days I felt this way about all Mike's perks. STBL is a staple of my builds, PWYF is great on some killers and super fun and throws survivors for a loop when you are that fast, DL is the worst of the 3 but decent on certain killers that can occupy the obsession (PIG for me) I like to trap the obsession 1/2 times to occupy them. That being said I have been the obsession in a DL game and it's not a big boost anyhow at least not for my style.
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It's one of the only perks that help killers deal with Shift W as well as just being a strong perk in general if you get it stacked up.
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On this note, and in addition to the benefits everyone lists, STBFL will let you gank players that sabotage hooks in your face. Normally the attack cooldown is long enough for the sabotage action to go through, but with even 2 or 3 stacks of STBFL, you can down the saboteur, hook the guy you were holding, and then cart off your free down to the next hook in a situation where normally you'd have to drop the guy you had and then run off to chase an injured person.
You can also snatch up players screwing around at the doors - 40% less time for them to crawl out the gates. It's a really feel-good perk and all M1 killers benefit from it, as well as a good number of M2s as well.