Red Rank Meta (No Fun)

CraKaLaKinChr1s Member Posts: 4
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Has anyone else found red ranks to be just toxic and filled with try hards. I am just trying to play for fun and relax, and all I see are moris. The best add ons the same perks all the time. I think it is time Dead By Daylight found a new meta. You shouldn't have to use the same perks over and over just to compete, let alone have fun. I've been in red ranks but it has gotten even worse as time goes on. I can finally see why people purposefully derank. But to derank is a temporary fix to a bigger issue that the developers need to fix.


  • Lunar_Wing
    Lunar_Wing Member Posts: 30

    Its simple. Its fun to win. Why would people change out good perks for ######### perks. This goes both ways for killer and survivor. At leaves for killer there is some variation in meta perks as some perks are just better on certain killers but for survivor there is so little variation it kills me. BT, Dead hard, adrenalin, spine chill, or DS and thats it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Red ranks is so easy to get for both sides that you don’t really have to run meta. People run it because they are just good perks

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    B/c red rank survivors are try hards and as a killer matching against them you need to try harder. It's 4v1 and killer is way harder at that level if you want to stay in those ranks. Keep in mind too that normally as killer once you hit like rank 9 you start getting red rank survivor teams on the regular. so by the time these killers get into rank 1-4 they are crazy good.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Yeah red ranks is not that fun for either side. Since if you play killer you will get put vs sweat squads, or if you play survivor you get sweaty killers. There literary is no variety in any perks, which I can kind of get since most perk are useless. But everyone just wants to win ALL the time killers wanna get their 4 sacrifices every round, and survivors wanna get a 4 man escape each round.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Winning is everything for most players in those ranks. That's why you rarely see unique/fun builds.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Yea like for me I absolutely hate slowdown perks like PGTW so I try to make up for it with something like STBFL. Gens can absolutely fly but I have more fun with infectious or a brutal strength/fire up combo for example. I accept that I’ll get slammed by efficient players but I typically enjoy the matches when I’m using mainly chase and tracking perks.

    As a survivor I love going off-meta but always wind up circling back to strong builds since I’m solo and want to help my teammates by either either a support build or a selfish one that can help keep me alive longer . Feels bad when I go for autodidact builds but literally can’t get a skill check after 3 tokens. Or run a luck build and a random Insta-unhooks me.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    As survivor, I stray from Meta all the time. I always have one exhaustion perk though, usually Dead Hard or Sprint burst. I will use Lithe if I run speed vault build, Resilience / Spinechill.

    I like to run Sabotage and Breakout a lot.

    I like healing perks like We'll Make it or Desperate Measures.

    I'll run locker builds with Quick and Quiet / Head On ect.

    I never run full Meta, DS / DH / BT / Unbreakable.

    Survivor has a lot of fun variety and playing those builds is fun. I usually hang around purple ranks, sometimes Red.

    The less I hit Red ranks the better. Ya'll can have the sweat.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Yes---so much so that I avoid them entirely. If it weren't for the season reset coming up, I'd be close to having to find something else to do for awhile.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    It's weird to me that the Devs aren't willing to buff other perks to get them up into a place where they have a potential for being meta. For example Lucky Break, the Devs buffed it but then listened to people say it was to powerful at 90 seconds, so they lowered it to 45 seconds and no one uses it. It was still a buff, but didn't get it to the point where people would ever use it. 90 seconds probably would have caused Lucky Break to get some play, it still wouldn't have been meta, but it would have been used. Instead it's still a trash perk.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Red ranks you have two options

    Those competitive players and as you call them "tryhards" and those others who played too much and got in red ranks and play like rank 50 meghead

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    As survivor, you can play off-meta perks quite easiliy. I do that regularly, switching through my survivors which all have just a bunch of perks, only BIll having all. Often I do not even have an exhaustion perk equipped, and still can perfrom reasonbly well.

    As killer on the other hand, playing off-meta often just results in you being "genrushed" and getting 2 to 3 hooks, if you don't wanna play scummy (cmaping/ tunneling). Esp. on weaker killers. Hell, with Trickster I don't even know what meta-perks to run, both ruin and pop are a wasted perk slot if you neither have map pressure (for ruin) nor get frequent hooks (for pop). So for killer, going off-meta is often just no fun at all, compared to survivor.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited July 2021

    People still consider moris oppressive?

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    They realy need to introduce a ranked and normal game mode..

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Why do you think people using a mori aren't playing for fun and to relax?

    I don't understand when we say "I play for fun". What the others are playing for? Trying to play their best doesn't mean they don't do it for fun. Trying to win doesn't mean they don't do it for fun.

    I always play with a competitive mind, and I have fun this way.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,484

    You dont see unique or fun builds no matter what rank you are, unless some one is newer to a killer then they run what they have at their disposal

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    It would be funner if there were less perk slots in red ranks. RAnk 1 no perks. Rank 2 one perk.Rank 3 two perks. Rank 4 three perks. I would let the game randomly decide which of your selected perks it discards for that match.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I've been slowly winding down how much I care about winning recently and slowly phasing out slowdown perks. I'm not stomping with 4Ks as mid tiers like Doc anymore and mostly just getting a decent chunk of hooks and 2 or 3 kills. Sometimes less.

    I started enjoying the game again once I stopped caring about meaningless rank 1.