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Survivors Really have to stop Complain About Slowdown Perks

Title. Because all of them have fair counters.

Ruin + Undying Combo - Do bones. Killer can not be everywhere. Survivors have numbers, so please stop being lazy and destroy them. And survivors already have so much perks for totems, just use one of them.

Corrupt - This perk limited with time. So if you see killer have this perk, just hide somewhere. Search chests, clean totems near you etc. Killer have to find you, make him search area and have fun with this.

Tinkerer - Maybe only this perk little stronger but Spine Chill is already countering this perk.

Pop - Only this perk have not counter but this perk is rewarding killer for hooks. But you can block generator with Repressed Alliance or you can trap generator with Blast Mine.

Also you can use generator perks, they all countering sloowdown perks so well.

Prove Thyself - This is really so good perk. Removing penalty for doing gens with others.

Streetwise + Built to Last - This combo will make your toolboxes so well. Great perfonmance.

Stake Out - Not best perk for genrush but it can help sometimes. If killer have 3 gens, you can get tokens and use them easyly. Because killer will have 3 gens in small area.

Rookie Spirit - Killer kicked one gen and started chase survivor. This perk will show you this gen. You can go and finish it. This perk can save game so many times, i started use this perk on my gen builds.

Fast Track - Punish killer for hooks.

And there is more perks i did not mentioned. For example you can see auras with Bond and you can go to help them for gens.

Please stop complains. There is so much weapons you can use. Maybe give them try and do not worry. You can escape without your meta perks.

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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    No. I am just answering this complains. There is counters for this problems. So people just have to use them. Nerfing slowdown perks is not the solution.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    dear lord you make it all seem so simple, if you truely believe what you are writing here then idk...yikez I guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Which slowdown perk is problem? Can you tell me please?

    All of them have fair counters. Without them, killers can not play this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Yeah but you said they need to stop. Having different view on something is not a crime and shouldn't be "stoped". That is all I am saying.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I did not said this is crime lol. If you would read post, i just wrote counters. People can use them. This is just like this: You are hungry, you have food and you can cook them. But you are not cooking and complaining about being hungry.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    in your world survivors have to accept that all killers run Pop + Tinkerer so they have to bring blast mine and/or Repressed alliance and Spine Chill and a perk to find totems basically, so no choice whatsoever, just run the exact opposite on what you expect the killer runs always.

    (not to mention blast mine does not take away pop)

    Pop and tinkerer on a good killer is just game over, same for the meta on survivors, all of that crap should be nerfed into the ground to make the game better and more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 3,012
    edited July 2021

    Dude we are using meta slowdown perks because games are so fast. You can not defend your gens without this perks. What we have to do? If gens would not be fast like this, i would gladly use more fun perks. This is not our faults. We have this perks and sadly we have to use them. And also survivors have anti-counter perks for them.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Then tell me what is wrong about it?

    Ruin is supposed to get cleansed. With the new Small Game, Maps (+ Addons) and Counterforce survivors have plenty of arsenal to get ride of that totem. Also you can push through Ruin at the beginning.

    Tinkerer could be problem but then again it only triggers that often and only gives 12 seconds of undetectable. Trackingwise Discordance is better and a Killer with Tinkerer can still be outplayed. Also maybe people should heal more when they notice that Tinkerer is a thing. Also you know when to expect a Tinkerer after you first noticed that the Killer had it.

    Yes, Tinkerer + Pop is a huge combo. However the timing of both perks can desync so much that you get little value.

    Most slowdown perks are pretty counterable, some even add gameplay. Not to say that they are all fine. However there are countermessures and Northener1907 made some suggestions for those maybe even helping people. Sounds fine to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Lol. By promoting "slowdown" you're promoting "gen rushing".


  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Yes? I am playing both roles and i have not problem with this. Only problem when i play survivor, my teammates. When they reject to do gens, we are losing. But when we do gens, we are winning most times. Even slowdown perks are not stopping us.

    Point of topic was this, slowdown perks are not big problem for survivors but there is still so much complains about this perks.

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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Oh my god, killer is using perks. But i have to counter them without perk. If i have to use perk, how this is fair! NO!

    Ruin & Undying combo = There is 4 survivors. All of you will look for totems lol? Use Small Game or map and check first gen you found, if there is ruin, try to find it. Not so hard.

    Corrupt = If you wanna take risk go to do gens. But killer will find you so easy because of small area. But hiding somewhere is killing this perk. Killer will not get any good if you all hide. Smart survivors doing this againts this perk :) You can do gens after corrupt leave.

    Tinkerer & Pop - Killer using perks for slowdown but you can not huh?

  • Member Posts: 1,378
    edited July 2021

    idk, I dont use them and do just fine myself

    but this is not really about criticising the use of them, its more about your idea of solutions, countering perks with perks instead of nerfing it all to hell and adressing the core game, that would be much better for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Only time I complain about slowdown is when the killer in question doesn’t need it like a good nurse or spirit.

  • Member Posts: 31

    In my opinion these two don't need any perk to catch survivor so just one perk for information (BBQ, nurse calling, etc...) and you have 3 free slots for anything. You might as well get some perks to slow progress for the times you struggle a bit against very good survivors. It makes sense to me.

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  • Member Posts: 778

    To be fair, I'm a Blight main and I hate how this game is seemingly balanced around slowdown perks. I would rather see most slowdown perks gutted, weaker killers made stronger and survivors having more options against the killer that showcase their skill instead of how blessed they were by RNG. A more interactive objective for survivors would be nice too.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Killer does not know what are you using too? This is same for both roles. Even you have not Dead Hard, killers have to respect. Even you save without BT, killer have to respect. Even you have not DS, killer have to respect etc. See? Same problems. Killer can not know which perks will use in this game. Survivors will genrush or they will different. For example killer can use Tinkerer + Ruin + Undying. But one survivor used Small Game and destroyed both totems early game. Now Tinkerer is also useless, killer is playing with one perk.

    Also if you wanna nerf slowdown perks, we have to talk nerf about survivor meta perks too. But i am sure you will say, no they are fair :d

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  • Member Posts: 304

    But what about killers complaining about keys

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    The problem is not the perks on their own, but stacking them together with a high mobility killer. LIke recently, we faced an Oni with Ruin, Undying, Pop and Tinkerer. Thats really overkill, and not really fun, esp. when the totems are once again unfindable, like they nearly always tend to be whenever you have to cleanse them to get a chance.

    Let's get into your suggestions:

    Ruin-Undying: As if the totems are always easy to find and to cleanse, they are not. Esp in solo Q. Even perks for it can fail you: Detective Hunch -> No gen gets done, or you are occupied with running away. Small Game -> Need to scan the whole map for it. Counterforce -> Need to find your first totem to get the chain rolling. And it's still very time inefficient.

    Corrupt: I would LOVE to just wait it out, but again, Solo Q. Someones always being found.

    Tinkerer: Can be outplayed reasonably well with good coordinations (oops Solo Q) or leaving the gen prematurelyat aroun 70%. But thats only when there's no ruin active. Tinkerer+Ruin or Tinkerer+Pop cannot really be countered.

    Pop - Can be dealt with if the teammates are not potatoes, that means have reasonably long chases and do not tap gens without need. But ,you know the drill by now, SOLO Q!

    Prove Yourself: Sure that helps alot. Unless the killer has discordance, than your perk might be pretty much wasted. Or you do not find anyone to do gens together. But it sure comes in clutch pretty often.

    Streetwise + BUilt-To-last: Only viable in well organzied 4man / tournament squads. The teams that have the least issues with many gen regression in play to begin with.

    Stake Out: To much of a niche perk. If it would always give you the 2% repair bonus on greats, it would be much better, but you only get that when you use a stack to convert a good skillcheck ot a great one.

    Rookie Spirit: So good on paper, so little impact when you actually run it. Have done so in a dozen games, where it worked reasonably well like two times.

    Fast Track: Fun perk, but rarely has a game changing effect.

    So all in all, stacked gen regression perks can really be disgusting and make a really miserable experience. The more when you play SoloQ. It's not necessarily about the players refusing to "use the weapons", as you phrase it. Sometimes there's just no winning against an Oni with an unfindable Ruin+Tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    No I won't stop complaining about killer easy mode

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    to make a long story short, maybe if a killer didn't have a along animation that does nothing, they might be more inclined to use other perks that do other things.

    killers just can't win. feelsbadman

  • Member Posts: 594

    Woah, I can understand wanting changes to the stress of ruin and undying combo despite it having very easy counters if your team is smart ( rip solo quers ) but pop and tinkerer ?? Comon now do you want bhvr to do the gens for you, slam the gates open and carry you our the trial on their shoulders.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    And killers really needs to complain about anything else possible aka dead hard, spin chill, iron will, gen rush, swf etc etc it's endless circle of bs on both sides so just dont pay attention to complains at all

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I dont mind them at all, I just hate versing a killer with all 4 slowdowns against an obviously bad team. Like you would win without any defense against this team, that's a rank issue not a perk issue though

  • Member Posts: 231

    you do realize so many killer use 4 slowdowns right? thats why people complain, because its boring af to vs someone who wants perks to play the game for them.

    All i want is them to put a cap on how many you can stack, but it will never happen

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I don’t think many people have an issue with killers running a slowdown perk or two, especially weaker killers. Most people understand that if you run no slowdowns at all the gens can go quickly, and most people want a game longer than 3 minutes. If you’re playing Trapper, there are very few people that will fault you for running Corrupt and/or Pop, for example.

    But seeing stuff like a Nurse or a Spirit with Ruin/Pop/Tinkerer/Thana is just sad. That’s where the problem lies with slowdowns, they can all be stacked and it gets to the point of absurdity. So the survivors spend two minutes at the start of the match cleansing bones, and then it doesn’t matter anyway because now several pallets are gone meaning chases are quicker, and the killer just falls back on chaining hooks and Tinkerer/Pop.

    How do you counter that on a high tier killer like Spirit? By being a 4 man comp team I guess, otherwise ggez.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    What about Swf and survivor meta perks? They are so strong unfairly.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    The only slowdown I'll genuinely complain about is Ruin + Undying. The reason why is because it has no downsides. Even if it doesn't stay up that long it still took a lot of time for the survivors to find and cleanse both totems. In that time they can't be doing gens and they might even be regressing with Ruin. No matter what it stops people from doing gens and I would rather have a perk with at least some downside to it.

    I wouldn't really call Tinkerer a slowdown/regression perk it's more of a tracking perk but that one is still annoying to me as well because it also doesn't have any downside or it doesn't take any skill to use. It just goes off and then you go to that gen.

    Corrupt and Pop are fine with me because they're more balanced IMO.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    1~2 slowdowns is fine. More than that and you might as well go afk and let the perks play for you.

    Ruin on a A or S tier killer is kind of lame imo.

  • Member Posts: 231

    lemme know what survivor meta perk is too strong cos the only one i'll give you is dead hard for distance. Other ones just counter ######### killer tactics and if you don't play like that you don't see them anyway.

    idk what you expect to be done about swf, there is no acceptable reason to punish people for playing with their friends.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    SWF is biggest problem in this game. Killers have to use slowdown perks because SWF is doing gens so fast. Solos can do gens so fast too.

    Killer is weak role, without slowdown perks killers can not play this game.

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  • Member Posts: 2,096

    The way I see it is killers can use slow down perks or rely on slugging and tunneling to stall progress.

    I do be thinking, I might as well not even kick the gen sometimes because I know it won't last.

    Either way the game can go anywhere so even with perks or slugs, just depends on how each side plays.

  • Member Posts: 981

    While I also disagree with punishing SWF especialy because they come into so many different patterns (1 / 3 lobby, 2 / 2 lobby 1 / 1 / 2 lobby). By nerfing them one would just hurt the players without a good reason.

    However I do not think that it is a bad thing that Killers dictate the pace of the game and that survivors have perks to counter them. Spine Chilly to counter Stealth, UnbreakaBill to counter sluggers, Small Game/Counterforce against hexes and so on. One side will always be the dictating one.

    If Killers bring more hexes, then survivor will bring Small Game, Counterforce, Detectives Hunch and maps. If killers go for Pop because their hexes do not work then survivors will bring Blast Mine, Repressed Alliance and better Toolboxes. If Killers bring Sloppy Butcher survivors will still use Self Care like...well you get the overall pattern. Its a competition where Meta and Anti-Meta counter each other. Both sides have to adept at some point instead of crying that the other is to OP.

    Survivors bring Flashlights and clicky, clicky you? Bring Lightborn and Franklins.

    Killers use Tinkerer or Trail of Tourments? Bring Spine Chill or Blast Mine.

    Survivors run back to the gen every time? Bring Dragons Grip.

    ...this is part of the game...and honestly, I like it and I would wish it got encouraged more. Countering perks with perks is fine. And Killers have to deal with 16 perks so their perks are a bit stronger to keep up.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Then killer's don't get to complain about exhaustion perks or SWF.

    It's either both sides get to complain or none do.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Tinkerer can also be dealt with by splitting up on gens as the killer can only defend a single gen a time and if he's constantly dropping chase to defend each tinkerer notification he's not getting hooks.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, you didn't really write any "counters" and you didn't even mention half the slowdown perks in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,012
    edited July 2021

    I mentioned meta perks, others are not common like this perks.

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