Stop complaining about builds and playstyles.

Everyone is free to play with and however they want.
There is nothing wrong playing with stong perks, addons or playing a strong killer or in a SWF. You have no right saying stuff like ,,He doesnt care about the fun of others if he plays spirit or SWF."
These stuff is here to be used and there is nothing wrong about it.
Sure things like keys and spirit needs changes but it doesnt make you or anyone else a ######### if they use it anyway.
Especially if you use extremely strong stuff yourself, you shouldnt complain.
Its cometely okey to play however you want as long as its not against the rules and not toxic.
And no, tunneling and camping for example is NOT toxic.
You can seriously have fun with camping, just watch Otz shinobi clown gameplays.
Same for SWF. It can be extremly annoying for the other side but its fun for the others and there is nothing wrong about it.
You are entitled to your opinion, and others are entitled to theirs, so no, wont stop complaining because some might not agree with you.
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You can complain about the stuff itself but you shouldnt blame others for using it.
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The main reason we complain about this so much is because the devs don’t change it. How long has it been since spirit’s add on nerf even though everyone said that wasn’t enough? Same for keys
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You're absolutely right! Also it's fun to see you say that. A few minutes ago I got called "heartless" and "sociopath" and that I need to get help... because I played basement Bubba for a "hook in the basement" archive and I didn't see any issue about it. I dared to say I don't mind facing a basement Bubba sometimes and there I got the immediate answer: "you're an actual sociopath my god"
People take this game way too seriously... I already got death threats for playing some stuff like T1 Myers with map offering in Hawkings. It's a game people just chill xD
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Also got death threats yesterday for using T1 spooky myers with a game offering to get my adept again.
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You deserve to be trashtalked or gettong sent death threats because you decided to run this perk?
TF is wrong with people like you.
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You said it yourself. People want to have fun with this game so why tf do you complain about them trying to have fun?
I talked about death threats because you more often than not get them if someones complains.
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There are discussions to be had about balancing, risk vs reward with certain things, what certain things give players vs what they ask from those players vs what the opposing players can do against it. All of this is valid.
But, like you, I am utterly tired of people trying to moralize and tell others what to do or else they're literally less than an earthworm.
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Agree absolutely I don't get the mentality ppl put in their minds that certain things in game are forbidden they're in game so I'mma use it but let's keep going With nerf deas hard, swf, spirit etc lmao
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No, I definitely think that BM and griefing are a pretty big problem.
As are bulldozing people just because can. That's, like, borderline griefing. You know what I'm talking about, the kind of killers that play Spirit or Nurse with Knockout and try to full-party slug at 5 gens after dodging a few lobbies that looked like they might be SWF's.
And genrushers. ######### that shite. That's almost as bad. I get being efficient, but there's a difference between the two.
Edit: to clarify, I still hold the opinion that people should use whatever they feel like using, but that doesn't mean I think people should play however they feel like playing. There is such a thing as basic sportsmanship.
Edit edit: It also doesn't mean I think those OP things we all use at least occasionally are okay, but broken toys can be fun while they last. That I totally get.
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I am on console and sont even dare to justify death threats.
I deserve to die because i play spooky tier 1 myers with a game offering?
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and why not?
I look down upon gamers who use everything they can to gain an edge, imo its pathetic, what value does a victory hold if you had to use all that nonsense to gain it? what is it worth? pretty much nothing.
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if tis just a game then why do you use such a pathetic way of doing a >challenge<?
its just a game right? just play normally and you will get when you get it?
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Playing with strong stuff is playing normally too.
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How can you dare to try to win.
Not everyone is a pro player and can play without strong stuff and not everyone wants to spent tons of hours to learn it, especially when they know they wont be playing that much anyway.
Not everyone need to be the best pro player in the world who keeps giving others a chance over and over again.
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It is not your opponent's job to make sure you have fun.
Idk why this is such a hard concept to understand.
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You're ruining my fun by not letting me kill you. please stand in that corner, don't do a gen, and wait for me to hook everyone else, then I'll come over and hook you. Deal?
This seems to be the level that survivors request of killer. Don't try to have fun, let us all escape.
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Just because something exists and is usable doesn't mean it's fair and balanced. There is still much bs which exists in this game for both sides.
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Nowhere i said everything is fair and balanced.
But you cant blame others for using it.
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IMO, face camping and tunneling is acceptable if the killer is getting absolutely wrecked in a 4-man SWF. Other that that, it's just a ######### way to play, ruining the match for 4 other people with no regards except to get their rocks off.
Coming from someone that plays 50/50 Surv and Killer.
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And coming from someone who plays 90% survivor: Tunneling, camping and gen rushing is always acceptable! People setting their own rules on how others should play is why we have such a toxic community.
Play your best, don't disconnect! That is the only "rules" everyone should follow. If you don't like the freedom people have in this game then blame BHVR not the players.
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When one party no longer wants to play, they usually stop playing, but not in DBD.
This is more like a pick up basketball game, people are jumping in and out of the game, but a few people keep screaming about how every needs to follow their rules rather than finding a different game where people are willing to play the way they want them to.
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I will complain
Because people dont just use strong builds/add ons etc, they abuse them
Because it makes for unfunny matches
Because it pulls the game always closer from an unhealthy state and gameplay
Because the devs dont want to listen and change some things that should have been changed long ago
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Don't tell people to not complain. Just because players CAN do something, doesn't mean they should. During this event I can't tell you how ridiculous killers are playing, and you apparently don't care. I'm not some whiny little ######### so I can handle getting relentlessly tunneled half the games, pretty much ends up with 0-1 gens left by the time I finally die, but that doesn't mean the person on the other end isn't playing like a loser.
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People have a right to express their opinions. By all means, play how you want to play but don't expect people to be happy about it if the way you're playing is only fun for you.
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Killers are ruining the event. They can’t win chases and use the hook mechanic for a free hit. Every single time. Rank 1,2 killers should know better. Take away unhook notifications for killer. Either they camp it anyway or actually gen patrol.
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Indeed I'll get it one day whatever but that's a good opportunity to play a different way. A game is more fun when you can vary the experience. Playing always the same thing can get boring after a while don't you agree?
So what's the problem with Basement Bubba? What's "pathetic" in it? What's not "normal" in it? You look salty bro. I'm just playing a game and you look very salty about something so insignificant that we meet like one game out of 50+ when playing survivor. :')
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The same value as a normal victory because it's a ######### videogame.
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It is not my job to make sure survivors have a good enjoyable game, because no matter what I do they'll find something to complain about.
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