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Does Killers like or hate giving them a kill?

Sometime you know how matchmaking works. and i feel bad for the killer. But giving them a kill by pointing at hook or waiting for EGC to die is it something they like? -similar to giving survivor hatch- or that make them feel even worse?

Want to know your thoughts on this.

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  • Member Posts: 918

    Just this weekend I gave an obviously new Nemesis a free kill. He was struggling so hard in the beginning that he decided to just let us be. However, he refused to take the hook (shook his head) so I just stood there until about 10 seconds until EGC when he realized I wouldn't make it to a gate he hooked me. That is my usual experience with killers.

    As a killer, I won't hook someone I haven't caught fairly, but I'm not going to spend the last minute or so pushing you out the door either. Want to die by EGC? Be my guest.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I've had a lot of games where I stay behind after all of my teammates leave, and the killer downs me and takes me to the door. I assume they just want to derank and I leave if they do that.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I'd prefer you just escape since you earned it. I wouldn't say it's insulting, like I get the thought behind it, but if I got beat that bad I just don't want a free kill. The only time it doesn't bother me is if we were farming already and they insist I hook them a third time.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    No survivor does that 😂 not for me anyway.

    Nope don't want it just want to move on to the next game.

    I'll stand in the corner and wait for the survivor to leave after celebrating their speed run victory.

  • Member Posts: 290

    happens rarely for me but when it does, id prefer to give the escape. Personally, i want to earn my kills just because thats just a mentality that i am stuck with.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I will take a free kill, for sure. If it was a devastating loss where everyone ran circles around me, that one act of kindness trumps the bad experience 100%. I always make sure to give their profile a thumbs up even if I have no idea what that does. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    I sometimes wait for the killer at the hatch and point at it and then back away, so he can either let me go or close it and kill me. It's mostly because I'm curious to see what he will choose and if my gut feeling about the killer is right or wrong 😀 Because most of the time I don't need BPs so escaping or dying is not that relevant.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited July 2021

    It rarely happens to me anymore but I never liked it. You earned the escape. Take it. Same with when I randomly get given the hatch. Usually its in games where the killer saw I was the only one doing gens/running the killer for a long time and they feel bad because my team sucked.

    That said I often give hatch to the last survivor if I've had a good match.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    If I feel the Survivor was good and I got thoroughly dunked on, then I probably won't accept it. You played well, you deserve to get out. It's not really a matter of pride or anything, I just don't care too much if I win or lose.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I think it's nice when survivors try to give me a free kill, but I'd rather earn my kills though. I won't hook them I just let EGC kill them.

  • Member Posts: 710

    I yet have to see people offer me some mercy kills or hooks tbh

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I'd gladly take the points 👉.

    But, honestly, it is rare that I am in the position where this would happen.

    But when I do get my ass kicked, sure I'll take those points. It's like getting the hatch, idc about it, but thanks.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    As nice as the gesture is, it just makes me feel awful lol. I'd appreciate the survivors just leave asap so I can forget this match ever happened.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    It feels socially awkward to kill someone who's trying to be nice, and it can also feel like mockery, depending who's doing it and how they played up until that point. It's funny, because it feels totally fine to take the hatch or a free escape (at least to me). But there's something about the way the game is designed that makes it feel weird when it's the other way around.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I'll usually reject the offer and encourage the survivor to leave. I appreciate the thought, but they're sacrificing 5k BP for escaping and all I get is 700 BP in return. I think in terms of Bloodpoints, not kills, so I just see a very unbalanced trade.

    However, if I'm working on a challenge to kill survivors by any means, I become less likely to attempt to push them out.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2021

    I do it sometimes. If killers give hatch to survivors that liked the way they played, then I don't see the issue with giving them a kill if I liked the way they played. (If I'm getting a crown I'll just drop an item in front of them.)

    I think I've only seen survivors offer themselves to me twice. I chose to let both of them go. It doesn't seem common, but I'll try to make it more common!

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    I dont like it if they wait out the EGC timer just to gift me a kill.

    I am thankfull but i rather want them to leave so i can go into my next match and EARN my kills.

  • Member Posts: 520

    Yea when i see killer is new or play really fair i want to give them a kill, but exactly like you said i fear they think i mocking them or something.

    Based on most comments the better/safer way is to just leave as soon as your teammates is safe and nothing else to do.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I don't want a freebies as killer.

  • Member Posts: 18

    To me it has only ever happened when I played really badly. Like I'm playing Nem, I can't m2 for the life of me, and I've basically given up. I'm in a chase on Haddon once and literally 3 gens popped at the same time and I just stopped mid chase, the survivor looked at me, and I just kinda looked at the ground and walked away. I was done, I came back and continued chasing, cause if I actually gave up I woulda ruined everyone else's time as well, get no hooks, and just overall having a terrible time because I was already defeated mentally.

    One of the survivors thought they'd be nice and let me hook them but to me I just felt pitied. I didn't earn it, I didn't win anything, there's no feeling of having overcome adversity. It didn't actually help me in any way, I just want to move on. That's honestly the worst part, is that they think they're being nice and giving you a hook or a kill, and maybe some bp, but in reality they're often just wasting your time. They are trapping you in a terrible mental state because you honestly tried but just couldn't do anything.

    Besides, if I wanted a free and easy experience I'd play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's ultimately a self-sacrificing gesture, so if a player does take offence to such an offer it says far more about the pride of the person in the killer role than the survivor player offering it.

    Killers may reject it; downing the survivor and taking them to an exit gate (which, personally, is a sign of mutual respect), but if they take the offer it shows gratitude.

    Basically, I only see it as a sign of honour and respect - something there needs to be a lot more of.

  • Member Posts: 597

    I practice Killers that I've never played before at Rank 1 all the time, this is simply because I play my Main Killers often enough to consistently be Rank 1... however, when I practice the Killers that I am trying to learn, lately it's been Nurse, Blight, Trickster, Nemesis etc..

    I get WRECKED by Survivors ALL the time. Typically it ends up being 4 Escapes, depip, with only a few Hooks the entire match.. usually like 1-3 hooks before they finish all the gens lol.

    So far, lets say in my last 200 matches, I've never, not even ONCE, had a Survivor in these Red Ranks offer to give me a Kill. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it will ever happen, no matter how poorly I play and how hard they destroy me, I seem to just get constantly T-Bagged, Flash Lighted, Body Blocked, Flashbanged, Palleted, pretty much anything you can possibly think of they'll do to make my life as difficult as possible...

    When I am CLEARLY playing a Killer that I am brand new to, with like 2 hooks when 5 gens are completed lol. Never makes a difference, it's always sweaty try hard / toxic Survivors..

    But to Answer your Question... Yeah, it would probably make me feel A LOT better actually if even ONCE a Survivor just got themselves Killed purposefully at the end of a match where they outplayed me that hard..

    I mean, it doesn't hurt my pride at all, I know I lost fair and square and so do they, I would just consider it a nice gesture.. I would imagine it being like facing a team that did so good against me that they actually started to feel sorry for me halfway through the match so by the end of the match they let me get a Kill or die intentionally or something..

    I would appreciate the kindness despite knowing my own failure very well.

    Based on my Experience so far, I don't think this will ever happen though.

  • Member Posts: 1,030
    edited July 2021

    No. The gates are open, gtfo and stop wasting both of our time. I hate survivors not leaving, regardless of whether they want to give me a worthless pity kill or just continue to gloat.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    In 3 years of playing this game I have never seen a survivor give me a free kill.

    But honestly if you won just leave, Idc about 200 points per hit, I prefer if survivors stop wasting time at the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 918

    Dayum. You sound angry, did you just come out of a game before you typed that?

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Hate it.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Hate it.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Only has happened a couple of times, and once was from a player who's username was 'Simp for Myers'. I was of course playing Mikey.

  • Member Posts: 78

    i usually reject it, its me vs them, if they win thats great...lets move on, i dont need an extra 500 points.

  • Member Posts: 1,075
    edited July 2021

    You hate it so much you said it twice 😜

    Idm, I'll take it. It actually happened yesterday when someone dced at the start, i got everyone to second stage playing normally then let them farm. At the end one of the people gave me the kill to "thank me" for the farming. I'm taking it, it's bloodpoints 🥰

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    For me if you got to that point you earned the escape, as long as i don't de-pip I'm fine

    I'm pretty chill and give survivor(s) free escapes every few games and or depending on the circumstances so I don't find it insulting in the slightest.

    I mean it is just a game, its not E-Sports lol

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Usually unless the survivor insists, I won't do it for a kill hook. I'll take the pity hook (ESPECIALLY if I never hooked them so I need my BBQ stack) but ideally I will then walk away, let people save them and heal, and then they can either walk away or I'll hit them at the gate, let them heal up, then do it again (most of the time people don't stick around this long but especially with cakes in play, more players seem to be fine with this setup).

    I know there are some who have been burned by this so I make sure when I hit them as the killer that I walk away and let them heal up before I re-enter the gated area.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    No, I'm just fed up with survivors wasting my time in general.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    What does that have to do with anything?

    Maybe for an obvious baby Dwight who got unlucky with the matchmaking, but generally no.

  • Member Posts: 265

    No mercy killing here. I'm a killer and I don't deserve pity.

    With that said one time I was messing around with a bunch of survivors as Ghostface and we were just all doing t-bags like idiots at the end of the game when everything was about done. But one survivor decided I should kill them because they were happy to be able to mess around with me. They were clearly gesturing me to hook them but I refused. Survivor ended forcefully sacrificing himself by staying at my side near the exit gate instead of leaving. I was kind of devastated really.

    Do I give survivors the hatch? Depends on the game. If I killed all survivors with too much ease I will sometime do it. If people disconnect early in a game for no good reason I will do it. If they plead for mercy or do item offerings I will do it.

  • Member Posts: 4,335
    edited July 2021

    I'm asking because they are the same thing. If you are okay with one, then you should be with the other.

    Post edited by Clevite on
  • Member Posts: 4,183

    I stopped caring for rank or kills in year 2 or 3 and only play for the 4 stacks of bbq and 8hooks to give the survivor a tense experience.

    I appreciate the gesture way more than the kill or points themselves. Them showing the willingness to give the pity kill is more worth than the action itself and my few hundred bp is less worth than their 5k.

    Also since I play "fair", completely without camping or tunneling, I only hope for no sass aka tbagging and so on from the other side (i excluded slugging because I have to slug at least one at a time after 8 hooks or either go afk or still kill them, which I do only when I go for adept achievements/dailies/rift challenges).

  • Member Posts: 1,053

    If i already got a kill then yeah ill take it but if all 4 survivors can escape i won't take it. You guys get more bloodpoints for escaping, and I get a depip so i hopefully dont have to stay in red ranks. Talk about a win-win.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    sometimes i would fail to sacrifice anyone and only manage to get a "kill" trough very unfortunate unfortunate circumstances or because noed, i will just throw the survivor at the gate or give them hatch, never got a pity kill but i probably wouldn't take if i couldn't even hook anyone the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Literally nobody does this, in my 2 years of playing I think its only happened twice lmao

    Anyways, I personally don't like to take mercy kills because I don't like the whole pity party thing, but if I realize the survivor is going to die by EGC I'll usually hook them before they do. And yes, I'm very appreciative of it because its extremely rare.

  • Member Posts: 1,030
    edited July 2021

    They are so not the same thing. Giving a pity kill does next to nothing for the killer. You barely get any bonus bloodpoints and in terms of emblems, you've already lost anyways, it's purely wasting time.

    Giving the hatch gives a survivor 7,000 bloodpoints that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten and it also has them escape the trial, which emblem-wise tends to be enough to rank up.

    So no, I don't care for your argument. They are not the same thing, so I will continue to be okay with one, but not the other.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Fair enough.

    I just find it funny how so many claim "survivors never give me a kill" then when they do, now it's, "fk that, I don't want your pity"

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