Another thought experiment...

Disclaimer: I don't think this should ever be in the game this is just a fun what if...
How would a game that allowed killers to use all of their respective add ons at once and survivors able to use all items with all respective add ons go? Who has the most advantage? Which killer is best off and who is worst off?
Frig me sideways dude, I would love to try this with my Wraith build. The thought of this with a Midwich or The Game offering makes me salivate.
By default I run Distressing, Coulrophobia, Nurses and Sloppy+ purple movespeed/the beast soot but if I could also have purple pallet break, all seeing, green disappearance time, purple reappearance time and Silent Bell I don't think any amount of item addons will be able to penetrate a 3 gen
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The meme add ons would make some killers kinda useless (burger king myers, speed limiter hillbilly and leatherface, etc.) while others would be unstoppable
Would be a nice joke mode for a weekend or so
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Myers would be the worst off, because he has a bunch of addons that don't work well when stacked with each other. He'll be stuck in T1 with 89% movement speed (slower than no-blink nurse)
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With things like this, questions start to come up.
Like how would Coxcombed Clapper + Bone Clapper work?
Right now when you use both, one takes priority.
But this is about having everything active, so i guess you could say instead of "widespread" or "silenced", it's now "widespread silence", but Coxcombed Clapper is that anyway.
He'd also have "The Beast" - Soot so, unavoidably, Terror Radius Perks actually work on him, but R.I.P. cloaked stealth.
Sloppy Butcher / "Blind Warrior" - White is made obsolete by "Blind Warrior" - White / Sloppy Butcher.
Hex: The Third Seal has a nice back-up in the form of "Blind Warrior" - Mud i guess.
I don't like Play With Your Food taking up a slot, but if it's on by standard then HELLO EASY TOKENS!
Pallets would also be DOOMED on this guy, you'd absolutely want to eat the stun (Enduring + Spirit Fury), quickly recloak ("Blink" - White + "Blink" - Mud), kick it after the drop ("Shadow Dance" - Blood + "Shadow Dance" - White + Brutal Strength + Fire Up) and WHOOSH forward. ("The Serpent" - Soot)
And you'd have Nemesis + Play With Your Food, so cloaking after the drop grants you a free Token.
Look idk how powerful Survivors would be, mkay? I'm just looking from my ringing man's perspective right now.
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That's fine. I'm looking for all perspectives and just trying to have some fun.
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I feel like the killers that have a lot of stat boost add-ons would get the most value, such as Legion, Wraith, Oni, Pyramid Head, and Ghost Face.
Going against Doctor would be...confusing. I guess Iridescent King already applies all the madness debuffs, but his terror radius is going to be all over the place and and his shock attack is going to be a donut like 30 meters in front of him.
Huntress would for the most part just be a double Iridescent add-on Huntress. Not going to get much value when she's working with only one hatchet and a speed buff without said hatchet.
Freddy is going to be a pallet Freddy on steroids I'll bet. Survivor's will have to be careful to keep track of pallets at all times and make sure they are getting gens done quickly.
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Everyone would just play spirit and be across the map in 3 seconds with .2 second activation time and a 5 second cooldown
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He actually moves at 105% in T1. and 100% if he has tombstone, the ultra rare that is,
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He has two addons that decrease his movespeed. Judith and Vanity Mirror. Vanity is 7% reduction and Judith is 9% reduction.
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Vanity makes him 110% in T2...
Judith Reduces your speed to 105%. t1 moves at 100%..
I'm a mikey main for well over 4 years. i know these addons by heart,
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In the situation where you have every addon equipped at once, you would also have Scratched Mirror which prevents him from leaving EW1.
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Doctor with access to all addons and all forms of his power AT ONCE
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His vanity ONLY counts the t2 movement. Not t1,
You still move at 105% in t1 even with vanity,
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There'd be no difference for Freddy.
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As far as the wiki states, Vanity Mirror reduces the movespeed of Myers by 7%. Nothing mentioned about it only working when in EW2.
Judith on the wiki also states a 9% penalty.
Consider that the standard BK Myers build is Vanity + Judith with the caveat that you can't stalk and the point of the build is that you move slower than survivors. I don't see why you think Vanity doesn't effect EW1 movespeed.
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for the pig, 4 jigsaw boxes but only 2 RBTs timer doesnt change on RBT's but survivors cant see auras until its active and it takes a SIGNIFICANTLY longer time to search the boxes along with a big penalty to miss skill checks, not to mention its harder to hit and more skill checks while searching plus i can see survivor auras when they are searching boxes. seems pretty decent.
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The only thing I can think of as different for standard BK Myers is that he'll have a lunge, but that's about it.
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IIRC, Tamper Timer takes away 30 seconds and the green addon that increases the timer on RBT for an extra box is only 20 seconds. So the RBT timer should still be slightly shorter.
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oh, my B. though it adds 30 seconds.
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I just imagined a Trapper with this
- 5 Traps to start with
- Instant setting time
- VERY dark Traps
- Traps that would take forever to disarm...
- and when they do the get injured and had to repeate 30 seconds later
Who would benefit the most? Survivor or Killer? Depends on the killer. Myers f.e. would be trash with all his addons, while Spirit would be complelty insane.
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Not true, you'd be going against fake pallets. Also, you'd be asleep for the majority of the trial.
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Another killer that would suffer would be Hag. She would be stuck with traps that body block which also make a lot of her other addons do nothing. At least on the bright side she does become 112.5%.
Nurse would be interesting, she'll still be 2 blink nurse but can't blink through walls and moves at 105%. EDIT: Oh but she does have 2 meme addons that cut her blink distance and her lunge distance. So she'll be pretty bad.
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It was a joke about how Freddy's add-on's suck. Most Freddy's I play against already use fake pallets anyways (probably because his snares are just boring).
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They haven't updated mikey since they changed how Undetectable works..
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Aren't his snares currently bugged? I remember people talking about Clown and Freddy hindered effects not working properly. Likely why pallet Freddy is currently more popular.
At the very least Freddy doesn't have any negative addons that would hurt him.
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I think they are working, but to be honest I can't know for sure because I never play with Snares.
I think they are boring.
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Oh yeah, Blight would be a really weird. You'd have a lot more time to aim where you want to go, but you better be sure that is where you want to go, because you won't be able to turn yourself at all.
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Well this is certainely one way to nerf nurse xD
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Where did you get that idea from? Both mirrors give a permanent speed penalty, regardless of the tier you're in.
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scratched mirror doesn't it just keeps you at t1 where you move slower by default
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Scratch mirror Keeps you in tier one my guy. Read that addon..
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I'm aware it does that, but to say it only works in that tier is still wrong. The add-on has two parts to it: variable a tells Myers that he's unable to progress past tier 1 and variable b tells him that all of his movement is slowed by x%.
If you were to remove variable a from the add-on, he could progress to tier 2, but he'd still be slowed, because variable b doesn't care in what tier he is.
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It makes him 110% in Tier 2...
They never updated mikey's addons properly in god knows how long,
that and Behavior never tells us HOW BADLY it slows down in general,
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That's what the wax comb clapper and the comb clapper would do
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It would do nothing, because Scratched Mirror prevents you from tiering up.
But if Scratched Mirror (or Vanity Mirror) didn't exist, it would take 5 survivors (in theory) to tier up to EW3 stacking Judith, Tuft, Tomestone Piece, Lock of Hair, Hair Bow, Hair Brush, and Blond Hair. So you would never be able to reach EW3 anyways.
Math: It takes 5 points to tier up. Hair Bow, Hair Brush, and Blond Hair all add +2.5 to EW2->EW3 tier up (the first time). Lock of Hair adds 5. Tomestone Piece adds 7.5. Judith and Tuft both add 10.
5 (for EW1 -> EW2) + 5 (EW2 -> EW3 base) + 5 (Lock of Hair) + 7.5 (Tomestone Piece) + 2.5 (Blond Hair) + 2.5 (Hair Brush) + 2.5 (Hair Bow) + 10 (Judith) + 10 (Tuft) = 50.
The Stalk Point reserve is 40.4 (each survivor gets 10.1 stalk points).
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Vanity Mirror's code literally reads "GameplayModifierType.IncreaseAllMovementSpeed: -0.07"
This means it doesn't care about what tier Myers is in.
In tier 1, he'll move at 3.906m/s, which is 97.65%. In tier 2, he'll move at 4.278m/s, which is 106.95%.
Neither is 110%.