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Soul Guard overrated?

Member Posts: 102

recently I've watched Otz's "All 170 perks discussed and rated" vid, and caught my eye on Soul Guard, he gave this perk 4/5 stars rating. and while reading the effect itself it sounds really strong on paper, 8 sec invincibility is decent, can save you so many times (at least what I thought it would do), so I decided to give it a try and spice it up with some statistics aswell. I've played 42 games with Soul Guard and counted the procs. I was actually surprised how few times it worked, and to be pricise, 4 times. I counted the times when I could pick myself up while hex being in the game and times when I got hit after I got picked/picked myself up. I was using it with Unbreakable and that is 2 perks for 1 purpose as you understood already. also, I was playing in an SWF and everyone knew I had it, so they were told to leave me for some time or simply pick me in the face of the killer, yet it only triggered 4 times. imo it's pretty niche, yet effect is really strong.

in my eyes it doesn't deserve 4 star. maybe 3 just because the effect is strong, but the conditions are just too much. you have to get slugged, left on the ground for X amount of time and then get hit. that's a bit too much for me.

funnily enough, I decided to run Autodidact after. Autodidact is a 1/5 star perk in the vid. I played 10 games and in 7 of them I had 5 stacks, in 5 of them I picked someone up so fast the killer could do nothing. as said in the vid, Autodidact is heavy reliant on luck, but isn't Soul Guard somewhat the same? giving the effect of Autodidact not being as strong, but more (imo) consistant, I would rate them both as a 3 star perks in my book. thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 102

    yeah I get it. I just wanted to start some kind of discussion. no hate or anything to Otz, he is competent and I like his content. just was wondering, why he rated it the way he did, because I haven't found much value using the perk.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Otz has his own opinion based on his experience.

    While we can take into account what he says we may have different matches where Killer use other tactics.

    I got the effect of Soul Guard quiet often. Not the self pick-up but the enduring effect. This had far more impact for me.

    Every time I run Unbreakable or Soul Guard I never run into a Killer that sluggs. Its always straight to the hook for me with no recovery at all. I just do not get slugged that often and I do not know why. This is why I dropped both of these perks. For me they have little use. However I am a big fan of Inner Strengh that bought me tons of healing...

    You see your own experience should guide your choice of perks. Otz is a general view on those things, you have a special view just for your case. Take him as an inspiration what perks you should try in which order. He rates their utility over all, you need to figure out how much value they have for you.

    I could even say that Blast Mine was a good perk and had a 5/5 rating in your book just because you like seeing a Killer getting blown up by it. Or you could experience that Smash Hit is a 5/5 for you because you are the god of pallet stuns. Its all up to you.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Maybe it has more to do with WHEN these perks come in handy? As opposed to how often?

    Like, Autodidact could be replaced by a Purple Medkit with Gel Dressings, WGLF, Desperate Measures, etc. and you could have nearly as much, or more, value from those as you would Autodidact - and that's without needing to build stacks. And while Autodidact can be helpful, it's probably not going to suddenly change the course of a game.

    But with Soul Guard, if you're being picked up while the Killer is slugging and you tank a hit for your rescuer, you can potentially go from losing and all dying to finishing all the gens and getting people out the Gates. Endurance also means you can avoid going down to an instadown, so if the slugging scenario is a Hillbilly, you could still eat the hit for you fully healed rescuer and keep them alive without dying yourself. And, outside of the legendary fully charged MoM, there's nothing else in the game that can do that quite as well.

    I don't know what criteria Otz is using for a 4 star rating or what his opinions are on the two perks, but that's something that comes to my mind - that it may be more about the niches the perks fill and how well they fit those niches, as opposed to how often they help.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    I think it's probably a strong SWF perk but as solo it is rare to get value of it, so I never use it. For solos it's very overrated.

  • Member Posts: 995

    For me useless,almost never slugged outside of killer sweating for 4k and attempt to find the last alive survivor.

    Strictly SWF perk in solo has close to zero value

  • Member Posts: 723

    If you decide the value of Soul Guard based on how often you'll get it to proc, it's maybe a little low value (as opposed to DS/BT/any exhaustion perk, perks you'll get usage from nearly every game with ease) BUT, when you DO get use out of it, it can be game changing. So the value of it is very inconsistent, but has a high ceiling, if that makes sense?

    One of the guys I play with often in a 4 man loves to run UB+SG, and while he probably only gets use out of it once every 10 matches, there's usually a lot of value from being able to use it in those games. It's definitely turned a few games from beyond-a-doubt losing to winning... sometimes even a whole 4 man escape, at that.

  • Member Posts: 1,867
    edited July 2021

    Otz also rated slippery meat at 3/5 and quick and quiet at 2/5, he isn’t right all the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    The high rating for this perk has to come from how much of an impact it had when he was playing killer and encountered the perk. It's not a common perk, but it has a significant impact if done right.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I think Otz bases his opinions around not-quite-competitive DbD, doesn't he? The grey area where everyone is good at the game and trying to win but not actually genrushing?

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The enduring effect can certainly be very impactful against slugging killers since it allows injured survivors to pick you up and you are able to take the hit.

    I don't think people are overrating the perk as it's not like you see the perk talked about much nor do you see it ran often in games. The only example of the perk being highly rated is coming from 1 person.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    It's situationally strong. Sure, if a killer slugs with a hex active it can be a gamechanger. But how often is a killer multi slugging while there hexes are still up (unless lolnurse)?

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2021

    Slugging is part of the killer meta, so I’m not surprised it was rated high.

    You are wondering why he rated it that high, well you’re probably just gonna get more opinions, because everyone experiences different things more often than not.

  • Member Posts: 561

    To be fair otz is a very good killer but not the best survivor, he plays like 90% of his matches as killer so I really don't take his survivor tier lists that seriously, ironically there's very good survivor youtubers out there that refuse to make a survivor perk tier list...

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    It stops people from committing crimes against DBD and her people

    Essential it is for a survivor build

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