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Who is the most powerful killer of the original trio currently?

glitchboi Member Posts: 6,014
edited July 2021 in Polls


Trapper won't stand a chance. Wraith is a decent killer but not the best IMO, he's still very beatable and has plenty of counterplay. And finally, despite his death, I still think Billy is the most powerful of the three.

I expect Wraith to get the most votes.

Who is the most powerful killer of the original trio currently? 75 votes

High5YourFace 1 vote
Science_GuyDimekmusstang62ShapedRoboMojoHellraisingPredatorPepsidotEmealWarcrafter4MaxwellYatolkazoie1MadLordJack90bubbelodraIlliterateGenocideShoobyJarolUnifallQwQw 41 votes
GibberishSeiko300gneheheTapeKnotblue4zionxEaElikTaigaMalkhrimanonymous31337GeneralVMooksGlamourousLeviathanScary_Punk_GhostLeachy_JrCornHubEntity_Lich94Awkward_FiendWiktoroxglitchboi 33 votes


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Marginally Hillbilly. Better Map Pressure and his power shuts down many loops. Both Wraith and Billy to me are A tier.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2021

    For some God Forsaken reason I've actually seen more Wraith's recently than any other killer on the entire roster- both at lower ranks when I'm playing in SWF with rank 20 friends who don't play often enough to get higher, and at high ranks when I'm queuing by myself with other reds.

    I'm assuming it's because people are actually getting on board with the idea that Wraith is in a LOT better of a position than he was at any point before. All the way back to undetectable status effect now no longer allowing aura reading perks to read the auras of perks, the speed boost coming out of cloak is a decent anti loop tool, he's got increased movement speed while cloaked now, he's completely invisible to survivors more than 20 meters away, and on top of it all he's actually got some really good add-ons as well: which can reduce his disappearance or reappearance time, muffle the distance / direction or complete sound of the wailing bell itself, increase action speeds like vaulting or breaking while cloaked, increase movement speed on top of the base boost provided while cloaked, suppress his terror radius + red stain coming out of cloak (one of my personal favorites and Lord Only Knows how it's a common add-on), and aura reading for survivors while cloaked.

    Wraith is actually sitting pretty comfortably at a mid or mid-to-high tier I would say.

    All that being said Hillbilly is still better of course- and I'm still of the mindset that people vastly overreacted and are still overreacting to his nerf (the cooldown is not harsh at all) he's still got the best map mobility of the three, and access to an instant down. Just those two things alone are enough to put him above many killers in the game, and that includes his peers of the original three.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    A year ago, I'd have said Billy, absolutely no contest. I just don't see it now though. Billy's margin of error is razor thin, and curving is going to be a lot more difficult to pull off on most loops because you can't feather for long. He's still got great map mobility and the occasional backrev when in a dead zone, but that's pretty much it against competent survivors (assuming you are not a god billy)

    I used to main Billy for awhile but I'd take Wraith 100 times in red ranks before taking Billy for a spin anymore. Which is incredibly depressing. Wraith's got (arguably) better mobility than Billy now, and he can get some nasty hits out of cloak. He's also going to force pallet drops a lot faster than Billy in almost every situation. Windows are pretty equally bad for wraith and billy

    Dunno man. I think for 90% of players, Wraith is going to be the stronger killer. So so so much easier to use and at this point, I really don't think his ceiling is much lower than Billy's. Wraith's in a great spot right now

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Wraith is really good now, but Billy still has the upper hand.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Its wraith mainly because he has a good baseline power and add-ons.

    Meanwhile trapper has a weak baseline with being heavily add-on dependent.

    Also Billy has an average baseline with no good add-ons to speak of outside of low pro chains and apex muffler.

    I think a lot of the votes for billy are people who are traumatized by insta saw billy.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I have hardly seen any Hillbillys since his nerf. So I have to presume Wraith is better when used with perks surrounding the hit and run play style.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    Billy is too RNG based, has worse mobility, and a less effective chase power due to the aforementioned RNG.

    What RNG, you may ask? Why, the fact that his bumps and saws are server-sided, massively inconsistent, and that survivors whip back and forth when they enter melee range so backrevs are pretty much luck-based.

    Edit: also, Billy doesn't have any good addons

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    man i miss playing old billy, can dev just listen to killer request ?

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    People sleep on Billy since he received overheat. It's almost as if Overheat was a near useless mechanic that almost exclusively punishes poor usage of the chainsaw, although it should probably cool down upon hitting a survivor so you can still snowball survivors, which is one of the only complaints I have about the mechanic.

    Wraith has a slightly weaker chase at loops than Billy, due to needing to hit them twice and kick pallets, but he does have a slightly better mid-pallet game.

  • Matieusz
    Matieusz Member Posts: 12

    trapper can be powerful but the amount of brain map rng and luck put into a game doesnt even come close to how reliable billy and wraith are

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I voted wraith but I am glad some people still find billy above.

  • entilted_but_balance
    entilted_but_balance Member Posts: 99

    Trapper need good map for him to be effective

    Billy can be looped till daylight so mega nope

    Wraith is super good now

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Bro who voted billy? I never see billy. Hes one of the weaker killers with his nerf and awful screaming. Even trapper can deny loops better than billy. All billy has is faster movement speed.