Killers behavior has been disgusting lately

Past 5 games I played in every single one of them the killer would leave at minimum one person slugged and just camp them and let them bleed out. They don’t try to do anything else except ruin one players game and that’s it. BHVR really needs to look at the behavior of killers players lately and take action
While some would consider it unsporting, camping/tunneling/slugging are all part of the game
As I've said in many other threads, as soon as someone can come up with an idea that doesn't immediately get abused by survivors and/or punish innocent killers, I'm game. But I have yet to hear a single suggestion that wouldn't be one of those two things (or both in many cases).
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They've been leaving survivors to BM, genrush and deny killers the most basic experience of DbD for years, I wouldn't hold your breath now that killers are griefing more.
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I have no idea what you're going on about with the DC stuff so I'm just going to ignore that...
I guess if you want to die faster when slugged, we can introduce faster bleedout by the hook. That seems like it would be a hell of a nerf to survivors, especially since there are plenty of places you wouldn't be able to go without inadvertently killing yourself (I guess unless you made it so the survivors had to go right under a hook to do it so that it was clear they were trying to kill themselves rather than crawling for Hatch or crawling to a fellow survivor who is near a hook).
Both the wiggle decay and the free unbreakable would both be easily abused, especially by SWF groups who are working together and communicating to force the killer to drop their would-be victim. It can already be damn near impossible to hook someone when you have SWFs coordinating hook destruction, I can't imagine how bad it would get if the person on the ground basically got free Flippity Flop and Unbreakable out of it...
The tunneling thing also seems more like a buff to the killer rather than something that would stop tunneling. If someone wants to tunnel, they're gonna tunnel. Being able to Mori someone and save 10ish seconds it takes to hook them instead isn't going to do anything.
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Firstly, that's a terrible idea because this is a casual game with extreme RNG. Second, it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. This is a thread about the rise in killers that are griefing.
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So is Disconnecting. If a Player's connection fails, they leave the game. That's part of the game.
But, that's considered unsporting, and is punished.
Why? Does it ruin the experience for people?
Losing connection isn't unsportsmanlike, intentionally dcing is.
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Tunneling, Slugging and camping are only considered 'part of the game' because bhvr would lose a decent chunk of incompetent but paying players if they'd use the existing mechanics to force these amateurs to actually show skill.
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(Told this before, might as well again.) Reminds me of a time I played with my friend. It was nothing but a tunnelfest. Nearly every game the killer tunneled. It got so bad that my friend stopped playing after the last game.
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Killers playing the game is such a huge issue. It's very clear dedicated survivor mains just want bots to bully.
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This. Not saying all survivors are like this, but a lot of them only play this game in order to harass and bully the killer for laughs. I literally just had everyone dc against me, not one minute ago because they I chased someone who was unhooked in order to slug them and go pick up someone who was just caught in a padded jaws trap. They all just dc'd and wasted their Strode Key offering because the match didn't go as they wanted.
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You decide to leave three survivors in a match who are more than likely about to get curb stomped by the killer.
They would've had a better chance at escaping if you decided to stay in the match.
Most people dc anyway (except for crashes/lost connection) because they don't like to lose.
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I just got done doing that to a SWF for more bloodpoints. I knew they would keep trying to pick them up, and they were under a pallet, so you know, make lemonade and whatnot. It gave me 3 extra hooks, 5 extra hits... Great value, in my opinion.
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That's a pretty stupid statement to make. It's a horror game. People are playing it for entertainment; if the game wasn't fun (or didn't have the potential for fun, because DBD being fun is a bit of a loaded topic), people wouldn't be here. Having zero opportunity to do anything in the game because the killer zeroed in on you from the start, chased you once, and then stared lovingly into your eyes for the next two minutes is not fun. Getting downed off the hook in 12 seconds because the killer refused to target anyone other than you and swerved around any bodyblockers is not fun. Being left to bleed out for 4 minutes while the killer spams buttons over you is not fun. It's the same way having all the gens pop before you get your second down isn't fun and having to break 8 pallets before you're allowed to hit a survivor isn't fun.
Infinite loops weren't fun and we got rid of those. Instant blinds weren't fun and we got rid of those. Moris weren't fun and we got rid of those. And you could have made the argument that instant blinds (or god forbid that one patch where you could do it at any point in the animation lock) and infinite loops were fun for survivors, so who the hell cares what the killer thought? It doesn't work like that. Both sides' experiences do matter. The only reason I don't advocate removing hard camping and tunneling is because they're sometimes necessary strategies and damaging their power would let survivors run roughshod over killers at higher levels of gameplay. The option needs to exist or killers are screwed; making them impossible would become insanely abusable. But killers who camp and tunnel the first player they see are just one step removed from griefers (or straight-up are griefers, depending on how and why they do it) and they bring down the experience for everyone else.
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Ah, I misunderstood you then. I thought you were saying that survivors on the ground would get to keep their progress (as in, if they are at 75% when they get picked up, their wiggle meter is now at 75%).
The slug thing I actually would love to see. While I understand why killers do it, the "slug survivor #3 to go after #4 when they have no idea where they're at" is super crappy for the survivor (as well as just letting them bleed out). This would allow the survivor to get themselves out faster if the killer is being a jerk and just bleeding someone out just to bleed them out while having minimal impact on a killer hunting survivor #4 (because to be blunt, if you haven't found them in two minutes, you're almost certainly not finding them in four).
I still am of the mind that if a killer is going to tunnel, they're going to tunnel. Giving them a free mori if they don't tunnel someone isn't going to stop them at all. The only thing it would really do is reward killers like me who go out of their way NOT to tunnel but that's not nearly enough of a reward to stop a tunneler.
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I doubt that would matter (people who are camping/tunneling are easily punished if the survivors just gen rush them). I do think it would be an interesting experiment to try though if BHVR was feelin like really trying to shake things up but I feel like it would be the same issue we see now.
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It's because all the survivor mains are trying to farm cakes and BP as killer for the event. lol
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It's ok, we'll get through these trying times together.
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This idea is great the more I think about it
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I agree tunneling and camping has been bad lately but before that was there something wrong with survivors actions and attitude to make the killer camp or tunnel? I play fair survivor and im not toxic and i do get tunneled down a lot and camped. Its frustrating but what can you do. I accept tunneling and camping to survivors that are being toxic to the killers though.
I tunneled yesterday i'll admit i did. But i did it because i got survivors that kept flashlighting me like hey you look at me im the best style so i was like ok you are first to die so i tunneled the flashlighters down. I'm not apologizing for it.
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It's posts like wake us up from the underground. when you blame an entire side and are basically saying there ruining the game I call bull [BAD WORD].
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Load into disturbed ward as Myers against even semi-competent survivors and win the game without camping/tunneling or a full stack of gen perks.
You can lose like 40 seconds (aka entire gens worth of progress depending how many survivors are working) just moving across the map; let alone if someone can actually loop.
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You must be joking.
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On the other hand, I've just had the worst experience lately with toxic survivors. Body-blocking, spamming flashlights, keys and all... yet some others would call all those 'not toxic'. Let's admit it, no matter what us killers do, we're toxic. I've never tunnelled a Survivor unless I absolutely had to in order to secure at least one kill, and I don't camp at all. And yet, some beyond-entitled Survivors have the audacity to attempt to 'bully' me and just go out of their way to make me miserable (this is on Xbox, so primarily through aftergame messages), simply out of their own inability to play against me and a hook... so much so that I've considered disabling outside chats from here on out...
Oh yeah. Not to mention unarguably toxic builds which render me almost helpless to the aforementioned 'required' tunnel or two...
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What do you mean? That just destroys any skill capita and reinforces the fact this is a vicious circle of 'They're toxic'... it's not 'great' at all...
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Both sides have their pettiness. I been spammed as killer to join a survivor party just to talked down to me. As survivor I had a killer who was upset cause my friend found a key and escaped.
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I'm on console and gone up against crossplay users. Literally had survivors use the Xbox app just to say some things. No matter what you do you will get told something. Just play the game the way you want. It not hacking or exploits then you're fine.
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It is probably better to just learn how to ignore them without tools such as blocked communication. It is literally the same thing, you don't feed them, but the major difference is you actively need to see it and that allows you to chip away the negative response you feel bit by bit until you are so used to it that you genuinely do not care.
That is what I did, at least, and it definitely gave me thiccer skin. Which admittedly I needed coming into this game as a new player. I was really shocked to see my greeting. You would think for 5 year old paid game, the playerbase would be slightly more concerned about player retention. I digress, just imagine them teabagging and flash light clicking irl, would you be angry? Nah, you would definitely laugh. So do that in game too, the clowns are there for YOUR entertainment, after all. Might as well embrace it!
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As its clear killers want all survivors to just spawn on the hooks. Both sides need to get good and shut up.
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Another us vs them post? Thats exactly what we need
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Basekit meta perk?
When do we get Basekit Ruin and NOED?
Slugging is very much part of the game too. That's why there are actions such as 'recovering from the dying state' and perks like Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Tenacity, Flip-Flop, No Mither and WGLF.
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What if Claudette and Dwight each get hooked three times, then the killer downs Meg... and instantly Mori's her?
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He said ideas that can't be abused by survivors. Removing wiggle decay is EASILY abusable.
Slugging is part of the game. If you don't like it, play another game. Something more suitable to your tastes. Like Minecraft on peaceful mode.
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Bots won't generate the desired salt, though.I guess BHVR needs to write a chat-script for angry bots - preferably for both roles.
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In that case, nothing will ever happen. The moment you start saying "What if...", killer mains will come out and state that it will be abused by survivors. Not because they think it will, not because they have any proof for that. Just because camping and tunneling are their bread and butter, and they like it the easy way.
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Its an excuse to hide behind "ItS a StRateGy" , 2/3 killers are just jerks. Facts.
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no u
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Imaging playing the tutorial and that meg bot that crouched under hook comes at you with "nice tunnel baby killer"
Or the trapper bot going "wow another toxic gen rush swf"
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I wish it were that simple for me... I have this issue with my anxiety which I think was to play the other day -- in that horrible situation I responded to @ThiccBudhha with -- where I feel I just get overly disappointed when I'm genuinely enjoying something and then something just goes out of its way to spoil that enjoyment for me... in this case, it's the toxic team I encountered. But yeah, you can't avoid the inevitable. At the end of the day, who cares? If you're not competitive, play as you like.
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Another "5 games in a row" post...
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and 2/3 of survivors are jerks so whats your point?
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Except that they did have a hard counter for camping, and it was abused by survivors.
If they decide to dictate how killers play by preventing camping, tunnelling and slugging, they also need to dictate how survivors play, by preventing body blocking, 360-ing, and flashlight saves.
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I say this mainly out of spite for the people responsible for my distaste in the previous comment, but, toxicity is just so prevalent in Survivors. Entitlement is almost innate to half of today's Survivor mains. Now, those 'people responsible' were a bunch of sfws who full-on exploited the fact that I need to run cross-play to land a match, as I play on Xbox in Australia (I legitimately cannot find a match otherwise). Given the state of console at the moment, I was running into freeze frames almost every second, lagging consistently, and I could hardly even see the game while playing Huntress for the first time -- who I've held off on playing for many years now simply due to the fact that I never fancied a hatchet-throwing hunter. Yet, I tried, and despite persevering and somehow landing about seven hatchets and two hooks in that match, even given the fact that I genuinely couldn't see, I was treated to a hate fest afterwards as message after message came through with kids misspelling the words 'worst' and 'killer'... Yeah. I was called the 'worst killer' by a bunch of kids who were nearly obliterated by me even while I was suffering through unforgivable spikes of lag and freezing... and that's my problem.
Some survivors are just embodiments of the intrinsic toxicity in this hateful-as community... and when you get a full-on entitled one, it just ruins your day... it's a game. Why can't people see that? But yeah, this has been more of a rant and I see your points. My apologies for this reply... just got to vent sometimes, I guess. I'm usually a ton more formal, but... desperate times call for desperate measures? I don't know... thanks for your input :)
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Throw out some ideas then for me. Don't worry about killer mains who will just say "it would be abused" because I will give you actual real life reasons why an idea would be abused and/or punish innocent killers.
Komrad here has been the closest to someone I've seen with ideas but all of their ideas are more positive reinforcements for killers (killers who could still camp/tunnel/slug all they want, Konrad just has a few ideas to reward killers for not).
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I feel you. Had these days a game where I had a 9 hook game with 3 survs escaping. Those Survs were so salty afterwards calling me boosted rank 5 killer (was literally first game after rank reset) and were pretty mean. I guess I should be sorry for playing fair.... I don't understand behaviour like that at all. I thought that most Survs want to have a fair experience but then they jump on a killer who does that and attack that one verbally? This is also just a recent example, there are many many more. I am not suprised that more and more killerplayer are jumping on the toxicitytrain if they get treated like that after a fair match.
I don't want to imply that it is the main or only reason why killers are doing that. There are definitely black sheeps among them and numbers are rising with the grow of the playerbase. There also seems to be a toxicity-spiral. One side has a toxic match -> their next match will be played toxic by them with s1 who has nothing to do with the previous issue and then they will go to their next match with a toxic gameplan - and so on. Ofc this is just a feeling but I've seen people be like 'next match I won't play fair anymore, screw the other side' (who knows, maybe my resistance might be gone at some point too).
As for the topic:
It seems to be really hard to come up with an idea which could work against tunneling/camping/slugging. I know that there was a long time ago a try, but it got abused hard by Survs. I guess that's why people will say 'It will be abused' as soon as they see just a tiny little hole, because it seems just to be in the nature of humanity to abuse where it's possible.
I don't know what people think who use these tactics in a very unsportsmanlike way. Do they care about BP? Do they care about rank? What do they care about? Do they care at all? Because if they don't care about anything but laughing their butt off the known misery of the other person, then I doubt there is much one can actually do to stop it.
Also the tactical use in high ranks needs to be looked at. How to distinguish between normal tactic and unsportsmanlike behaviour. Try to remove it completely and change something within the game to make up for high rank players?
I feel this subject is really complex.
I am curious about any ideas people can come up with. I certainly won't be able to get one as I am not creative enough and think too nicely to see any backdoors.
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Survivors have [BAD WORD] behavior too, 5 cakes and a complete genrush, resulting in maybe 15k (with escape points) for everyone.
Or flashlight/flashbang/blastmine spam, also fun times.
Both ways have stupid behavior, you can't do anything about that.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Survivors though..
Gen tunneling: When killer chase survivors off the generator, instead of going to another gen to make it fair for killer who hooks survivor one by one, they go back and tunnel the same generator 😨
Flashlight/pallet camping: Killer just wants to pick that survivor up, but survivor is camping nearby and just wait for the right moment. Crazy campers!! 😫
Exit gate/hatch camping: Survivors could just leave but they just stand there waiting so they can t-bag first! 😱
Unhook camping/tunneling: So killer is protecting that hooked survivor by normal and fair hook guarding and there is a survivor hiding behind a tree or something just camping. Sometimes that same survivor tries to go in for the unhook again and again just a dirty unhook tunneler!!! 😡
I'm just having a bit of fun 😇
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That sounds unreasonably specific for playing with random players especially since with 2000 hours of playing I have never seen anyone do that when playing survivor once more or less or seen it happen 5 times in a row