does trapper need a rework?

he feels like a 2016 killer now because the game has changed and evolved very much and trapper still plays like it's 2016.
this isn't the same game anymore, is he really viable?
Can only start with 1 trap and only carry 1 trap as basekit, lol. He's over reliant on needing the bag add-on when it should be basekit.
Trapper suffers from time efficiency not because of trap collecting/setup time, its because traps are so easy to disarm without risk, and the RNG not reliable at keeping them in place (escape in 1 attempt).
- Bag addon is the best one not because the bonus trap it gives, its because give him ability to carry more than 1 trap. He can still start game with 1 trap, but definitely should able to carry at least 2 traps (so Brown Bag addon starts him with 2 traps and carry 3)
- Some maps like Pale rose spawns traps at very corner, the traps should spawn at least 30m away from the map boundaries.
- To make Disarming trap a risk, add Skill check when survivors start to Disarm, success will close the trap, failing will get trapped. Disarming trap Skill check zone can be decreased by Coil addon
- Remove RNG of escaping trap, add Skill check when survivors trapped, 10degree on 1st attempt, +10 for each later attempt. Success guarantee escape. Escape trap Skill check zone can be decreased by Stone addon.
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Yes yes yes and yes
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He needs some QoL changes. If you think about it Ghostface is similar to Trapper in that he's an M1 killer that gets the best use of his power by out positioning survivors. Ghostface is alright he just needs some consistency with his reveal mechanic. Trapper isn't in as awful of a spot as many people like to claim, he just needs his RNG fixed and to make using his power more efficient. I agree with some of the above ideas but the Stone add-ons should stay as they are, death state on escaping is incredibly useful but niche and Iri Stone is one of the only good Iri add-ons in the game that isn't absolutely insanely strong.
I would also add that traps should tint with the color of the map, there's no reason they should appear the color they do on all maps, right now they blend well with Coldwind and okay with Dead Dawg but stand out against the slight blue, green, and purple tints of Macmillan, Autohaven, and Yamaoka/Badham respectively.
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If you ask me, he needs one badly. Outdated as hell and the only killer I ever played that actively helped the survivors. Ha ha ha...
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Trapper needs more than one type of trap as well as removing his trap collecting pregame
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I agree with with what you're saying. Two things I would do. The trap colors on different maps like you suggested. And I would have him start with all of his traps on him personally. Just like Hag has all of her traps on her already. Or Seals w/e you know what I mean.
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I think all of his traps at once would be too oppressive, you could slap on Iri Stone and the best setting speed and lock down half the map by the time the first two gens are done. Imo, his brown bag needs to be basekit and change the brown to the yellow, yellow to the purple, and purple to start with 3 in hand able to carry 4 or something like that.
Think of Hag's as magic power and the number of traps as her mana pool to maintain active traps. As traps are triggered her pool replenishes. Like Freddy's pallets and snares or Demo's portals.
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Yes, he does. 2 traps base kit.
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He needs buffs no doubt
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Just give his traps a skill check. It’ll work with base “Presence” perk that makes skill checks significantly smaller. Then give him perks like Distressing and Agitation to ensure that this is more likely.
My Trapper runs Crowd Control, and the updated Zanshin Tactics (Don’t hate on me!). I call it “Vault Vision”. It actually works quite well together on Trapper from my experience. Maybe I don’t play it enough, but Zanshin shows me exactly where all the surrounding vaults have generated in the match. I can see in advance where the survivors might/will loop me. For example if the area is too good and I haven’t trapped it I’ll see it in advance before they even reach it, and drop the chase. With that insight I’ll also know to place traps around the “highlighted” spots as opposed to just directly on them (Obvious). Survivors will realize that they can’t loop my trapper at multiple vaults, or in killer sheds without the entity blocking said loops. By that time I’ve either closed the gap to hit/down them, forced them to waste good pallets, or have placed traps in the surrounding area to trap/down them. Then I readjust accordingly throughout the match since I have a 32M range of “vault vision”.
I simply pray that my Crowd totem never spawns in a location where I can’t place traps in front of it. It’s really annoying when the totem is sitting in a random corn field. Like, how am I supposed to protect it? Hahaha
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I mean those totems are borderline invisible lol, the ones inside corn
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Collecting traps from the corner of the map are annoying, if anything they can change those spawns and make at least one bag addon basekit.
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A power with skillchecks is not a good idea. Lets take pig traps for example. No good player misses a skillcheck ever. Maybe one if they are halfasleep, but thats not the point. The point is that a skillcheck power does not help a killer at all in normal matches, it just makes it easier against beginner or weak players.
Thats one of the reasons ruin got changed and they will not add harder skillchecks then default to a killer power (lullaby works not for killer power for example).
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I didnt fully explain it, Pig skill check is surely useless.
Here is Trap escaping skill check, starts at 10 degree, +10 for each time they fail skill check. May be Green stone decrease 5degree.
1st try equal to Great skill check
2nd equal to Over charge
4th equal to DS
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Yh i understand. But what would happen with this? Good survivor with good hardware would almost always escape first try and even good players with a ps4 (if they fix the current problems) would escape one the second try. Bad players would struggle even with the fourth skillcheck.
This change would nerf trapper against good survivor and buff him against bad survivor.
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nah, he'd be pretty fine with just some buffs.
1) let him start with & always be able to carry all traps
2) make the dark traps he currently has basekit (i still fear that might just be a bug, so im listing it as a just-in-case kind of thing)
3) remove trap RNG and make it a set amount of escape attempts to escape a trap
honestly, i feel like he'd be fine with those 3 changes.
his Add Ons would need some work with them though (referring to the bag, escape chance and darkening Add On series in particular)
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Allowing him to start with all his traps would probably cause issues, cause unlike Hag, his traps actually stop the player from being able to move, often for a long time.
Trapper is a bit of a difficult situation when it comes to buffing him, cause he would easily become oppressive if he could lock down multiple areas right away
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While I agree with the Skill Checks for the escape and I support it, I would like to make his buff a two step plan because that idea needs a bit more time. I think they should let him carry two traps baseline is the most pressing matter. Also make the trap able to down survivors who are injured. Both should be easier than the Skill Check and give him a significant buff.
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therefore his traps:
1) can be disarmed
2) are much more precise than Hags
3) are easier to spot than Hags
4) are fewer in their numbers, compared to Hag (Trapper has 6, Hag has 10)
he has way less area controll than her, his traps are much harder to use and he cant just spam them like she can.
and no worries, Trapper wont be locking down multiple areas at once. He doesnt have the ressources to do that effectively - however, what he is going to do is he will be locking down one area to make it very hard to get through it - which, btw, is exactly how he was designed to be played and is exactly how he is played right now, just that you no longer have to travel accross the entire map just to get a single trap.
so no, there really isnt a problem with his starting out with all 6 traps. all thats gonna do is, that he is finally on par with literally every other trap based Killer in this game, who, for some reason, all start out with all traps in hand. so why should he specifically be excluded?
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Yeah, I posted my idea had and have heard a few others.
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if trapper starts off with like 5 traps with add-ons why can't he start the game with at least 3 as basekit?
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Best Way To Buff Trapper
When a survivor falls from a great height 10 times (Balance Landing counters this) or a survivor steps in a bear trap, a new status effect is placed onto them.
New Status: Having a broken leg
The Having A Broken Leg status effect makes survivors physically incapable of running, and walk slower (don't know numbers, but enough to where having tier 3 fixated makes you walk normal speed). When a survivor gets this status effect, they will never be able to remove it and each time they fall from a height they do a 5 minute animation of them screaming in pain.
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why does he have to run around to collect them in the first place?
just give him all 6 from the very start and only force him to run around to collect them if he wants to move his setup around.
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If he started out with all traps all you'd have to do is make it so his traps can't be placed too close together, to keep most of what people are worried about from happening. Like full shack traps, don't really need that anyways
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Or better yet just have the traps around the map active at the start of the map, this could create a lot of pressure early game
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Well a pig should bully the trapped players too. Stop the victims from disarming themselves whenever they can. The longer they stay armed the longer the match can drag out. I run Agitation, and Iron Grasp to carry injured caged victims all the way from their current game as I swing at other survivors doing objectives and rescues. Especially if I saw them FAIL a nearby Or game. I’ll carry and drop you where you first started. Hahaha
Ever since the gen rush era started anew all my killers have been running Agitation/IG. Killers spend the most of their time lugging survivors from hook to hook. Being able to patrol, chase, attack, and slug while hooking is definitely the way to go now. Then 2 perks of my choice.
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I wouldn't say he needs a rework, I think he needs a slight buff which is to carry more traps at the start of the trial.
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He needs a slight buff, where he gets to carry 2 traps at the beginning of the match instead of one, default kit. He doesn't need the travesty of a buff Trickster is getting or the one Wraith got.