Honest question about Spine chill

So, I like the perk by itself, it feels good, the boost is good, but there's something that just... kinda urks me a bit.
That's the fact that it shuts up stealth killers by a ridiculous margin, now I do understand why there should be a perk that can counter a stealth killer, but spine chills feels just a tad bit overtouched in that regard.
There's no cooldown for it giving you an indicator that someone is stealthing towards you. The other bonuses are perfectly fine, it should give you a speed buff when being looked at.
But it punishes stealth quite significantly. Especially since it's a munch better premonition. Remember that perk? It allows you to recieve and auditory warning when you look the direction of a killer in a 45 degree cone if they're within a 36 meter radius.
Spine Chill gives you a constant notification when the killer is looking at you when they're within 36 meters.... cool.
The question I'm asking is... "Why would you ever take off Spine Chill?" You receive a micro prove thyself that still does work even if everyone has it, you have a mini resilience effect of vaulting, and in addition of just having a much better over all premonition. It feels... too good.
Not saying everything about it is op, even though it's a rather strong safety net perk, but the thing I feel that is too strong is countering stealth killers by a wide margin.
In my personal opinion, I think that should be removed from spine chill and just be kept into premonition.
Allow me to explain. Spine Chill both rewards you and punishes a stealth killer for needing to look at you. You didn't even look around, you just stared at your survivor's cosmetic and you get a flash in the corner of your eye screaming "They're here!" with a rather nice speed bonus so you can crank out that gen just a bit faster. But, Premonition on the other hand rewards you with life saving information for looking around.
I think a decent trade off for this is to allow Spine Chill to have at max tier a 40 meter detection range for compensation.
I also got annoyed thinking about how it's just a better Premonition and how it feels like a waste of a perk, so I think this would increase it's selection value.
What do you think?
I used to always run spine chill, i conditioned myself not to use it, you could say its a weaker resilience or prove thyself, but only for a couple seconds cause usually they are coming towards you if its lit up the whole time so you gotta move, its really only good against ghost face and myers and pig, which i dont see much of. Its good if youre running a vault speed build but id say thats about it, i have good headphones so i can always hear myers breathing, demos stomping from coming out of a portal, ghost faces clothing, and wraiths asthma, id rather use other perks, i never used premonition cause the amount of times it goes off cause you happen to be spinning your camera or something makes it useless.
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You could just make it so that Spine Chill is deactivated when the killer is undetectable. Or at the very least give it a one second delay so I can slightly mark them before the dolphin dive to cover. Rofl.
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Spine chill is fine as it is. Stealth killers need a counter as everything else in this game has one.
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Maybe not completely not working against undetectable, but just lights up on half of normal range, 18m ?
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Iron Will counters Spirit
Calm Spirit counters Doctor
Flashlights counter Hag and Wraith (very much Wraith, try it)
Spine Chill counters stealth
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Spinechill is a great perks, honestly helps alot at opening the exit gates as the last survivor.
I honestly think the perk is fine, the numbers aren't massively strong and it's meantto counter stealth but you can still play around it as killer and they dont know which direction you're coming from ai they can panic and run into you
Great perk tbh, often dropped because people seem to think you need the common meta to be good
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Does the 6% speed boost actually helps to vault? I'm really hesitating between Adrenaline and Spine Chill for my build now.
It counters stealth, but honestly, looking around counter stealth as well. Without Spine Chill, I can already spot Myers, GF or Pig away. And Wraith is noisy enough.
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Sure should light up when the killer in survivor face. Killer mains balance
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18m is in your face? I play survivor much more than killer and spine chill working against undetectable is imo bullshit. But yes those entitled killer mains amirite?
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Try solo,against silent bell+all seeing eye Wraith,you barely have a second to react as soon as Spine Chill lights up,super duper lounge already got u.
Wraith needs buff. Cant hear cant see,has wallhacks,nerf Spine Chill to ground only thing that helps
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The devs just seem to hate stealth in general. This, whispers, and all aura reading perks.
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Alright, alright. I just wanted premonition to be more useful and allow itself to stand out
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All premonition needs is a slightly shorter cool down, and maybe reduced width. It's good at what it does, tells you the killers direction. If you hear a terror radius increase you know which way to run
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Even then Spine Chill is a much more superior choice because of the other buffs they allow.
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There will always be weaker and stronger perks. And it's a tiny % not to mention so many survivors panic the second spinechill goes off. A slight buff to premonition sure, nurfing spinechill? Nope. I'd like other perks get buffed so the meta isn't so stale
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I think stealth killers are obnoxiously annoying to go against in solo queue, so spine chill should stay as is.
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I never seen a survivor panic when spine chill goes off.
They commit, but are aware of what you're planning so they'll be two steps ahead of you.
The.. tiny percentage is still a percentage that effects a ridiculous large margin for little to no effort.
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You can much more with that. If you can multitask then you can use Spine Chill to know where a Killer is looking when he is chasing you. This can be very useful for shack and many other tiles. The speed bonus can help with vaulting evading some hit. However I do not think that you can rely on that.
I would recomment Spin Chill over Adrenaline because you will more often have a benefit from it than from Adrenaline.
Do not get me wrong, Adrenaline is very strong and can safe you especialy if you are a bit coordinated with a team. Spine Chill is just more of a general perk.
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If you think flashlights counter wraith that hard lemme tell you just what flashbang can do to one
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Wraith players: Nerf spine chill
Also Wraith players:
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I just want Premonition to be more useful and impactful.
Spine Chill is just this weird omni perk
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The only thing Spine Chill counters is Myers. every other stealth killer in DbD can just look to the side, or in the case of Ghostface only stalk while leaning.
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Spinechill is good against every killer, not just stealth killers. It's weird how Undetectable is hard countered by Spinechill. I'd change it's range to accomodate stealth killers aproach, especially Tier 1 Myers who is slower than normal. A 16 meter range is still a 3 second warning window to hide or Sprint away to a safe area.
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I will admit that I do play a lot of Ghostface, but I love turning normal killers in to stealth killers with perks and addon combinations
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I will argue that fliashlights are not a sufficient counter to Hag, because they do not help you spot traps. Yes, if you see them, you can choose to spend seconds burning them away - but flashlights also have very limited use, which is another reason I don't consider them a true counter (to either Hag or Wraith).
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When you shine your light near one they have an aura that becomes visible.
Grant it you have to see it first.
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Survivors with SC that you know have this perk provide you with the most ridiculous and simple gen grabs. All of us tend to sort of over-rely on SC when we run it.
The perks is still great, though.
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Hmm. I suppose that's true, I do remember having some weird grabs from some really weird people
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.... which is why I explicitly said in the first sentence of my comment "I will argue that fliashlights are not a sufficient counter to Hag, because they do not help you spot traps."
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Sorry, I had a mental typo, I'm on break in my meeting and I just spaced out.
I meant to type "grant it, you'd need a general location of where the trap was placed in order for you to get this benefit" I just woke up, sorry.
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No problem. But my point remains - flashlights don't help you spot traps. And as they have a very limited use in terms of the number of seconds you get light, you also can't use them to consistently sweep an area. Thus the reason I don't consider them a true counter.
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Very true, sometimes I like to quick click to see if I can find the exact location to see if I can estimate the safe position so I don't have to crouch all the time....
I wonder if flashbang can destroy traps
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Have you ever tried Flashbang against Wraith? It's amazing.
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I also laugh ridiculously hard with blast mine
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Try playing Wraith against a flashlight and find out.
1. Looking away doesn't prevent lightburn.
2. Lightburn activates faster than you can decloak. (Without add ons that reduce decloaking time)
3. You can aim the flashlight anywhere on the Wraiths body to lightburn.
It's a surefire way to stun a Wraith and decloak them wherever they are on the map, totally denying them their power.
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If you're lucky enough to be going against a Wraith when you decided to bring a flashlight. shrug Which is never something you can count on.
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Survivors bring flashlights for saves all the time, they're incredibly common.
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The speed boost does help vault, stack it with Resilience, it can save your butt.
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I play 50/50 survivor/killer. I run Spine Chill on every survivor build I can, and the main killer I play is a stealth killer in The Pig (and I also dabble in Wraith, Shape, and GF at times).
With that context in mind, the perk is fine, IMO. It's a nice heads-up as survivor and a Godsend against a stealth killer, but it still isn't overpowered. A little head start to move to a safer tile will help, but if you can't run the killer, it'll only do so much good. And there's the "false" Spine Chill readings -- when they're chasing someone else and your SC is blinking on and off -- that, if you're not used to distinguishing between them, can cause people to bail from a gen or a heal when there's not imminent danger.
As killer, it can be annoying to get to a gen and see people have scattered, even when you're in stealth, but it's a momentary problem that you know to deal with in the future (turning your camera heading to targets is one way). I do perfectly fine against SC users, and when I lose a match, I never have said "I would have won if SC wasn't being run by those survivors".
There are plenty of perks that need to be looked at, but SC isn't one of them. It's a potentially powerful perk that isn't game-breaking -- nothing wrong with a perk like that.
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Did I say it's overpowered? I meant over touched, it looms over an anti stealth perk I personally think deserves the anti stealth attention more. I like the rest of it, but that part urks me a bit
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You didn't, but I've seen other people call it that and call for heavy nerfs to it. I wasn't specifcally referring to anything you said. 👍️
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That's fair, honestly that's the only thing I find distasteful. I'm not a fan of omni perks, but it's fine. I just wish Premonition to recieve some more attention without making it another omni perk
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ah yes, survivors with 3rd person POV and full 360 camera control because it is so hard to use your eyes against a stealth killer, either nerf the range or let undetectable counter it. How is it fair the ghost face and Myers can’t stalk because spine chill out range their stalk range and also people who use spinechill usually pair it urban evasion and hide all game while their team on death hook
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A correction on your GF info. Spine Chill's maximun range of detection is 36 meters. GF can stalk at a maximum range of 40 meters, meaning they can 99 stalk a survivor without a SC user getting notification anyone is watching. Really good GF players do exactly that -- finding places on the map they can stalk from afar, then popping the full exposed stalk when they catch up to the survivor.
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Thanks, I didn’t know that, but with all the line of sight blockers on these maps, you can’t really stalk a survivor with spinechill without either taking a long route to position yourself, or risk exposing yourself trying to avoid line of sight blockers. Honestly I only time I get a good stalk off is when I’m on a map with 2 floor building and stalk out the window or something because survivors never look up lol
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Not sure how people are meant to see through walls in indoor maps, or in house generators, or have enough time to avoid giving a hit in gens blocked by walls without spine chill. SWF have much more info on stealth killers than solos do. Not every gen is out in the open.
Spine chill users really don’t use urban that much, I use it to avoid free hits where there’s no way to know a killer is coming, and to make tinkerer weaker since it’s a very annoying perk
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I'm solo, being coordinated isn't easy... Thanks for your answer, it helps me to make my decision.