General Discussions

General Discussions

Most Maps are not Fun for Killers

Member Posts: 3,012
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Title. Because most of maps are survivorside and unfun.

Coldwind, The Game, Swamp, Haddonfield, Red Forest, Half of MacMillian maps, Badham etc.

Only Autohaven, Hawkins, Dead Dawg and Midwich are balanced maps. I really only have fun on this maps. Other maps are sweaty for killers. If you face with good survivors team, you will show more effort. Why most maps are survivorside. Even reworked maps are survivorside.

Where is fun and justice for killers?

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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    As survivor i have not problem on Hawkins. Hawkins have good pallets. But yeah, this map is not survivorside. So i can understand why survivors have problem on this map.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I detest maps like coldwind,lery's,The game,Racoon etc.I just wish they'd stop making maps that block your vision or don't allow you to use your power.

  • Member Posts: 981

    I would disagree a bit with this list. Maps and their interaction depend very much on the Killer you play.

    As an example take Trapper: He is utterly crappy on Hawkins but the Swamp benefits his power very much. Or Hillbilly, I strongly dislike playing him on the game but Red Forest and McMillan are quiet nice as is Autoheaven. Meanwhile on Ghostface I hate most Autoheaven maps as they are to open, while I have quiet a good time on Haddonfence because of my stealthy nature.

    I do not think that there is a imbalance in the game when you look at maps. Yes only a few can be called balanced (Coal Tower as an example). But for every survivor sided map there is a Killer sided map. While Haddonfield is terrible many Killers can dominate on The Game with a easy 3 Gen. While Red Forest is very wide and a low mobility Killer will loose here you have Dead Dawg Saloon where those Killers have their chance.

    It is in the nature of playing multiple maps in a asymetric game that not all of them are balanced for both sides. The question should be how many of them are Killer and how many are survivor sided and most importantly: How often do you play on them.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Nemesis is weak on most of maps. Nemesis is strong only on 2 maps: Dawg and The Game. I think this is fair. Because other maps is insane for him. 3 hits (2 slowdown animation & 2 speed boosts) destroying him.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Lol Hawkins, Dead Dawg and Midwich are all killer sided, Hawkins having the highest kill rate in the game. There are also some killer sided variations like Shelter Woods and a lot of the Autohaven maps. Sure there are a lot of survivor sided maps but don't call all killer sided maps "balanced" because they aren't.

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  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2021

    Hawkins is great for stealth killers, and it's where a lot of M1 killers shine due to it's size and LoS blockers, but try it with Blight, Billy or Oni and get back to me.

    And Dead Dawg is actually one of the more balanced maps, not a ton of strong loops, other than the main building, but it's a decent size with enough LoS blockers that you can hide from the killer easily enough. Of course, in this case Blight completely demolishes this map.

    So it's not as simple as 'killer sided' or 'survivor sided'.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    He’s also insane on shelter woods, like 4 pallets and then it’s just windows

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    autohaven.... yeah... sure.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I never played as him on this map. So i really can not say anything. But Nemesis is strong only on small maps.

  • Member Posts: 436

    you forgott hawkins, almost now i have destroyed every team. its a nemesis map i think

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Well, it kind of is. Indoor maps are inherently bad for killers because of the W potential and complete lack of tracking. Hawkins might have bad loops, but... Well, that doesn't make it killer sided, just miserable.

  • Member Posts: 3,012
  • Member Posts: 5,279
    edited July 2021

    Most maps are horribly unbalanced in this game

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Every Map has the same issue. Terrible Distribution of objectives and safety. Countless time's i've insisted on this being the real problem of DbD. Deadzones and extreme safety zones, bad spawns, Objective destribution, etc. Maps are terribly designed, there isn't a single Map i can say this should be the Base Model for DbD Maps.

    I'd trade Safer Maps for Survivors for a size reduction and better objective and safety distribution for killers. Meaning no Deadzones for Survivors, Less area for killers, safer loops but less loops cause smaller Maps, better distribution between gens and hooks and loops. We can make outside loops safer and destroy the Building infinites. We could most probably do away with Bloodlust and Breakable Walls aswell since we'd have fixed the reason why those 2 horribly designed mechanics are in the game.

    WE should do away with Map RNG aswell, we already have plenty of Realms to chose from, it's not 2016/17 anymore.

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