3 Polished Perk Ideas

Hey devs, here are 3 cool perk ideas that I have fine-tuned with feedback from the community and people I play with. Here's hoping you like and possibly implement some of these!

Perk #1 (Killer)

Concept: Quick & Quiet perk but for killers. Can be used for cheeky mind-games when line of sight with survivor is broken.

Effect: Killer interactions make no sound. This includes kicking pallets, breaking gens, destroying breakable walls, checking lockers, reloading, vaulting, etc. This perk has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

Perk #2 (Survivor)

Concept: Deception-like exhaustion perk. Can be used to send the killer in the wrong direction and lose chase.

Effect: Press the active ability button while healthy and sprinting to create a false scratch mark trail for 10 meters in front of you. You will not leave any scratch marks for the next 3 seconds. This causes the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. This perk cannot be used when exhausted.

Perk #3 (Killer)

Concept: Opposite of Nemesis perk. Pairs well with Save the Best For Last and Dying Light. Can help punish missed stuns.

Effect: You become obsessed with one survivor. When the obsession drops a pallet while in a chase but doesn't stun the killer, they will be afflicted by the hindered status effect for a short duration and scream (think Freddy snares). When this perk activates, the obsession is immediately transferred to a random different survivor that is still in the trial. This perk has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds. This perk permanently deactivates when there is 1 survivor left in the trial. The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.


  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 286

    @Komrad_Karnage The theme of the perk though is that they're not worthy of being your obsession. Missing the stun or pre-dropping the pallet and not going for the stun at all resulting in removing their obsession fits with the theme of the perk. Just like getting stunned with the Nemesis perk makes them your obsession. This perk is the other side of that coin.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Perk 1 feels like it's got Zanshin Tactics syndrome in that Survivors and Killers don't value the same effects equally. Silencing your animation sounds really doesn't have that much value whatsoever except MAYBE for Clown once in a blue moon, and even then it's interfered with by the Terror Radius and Red Stain which'd require too many other Perks supporting it to be that great.

    Perk 2 is a fine idea, I think we need a juking-centric Exhaustion Perk, but the way its set up is way too weak currently. 3 seconds of no scratch marks and making fake Scratch Marks is not worth sacrificing the chase potential from an Exhaustion Perk, you'd need to pump a crapload of power into a juking Exhaustion perk to make it a viable alternative to Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, etc.

    Perk 3 I think is the best idea of the bunch, but I don't really get what the effect is truly supposed to accomplish. Screwing over Survivors if they pre-drop a Pallet while the Obsession is a cool idea, especially because the Obsession switching acts as a way to stop it from being used multiple times, but I think the consequences of doing it could use some serious thought. It needs to strike a balance of being worth the Perk Slot, without feeling oppressive or unfair to the Survivor. As one concept I think could work, how about triggering a speed boost for the Survivor a la Sprint Burst, but at the cost of inflicting Exposed for a while? (and it won't trigger if they're injured) This way Survivors need to rethink how they predrop Pallets and use them intelligently to move to safe tiles, but if they don't do it well enough and the Killer catches up, they get downed quickly and the Killer gets lots of pressure.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The first Perk is like old Zanshin, just a Survivor Perk on Killer but it's way weaker or outright useless

    Second Perk is a neat idea, but having to be Healthy and only 3 seconds worth of Scratch Marks being hidden is not good enough for the 40 second cooldown

    Third Perk is just neat and fun. My only remark about it is that the Survivor that dropped the pallet shouldn't scream as it is kinda pointless. You're in a chase with them, you know where they are