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What is the difference between a good and a bad survivor?

Member Posts: 2,452

And how would you nerf good survivor without affecting bad survivor?

Its not about taking away the skill of playing survivor, but more about adjusting things which are too strong if you know what you are doing.

Fot example safe pallets make it easy to run most killers effortlessly, but bad survivor throw them down, get hit bc they panic and create a deadzone. A bad survivor should never loop as long as a good survivor but the current gap is too much imo.

So what are doing good survivor different, which of this things should stay like they are and which should be changed?

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Nerf loops being able to chain together. Bad survivors can’t abuse these like good ones can

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Bad survivor will drop pallet early and keep run.

    Good survivor will make you run around pallet and they will drop it with good time.

    Bad survivors will be bad at gens. Good survivors will fly with gens.

  • Member Posts: 777

    Good survivors play as part of a team rather than being the solo star. They do gens, they heal, they unhook, and they are aware of others so to escape a killer they don't just run them into another survivor doing a gen.

    Bad survivors hatch sit, they hide constantly, they take no chances to heal, save, or repair. They unhook you when the killer is 5 feet away and they do not have BT.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    Maps should consist of only a really small number of safe Pallets/Tiles and mostly consist of unsafe Pallets. A good Survivor can actually utilize those, a bad Survivor will not get much use out of the unsafe Pallets.

    And, furthermore, a bad Survivor will not waste that many valuable ressources. If you have a Map with 8 safe Pallets and said bad Survivor uses 5 of them, they got a chase of 1 minute and killed their team in the process. If you have 20 unsafe Pallets and the Survivor manages to use 5 of them (if they even manage to last this long), there are still plenty of pallets left to be used.

    THIS would make a difference between good Survivors and bad Survivors. Obviously, Bloodlust needs to be gone with that changes, otherwise Killers would just get free hits all the time because they just need to hold W instead of trying to mindgame unsafe Tiles.

    I cannot really think of other ideas which would help to keep Survivor-Skill but only punish bad Survivors and not good Survivors OR which might make good Survivors weaker, without having bad Survivors suffer.

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  • Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    I would change your perspective. Why would they nerf a mechanic because players are good at utilizing it? I mean this question is like saying... "Hey we have football players who are really good at utilizing this play book. But some others aren't so much. Maybe we should just throw out the play book or dumb it down?" Umm here's what I'd say... "Bad players just get better at the game." Practice practice practice. Not, easier easier easier. So what's the difference between a good and bad survivor? Someone who puts in the time and effort. What's the difference between someone with a PHD and a High School Diploma? Time and effort put into it.

    So what I would do is watch the top streamers and see what they do and shoot for that. Do you think football players are wondering how things can get easier to be on Tom Brady's level? Or are they trying to work as hard as Tom Brady?

  • Member Posts: 290

    bad survivors urban evade around the map, good survivors activate meddle of man

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Cap altruism at silver and watch them depip lol. Seriously bad survivors rely on the altruism emblem too much

    (Also hatch escapes should award silver emblem not gold)

    Fixed it.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    i could name a few.

    a bad survivor would; get hit and still dropping the pallet, try to blind me as if i'm really gonna stare at the beam, run in front of me to try and bait a hit, try to throw down my perfectly placed body block as i pick up the survivor, think i'm not running bloodwarden (stupid feng).

    good survivors would leave there friends to die and not try and be all altruistic when they could otherwise win the game and escape. and also probably save there friend. altruism loses games, it's true and we all know it. other than that don't do anything listed above and your good.

    anyway to change this? no not really.

  • Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    Agreed it is about learning what works and doesn't. It's about strategy, making mistakes, and learning from them. Regardless of SWF or Solo play. When I first started playing this game I was horrible! I literally thought the only way to play was to hide as Bill and never engage with the killer and just look for the hatch. I literally did this. I would get into a match. Not help any of my fellow survivors if it put me at risk. And look for the hatch the whole game and hide around it. But I was so new I just thought it was every man for themselves. Than the more time and effort I put into it I realized how so wrong I was.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Good survivors know how to sit on gens on complete them. Bad survivors just wander around and hide as soon as they hear the heartbeat, and most importantly they don't know how to sit on gens and complete them.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I think it’s situational awareness in a lot of instances. Trying to be fancy at the start of matches when those highlights they’re emulating from good players were after gens were done and hexes popped.

    I swear survivors lose massively disproportionately more from the ‘bully’ type teammates than benefit. As killer I don’t mind, but it’s terrible when surviving.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    The main difference between good and bad survivors is decision-making. Mechanical skill is increasingly unimportant due to trends in killer power design.

    To go back to your opening question, I don't see a way to nerf decision-making.

    If you want to nerf looping, it's redundant when you can play a killer that's oppressive in the 1v1 and there are plenty. The others are for more casual play as very different powers cannot be made equally strong. Which is where the whole argument 'all killers should be viable' falls apart, on a side note.

    Unless you factor in the killer into map generation to try to achieve a sort of balance across the board. But imagine if bhvr or anyone else could ever get it right.

    I remember when OhTofu suggested that, but I don't think it's ever going to work without fundamentally reworking too many things.

    Hit detection is already trash and unsafe pallets are guaranteed hits against laggers.

    Powers work in different ways and there are some that simply require to pre-drop safe pallets, while unsafe pallets are useless.

    Bloodlust, as you mentioned.

    Enduring, even without SF.

  • Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    That too. Agreed.

    And again I stress to not dumb down a game that already isn't that complicated or really that hard. It has a high skill cap as it should. Go play dark souls and than tell me this game is hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    But why are bad survivor not good with gens? Its not hard to hold a button and hit the skillchecks.

    So is the problem that they are hiding too much, do sideobjectives, dont find gens, get down so quickly or all three go for the same unhook bc they are uncoordinated?

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    Thats not the point. Right now on the upper end survivor on the same skill level are too strong for most killers. So they need a change. But if you would nerf survivor and balance around good players, the game would be killersided for weaker player.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    I think you did not really understand what I wrote. Let alone that I always say that DBD is an easy game.

    Yeah, most likely it would be too much Changes so it is very unlikely that it will happen. And I agree, Bloodlust would only be one factor which would need to be removed, Enduring is a good example, because the Stun is probably too short to allow the Survivor to gain distance to the next unsafe Pallet, making the Tile unfair again.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Bad survivors get outplayed and outplay themselves.

    Good survivors don't even give the chance to attempt an outplay, they turn DBD into a pure numbers game that always leaves them on top.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Why do good survivors need to be nerfed? If I have thousands of hours in the game and have learned maps and have game sense, why should I be punished?

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    "Bad" is subjective, but my definition of a bad survivor is one who doesn't provide anything useful to the team whatsoever. They don't do gens, they don't rescue from the hook, they don't do totems, they go down in 8 seconds, and the list goes on. Most of the time the only way they'll ever progress the game in any way is by healing themselves.

  • Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    Okay that makes sense. I guess if that's the case the game should be as balanced as possible at the top skill player base. If we watched 100 matches with the 4 best survivors in the world and the best killer in the world would it be 50/50? 40/60? 30/70? Who wins more? That's what I would want to know. That is what matters. Because at that point all the lesser skilled players regardless of how good or bad they are will eventually run into the odds against them at the top of their skill level. Of course this is a survivor sided game and most people like that. It's how it should be. Why? Because 4/5 people are favored. A game like Evolve died because it was too monster sided. 1 player every match was having fun while the other 4 struggled the whole time. In DBD's case having 4 people being in favor is far more logical and makes sense. I wouldn't play this game if it was Killer Sided.

    Yes if it was perfectly balance we would all love that.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    For me it is about time and being productive. Good survivor doesn't waste time doing nothing and is aware what is happening throughout the game most of the time, even as solo.

    Some rng setups can end up being in favor of survivor yes but it can go the other way too. I am not sure about nerfs because the only thing I consider op is competitive swf with comms.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    For me its boring to play survivor with other good survivors. We cant play to win bc then we would win almost everytime. So i need to play solo and hope i get an interesting match. (Interesting means that both sides have a chance to win)

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    That's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    They nerfed the Great Skillcheck progression for generators. So its possible, its only really difficult. You need to find this things and then test the change. Another way is to buff survivor and killer at the same time. More infos for solos would help uncoordinated survivor to not waste too much time. If only one survivor would go for the unhook, gens would be quicker.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Being a good survivor is about using your time wisely. When i start in a match i try and find a gen to work on but i think about later on and try to minimise the risk of a three gen. When someone is hooked if i am across the map on a gen i try and stay on the gen and hope that my two other team members are going to rescue, if i am close to the hooked survivor i will wait a couple seconds for the killer to leave the area and then save and heal them if the killer isn't coming back. If a survivor is hooked and the killer is chasing me i will try and take them away from the area the hooked survivor is in so there is a better chance of a safe hook. When i am looping a killer i try my best to get the most use out of a pallet befotr dropping it. Finally i do not tbag or annoy the killer.

    Being a bad survivor is just wasting time and being scared to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 497

    Good Survivor doesn't complain and act like their life revolves around a game at the end of a match.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Being a good survivor has not much to do with looping but game sense.

    If you can loop a killer for 5 mins but you re doing it around a hooked survivor you're trash.

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2021

    The two main things that will separate good from bad survivors is good survivors know that doing gens is always 100% the priority. Not doing totems, not opening that chest or urban evading around the edge of the map every time they hear a heartbeat. The second thing is they will be good about chaining loops and tiles together to get the most value out of the limited resources on the map.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    I think current nurse is strong enough. She is viable against tournament squads, so she needs only bugfixes.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Good survivors dont need a nerf. I think we should buff bad survivors

  • Member Posts: 3,483
    edited July 2021

    For me it's about awareness. Knowing what you need to do and when. You do gens, you wait for the right moment to go for the unhook, you know when it's the right time to throw that pallet and when you should not waste it. You know how to loop the killer and all the little tricks you can do here and there to buy more time or to lose the killer. You know not to get caught in the open or where there are still pallets standing, because you are awere of what has happened during the game.

    Bad survivors can be good at some things, but lack the overall awareness and understanding of the game.

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