"Objective" Killer Tier List 5.0.2

I made this thinking of who has the most hook potential. It was originally objective, but to limit the confusion I put it to Hooking. I am open to changes obviously. Mostly for discussion with others.
•S Tier
Nurse is Top over Spirit because she can slug so efficiently and has an unlimited ceiling.
Spirit still needs to deal with loops and prethrown pallets can still be an issue. Spirit is still Spirit though.
•A Tier
Hag's defense is elite and still fair with beamers or just crouching. You can be forced into a bad situation if the Hag knows what she is doing.
The Oni and Blight just have constant map pressure which can make the games be more slow paced to get gens done as they can get across the map in seconds.
Pyramid Head with the cages are optional and the fact he can move the survivors to other cages makes endgame a pain. I normally just mori instead of a cage. Most killers are interchangeable in this area.
•A- Tier
Everyone in this Tier are Killers that are lacking somewhere, while still handling chases well. They can be very scary with certain builds.
Freddy has poor chase potential and his traps aren't as good as it use to and is only here for his gen port ability.
Twins biggest issue is when Viktor is never given back and you just basically are a M1 Killer at that point.
•B Tier
Balanced Middle of the road killers that probably feel the most fair.
Doctor easily the most balanced killer leads the tier List and Leatherface barely behind. The 3 behind them are hit or misses.
Plague can become useless if the survivors don't cleanse. With corrupt purge, she can multihit which can be a snowball effect for a easy 4k. To do that is leaving it on the survivors though.
Deathslinger really map heavy and even if he lands shots doesn't mean you will get that hit.
Hillbilly is just here because the overcharge mechanic.
•C Tier
Lacking Killers that are a struggle in High Level play. Trickster, Michael, Ghostface, Nemesis, and Legion all have extra steps to get that hit with their abilities. Michael still has a snowball effect that makes himself scary and he isn't bad.
Clown is just..bad, I main him along with Blight and I refuse to use his speed boost since it wastes stock for his bottles. It's not efficient and if they had different stocks it might be better for him. Needs a change.
•D Tier
Piggy and Trapper do need the Reworks the most as they have RNG elements that can hurt High Level play. Love Pig in aspects, but she sadly lacks.
Trapper I didn't think was the worse, but people on here have proposed very good points making him the worse right now.
This list triggers my Ocd... and my will to fix a list...
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Nah, bruh.
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Huntress and Plague are too low and wraith and demo are way too high.
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Triggered mine too, but Trickster prob be a B in the update.
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Where do you disagree?
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Demo above Deathslinger & Pyramid Head above Twins?
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Huntress is just a issue because she is good on PC, but lacks in console. I didn't know if I could commit to her being that high when she can be inconsistent as well with indoor maps.
Plague is has the Legion issue where she can be countered into not using her ability. The survivors are in control of her ability working.
Demo is mostly that high because Save Best For Last with alternate attack is really good. I was consdier putting him lower because his portals, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY DON'T WORK. Just it's too good. Mans a savage.
Wraith is far better with a slow paced game where he hit and runs, sloppy butcher and thanataphobia only compliment that playstlye and Wraiths add-ons can make him very scary. Without the add-ons I understand what you would mean.
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Deathslinger has a great 1 on 1 game, but he can't do anything about a good team.
Pyramid Head is above Twins mostly because of the ability control he gets. Twins like Plague can't use their ability if the survivors restrict them. If you are chasing a person and they have a teammate who has Viktor, it's just a normal just. Pyramid head has at least something.
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I thought this was gonna be an -objective- tier list, like doing gens S, saving teammates B and totems F
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Ghost Face as... C?
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Oml thank you for the laugh!! <3
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There is no way that Oni, a basic M1 killer until survivors are sloppy enough to give him his power, can be above a killer like Blight, who has the best map pressure in the game and a power that is usable in and out of loops as long as their player's skill can compete.
If survivors play it safe, Blight shreds through pallets and catches them while they're in the open.
With Oni, if survivors play it safe, Oni can break pallets, then waste a million seconds catching up to W holding, then repeat.
If you're talking "objective", Blight objectively has more frequent tools at his disposal to deal with survivors at all times. Oni does not.
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I have to agree huntress is pretty overrated. Either you will destroy a team, or get looped into oblivion.
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Trickster with his buffed version will be at least an -A tier. I would put huntress and the twins over demo. Overall demo is a b. And oni is below blight and the hag. But nemesis is a B, I will say he is weak in the beginning so you start of slow, but you build power in the game and he easily become a strong killer.
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Idk...Nemesis is in the same situation as Michael and Legion are in though. If you want to use the ability you need extra steps. He also is one of the worse killers easily without add-ons.
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I CAN MAKE THAT FOR YA😂. But you did it already. Power Gates C btw, Hatch A
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Ah, but Blight is far more easy to counter when he is charging. Not to mention Oni has stronger add-ons, more perk builds and as well just being able to locate survivors with his ability as well. You get more from good play with Oni. I love Blight, but you need to be on your A game and have little room to mess up and even if you are on top of your game, you still can be counterplayed far more easier.
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Here's mine
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Nemesis way too low.
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How is he easy to counter? you can use his power at most loops. He's deadly at both normal shack and butter shack, he can counter both shacks, he can use his power effectively on medium loops and LT walls, he shreads through pallets, he doesn't fall for W.
Compound 33 makes pallets non existent, irri Blight Tag makes him insta down. Then there's the strongest addon combination: Alchemist Ring + Blighted Crow, with this he becomes a slugging machine, he shreds through BT, insta heals or anything else. His power is never not available to him.
Survivors really need to know what they're doing to avoid getting hit around objects with Blight, whereas with Oni, again, he's an M1 killer until survivors mess up, which means he's weak to predropping and W holding in a way that Blight just isn't. It's much much harder to be good against Blight, than to be good against Oni.
Obviously the Blight player needs to know what they're doing too.
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You lost me when you said the word objective.
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He is great, but you can read him easily as he aims for a wall first and most blights pick the closet wall too them which is a ez miss.
Good Blights are scary, but ONI has a a higher floor with the same ceiling and he has that add-on making him be able change his gameplan completely.
He just can end a match in a burst of seconds, unlike Blight.
I love Blight and Main him with Clown, but ONI on average is more of a threat.
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I would not put Freddy over Plague for sure. I think Plague is more useful even if survivors don't cleanse and has dope ass addons.
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She definitely does, but she needs corrupt intervention desperately as she has no map pressure and struggles in small maps as well.
She seems to be always underrated or overrated when she is like Doctor...Average
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hey guys i found the blight main
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Don't know why but this was pretty fun to make.
I considered the killers with the best perks available and addons up to green rarity. If PTB Trickster gets released the way he is he's probably going up to Deathslinger's level imo.
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Huh, I surprisingly agree with this list more than any other I have seen. I still feel like Pyramid Head is one of the most overrated killers in the game, though. No idea why people put him so high.
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he's a good fit for a competitive environment so people assume he's just as good everywhere else.
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Trapper is much better than Pig shes still the WORST killer in the game
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Idk why people put Trapper down so much. I mean, technically yeah he is like, between number 1-3 worst killer depending on who you ask, but he still has Basement Build that can end games in like 2 minutes lol. Pig can only fantasize about easy games like that.
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True + he does have a chase ability sure not a good one but better than pig's ambush.
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Except that snowballing is a thing and makes any attempt to focus on hooks pointless.
Edit: Also, Hag and Twins should be at the very bottom. This tier list isn't about who can win the most, it's about who gets the most hooks.
Edit edit: Also, Plague spawns with a corrupt fountain that any good Plague main uses to force the survivors to cleanse. Her new counterplay is actually to force a fountain reset.