Would you work for Behaviour Interactive?

yea i guess
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Yeah, sure. Especially if my job allowed me to make one change or two.
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I dont have any skills they would need as a game development company.
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I wouldn't work for any multiplayer game company period
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Sure, I'd love to work on the art team. It doesn't have to be a developer, even though that would be a lot of fun
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hmmm lets think not to much wor is being done big income form skin shops not to many responsybilitys heck yeah geting money for the lowes effor of work who wouldnt go for that job
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Would one of those changes be to our mutual stripped sweater friend?
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Probably not. I imagine that the spaghetti code would be a nightmare to work with and I also suck at anything art related, lol.
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I mean they all seem like amazing people to work with. Mathieu seems like he has a great sense of humor. I’d love to work with them tbh, just wish they did a better job at fixing the game.
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I mean hypothetically. I don't necessarily have a gaming degree but I do have a marketing one. I'd love to be on the marketing team. I am sure there is something that you could do for them?
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You know... My Step Son has always wanted to work on the art team for Bungie for Destinty. The art team would be awesome.
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I do hear coding is intensive.
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If i actually had the skill to do so yes
Sounds like a dream job
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Hell yeah, it would!
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Nah it'd be a waste of time, i'd get fired immediately for not having any necessary skills.
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I would imagine so.
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Then yeah I'd 100% take that job, first action would be to nerf both spirit and dead hard.
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The point of this topic wasn't a matter of necessary skills. Just if you could would you.
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Oh yeah, it can be so satisfying having an idea brought to life.
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I mean the obvious answer here should be no because what you want to change you can't because you have people above you who make the entire decision for the game regardless of your opinions and what you would want the game to be doesn't matter.
However if i could be in a position to make decisions and help the game progress then yes.
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If I could stay in my home province, absolutely!
I would love to be an concept artist and dream up new characters and cosmetics all day. Dream job ^^
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probably, i'd just go up to Mathieu and say "hello Mathieu"
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I'd love too; especially in the creative department. Unfortunately, I'd be absolutely useless to them because my skills in that area are more written than coded!
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Yeah, if I lived in Canada/Montreal I would probably have applied already, seems like a great employer from what I have read.
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I'd consider applying if they would accept remote positions since they are becoming more of the norm nowadays due to the panini.
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If the thing about "no OT" is true and I could work from home, I'd consider it as an alternative career.
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I would be a QA tester
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I would work there for free. Being a part of something I love might ease my crippling depression and make me feel like I’m not just a waste of space.
Little dark but true..
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I plan on getting a Bachelor's degree in Game Design, hopefully one day I could work for a game that makes millions of players happy! 😁
If it's BHVR, cool, but any game is worth it because I know it helps bring joy to people.
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No because I'd probably have to move to Montreal and as a Boston Bruins fan that does not seem like a good time.
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Definitely makes sense
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Creative freedom doesn't pay the bills, though. You either make things that people like and are willing to pay for, or you work elsewhere. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is. Nobody is going to work at a loss, and you need money to buy food and such.
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Sure, I have ideas I'd want put into the game. Working there wouldn't make that happen, though.
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I would sure as hell join the balance team if it were possible for me and in general.
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Well I guess I could. Can I bring my Xbox1? Maybe test updates on them....
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Yes - As an environment artist / level designer but only if they ditched the flat randomly generated maps and allowed hand crafted maps with actual terain. All of their maps feel so unnaturally flat.
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If I had the skills I absolutely would. The company itself is a wonderful example of how to company right, including a good work-life balance, freshly cooked hot-meals on site, and from what I've heard in my web you can choose your own hours to work so long as deadlines are met (which for me, absolute blessing, considering some days I'm really productive and some depression tries it's best to keep me bedridden). The pay is really competitive, too.
Hell, Glassdoor gives it a 4.5 star rating over 105 reviews.
Most of them mention a good work-life balance too.
(I'd open the link in incognito/private mode just because otherwise it'll ask you to sign in and I cannot be asked with that).
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I would like for you to know that absolutely nobody, and I do mean absolutely nobody, is a 100% waste of space. Including you. Just because you may not realise it, doesn't mean other people don't, and you are absolutely 100% worth it and valued so don't you dare spiral down that hole any further.
It's so hypocritical coming from me but keep fighting. You're so much stronger than you realise and you can 100% pull through anything. You've survived 100% of your worst days thusfar.
You are not a waste of space.
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No. I would be unceremoniously fired
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Unpopular opinion given the forums demographic and what chapters like All-Kill they're trying to appeal to: They're more focused on Twitter and social media, plus virtue signaling, than making the game top priority so... nope.
EDIT: Actually, after seeing what MadLordJack had to say, I wanted to add that BHVR is known for not getting things done and for their mistakes. Which makes one wonder if what people consider to be "a good workplace" is bad overall for game design.
Also, let me just go ahead and read what someone is gonna say to me now or later on: There has to be a balance between the employee and the employer. The scales must not be so far tilted in favor of the employee, same for vice versa. The things being praised here in these reviews actually send red flags that they don't enforce schedules enough. And if what Jack says is true... then BHVR's reputation is explained perfectly.
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Absolutely. One of the big reasons that nothing ever gets done is because their employees have an extremely loose work schedule. I believe one of the Devs said "we work when we want to."
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They're trying to appeal to current players and potential buyers, like any business. Dunno what you mean by "virtue signalling", though. Haven't seen the devs "signal" anything.
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So, k-pop stans who don't play games are potential buyers?
Really, Orion?
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We do have remote workers within the Community Team - I'm based in the UK for example and we have regional Community Managers who are also based remotely.
Honestly they are a great company to work for and there's a massive variety of jobs, it's not just game designers.
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Why do you assume they don't play games?
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Probably. The technology field specifically gaming is where I plan to head after college and It's always been one of my dreams to work with a team dedicated to games preferably horror and/or multiplayer.
Though I have no experience in both art or coding so my skills would be lackluster except the creative department. I'm pretty creative.
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Why do you assume they do?
I mean, they spend more time on Twitter focused on irrelevant drama that always fades away. Unlikely they play games unless Twitter supports it. :)
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I see no reason to not work for BHVR. Most of the crap they recieve is due to company structure and console release structure, let alone a very dated core game that has a hard time keeping up with modern additions.
I'd be happy to join their balancing team, give killer and power suggestions, new map mechanics that I think would be amazing additions and help balance out maps, and even though the amount of ######### some balancing team members recieve, I do believe people use a handful of bad decisions as fuel to call all decisions that they dont agree with objectively bad(for example, huntress lullaby on doctor was a terrible mechanic, it didnt delay DS's soundchecks, it didnt delay Reverse beartraps' soundchecks, madness skillchecks were the odd one out and in combination with unnerving presence was sometimes near impossible to snap out of without risking death, yet I still see people argue that old lullaby doc was fine because lullaby was a hex).
Just because the game is lacking in some places doesnt mean objectively bad mechanics should be in the game. Spirit's main excuse is that she's one of the few viable killers in comp, that's not an excuse for her mechanics. Noed's main excuse is that sometimes it's needed, that doesnt excuse it's current mechanics. The only reasons survivors are stronger in comp levels(and pretty much always will be, very hard to nerf solid teamwork AND slow the game down with only 4 perks and 2 addons, but you cannot nerf survivors based on comp without nerfing killers based on publics or buffing killers based on comp without buffing survivors based on publics).
So yeah, all that considered, BHVR is really good at what they do. They have developed the formula for 5 years now, its not perfect, and maybe never will be, but it doesnt have to be perfect. It just has to work. People will always complain about those 10% games they lost without ever feeling like they might win, because people love to ignore the 90% of the games they do win, let alone the 15% of their wins where their opponent had no chances of winning. I wouldnt mind working for them.
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Yeah, um, looking at their track record... I'd say they need more coders personally. Balancing team also needs replacements if anything, not newer people.