What do we think about current Freddy?

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

Too weak? Too strong? Perfect?

I for one hate him. He’s just a mix of different killer powers and as survivor being in the dream world isn’t as intense as it should be. I see what they were going for by making him more consistent with other killers but now he has nothing unique left to him

As for how I would change him his teleport was by far the best addition to his kit and I would love that to stay. I would also scrap his traps and give him some of his slowdown and info back



  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Too strong with specific slowdown builds.

    Fine without slowdown IMO.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    He has great synergy with perks like ruin or pop but ever since his slowdown add ons got nerfed I think it’s fine

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I think Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer are too OP on him. He can just get a Tinkerer notification, teleport to the gen for free, and then regress it in their face way too often and easily.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    He’s more balanced than he was but he’s still super uninteresting.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Freddy’s chase potential isn’t great so it does give you time to cleanse. Tinkerer is annoying on him but the stealth elements is pretty useless due to his lullaby

    That build is much more annoying on blight anyway

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    Split on gens. Freddy can't constantly teleport to gens and he'll eventually need to commit to a chase if he wants to down someone.

    That build only gets power when survivors are constantly trying to do the same gen giving Freddy an easy target to pressure.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’d barely even call him more balanced at this point. He has pretty bad chase and okay map pressure but holding W is still really strong against him.

    He is extremely boring though ever since his rework and no number of nerfs will fix that

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    He feels almost the same to play as, except slightly less enjoyable to play as. He seems the same as he's ever been when it comes to playing against him though. I don't like him because his power is cookie cutter design cut from other killers. However, Dream Projection is a very creative mechanic and I agree with you on that. If Freddy ever gets another rework to be more reminiscent to old Freddy, I want Dream Projection to stay.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah his snares are just worse clown bottles and pallets aren’t even worth your time. His old kit while weak was just way more creative and interesting

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited July 2021

    Another rework with @GeneralV Freddy rework for the PTB then any further changes as need be. I always though of Dream Pallets base.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    he is "meh"

    what does that mean?

    not strong, not weak. could have a better power, very lack luster. dream pallets are rarely worth using being honest and snares aren't top tier if you ask me. teleport works, can get plays or pops, good for defense/slowdown, but you'll probably not use it too much in a serious scenario.

    in fact i just played a game of Freddy, but i didn't get far. David got 2nd hooked on 1st hook, all surv kinda went toward him, he got off hook, but then unhooked the Feng, got himself killed because of it. got dragons on Feng, some more stuff happened. Feng died. 2 now, got Claudette downed, wasnt gonna risk Jake hatch, find em, he went back to Claudette, picked up, chased down, got jake, got claudette, gg 4 man. they got maybe 2-3 gens idk.

    mainly just basic attacks, snares really don't do much and are so tedious to place down even setting them up beforehand is a drag. so yeah, basic attack killer and hold no real power, but to slightly inconvenience the surv and on that off chance actually slow them, not that bad though if your good a timing and placement.

    doesn't really stand out as a killer, add ons aren't all that really weird actually (like why?). black box is cool though.

    i run noed, remember me, blood warden and dragon's grip. don't have a lot of perk right now, haven't leveled up to much. only like lvl 45-50.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Old Freddy was actually stronger when all survivors were in the dream world imo. All gens were going at half speed and you saw everyone’s aura outside your TR

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Old Freddy was pretty fun. Rework him. Get him old power back. Give him old power some buffs and Dream Projection. And he will be unique and super fun killer.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I forgot to mention his add ons actually. He’s one of the few killers who has no real good add ons. Snares are definitely awkward and pallets are very bad in most cases

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I just cannot fathom how somebody could wake up and think to themselves "You know what? Today I feel like playing as Freddy Krueger in DbD"

    I'm just..amazed at how boring he is both to play and face. I wish he wasn't because his claw weapon is pretty sick.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Pretty much yeah. They made a big mistake in doing a full power rework because now they are too stubborn to admit they made a bad call

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Personally, my biggest issue is how absolutely gutted he feels. He's literally just an M1 killer with a smaller terror radius and teleportation, that's it. Sure, pallets can be fun and snares can be useful, but there's just something missing. We have other killers that are seemingly very basic, yet none of them, at least to me, feel so uninspired.

    Another thing is, that he is a great offender when it comes to the whole SoloQ versus SWF balance. Against solo players, he's incredible, since they can't see you at a distance and you get to take full advantage of your kit. Against a SWF, you're absolutely worthless, since you've no lethality and whenever you're in chase with someone, everyone else can happily do gens, taking away from the whole "can't see him until he's close" further.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah I main clown and even I find him boring. He has no skill ceiling and just feels barebones

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I hate Clown because he has boring power. Freddy is fastest Clown but him snares worse than bottles. Pretty bad rework.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    That is true but survivors right now in the dream world are subject to slightly more frequent teleports and mediocre traps as opposed to halved action speed and aura reading

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    His TR is the same size as any other killer. His only advantage when survivors are awake is he has invisibility so unless he's close survivors might not see him approach.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    i'd personally make it so when you are in the dream world, he can read your aura when you are outside his terror radius and scrap the traps. make it so getting into the dream world works the same but give the clocks a aura for the survivors so they know where to go but also keep it revealed for freddy so he can tell where your going. make it so he knows where you are at all times while in the dream so he has absolute knowledge and can teleport to gens but no anti looping power so he is a high info M1 killer.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    He ended up in the same situation as Billy in a way. Very overrated killer outside of one strong add-on combo and now he's just stuck in a boring power while other killers got better and are more fun to play than him so everybody moved on and he's been abandoned.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I see that somewhat but I’m glad billy still has a similar power. Old Freddy mains literally have no one to go to now

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Yeah but they kinda got the same treatment. Both of them just needed smaller changes and instead BHVR went on spending time and resources on unnecessary reworks that a lot of people didn't like.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Weak and boring for both sides. Hope he gets another rework

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah he needs another rework but it’s not going to happen more than likely. I’d say bringing back old Freddy is a better option

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Undo pretty much every nerf he's gotten (the first couple of rope add-on nerfs and his last set of nerfs) and just made the slowdown add-ons not stack. He was fine before, people were overrating him. It looks like Wraith might be going through the same thing now.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Just boring. It's just a M1 killer with an objective teleport. Think Nurse, but not as fun or engaging.

    The pallets are really the only fun thing I like about him

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The teleport is honestly my favourite part of his kit. His traps are just boring though

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I mean, yeah. But, that's it. Old Freddy had no indicator that you were going against him until you fell asleep.

    One time I sat still with insidious on top of the hatch, they didn't see me because they were awake and when they were about to escape, I closed it in front of them.

    Their prospective was the hatch closing itself and music just started blaring right in their ears as they started to fall asleep.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    That’s exactly the magic of old Freddy that was lost

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Even after his nerf, I believe he still is an A Tier killer, he is just in the bottom of said Tier now.

    However, that is definitely not the issue. The problem, as most people here have pointed out, is that he is just a boring and uninteresting killer who lost almost everything that made him fun and unique, with the sole exception being Dream Projection because that is a nice addition.

    Freddy desperately needs a change, specifically his on-release power (which is not exactly the same "Old Freddy" that most people know) back with a few improvements. Keeping this new and boring version of him is not only unhealthy for the game, but also extremely unfair to Old Freddy mains out there.

    I like how threads like this one create awareness for his problems, and I sincerely hope the devs will eventually listen.

    Thank you for creating this thread. And perhaps one day, we will get our killer back.

    Thank you so much, my dear friend. This is heartwarming to read <3

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited July 2021

    Gonna be completely honest. I don't care if he even was bottom tier, he was a lot fun to play against him. He just needed a buff and maybe some spice. That's all

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Precisely. Truth be told, I think Old Freddy wasn't even a low tier killer to begin with, if played right. But, despite his weaknesses, he was extremely fun. And that is what matters the most.

    I think he only needed 2 buffs: patch 1.8.1 reverted and the modern-day Incapacitated status effect or something similar to it during the Transition. Dream Projection is a fun and interesting mechanic but he could have lived without it if necessary.

    That was all he needed. Never a full rework.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Weak but because survivor are awful they still think freddy strong

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    I don't play Freddy that often but I've had mostly good matches as him. To me, though, he needs more classic Freddy cosmetics.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    An incapacitated effect for the sleep transition would be perfect!

    Maybe some fun gimmicks as well just to mix it up a bit. I thought snares and pallets were fun

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133


  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    I never did wanted to use Freddy. He's meh to me, but if it would be a good idea if the dream world would prevent survivors to perform certain actions. The snares and pallets are okay.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    Freddy Krueger should work like The Doctor, tiers for sleep. 3rd tier is put to sleep and unable to do gens and need to find time glasses to wake up which wont be easy to find.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    TL; DR: he's garbage.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    played a game of him for the first time in probably months the other day and it just felt so stale and boring

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Precisely. That status effect alone fixes one of his main weaknesses.

    As for some gimmicks, I had them in mind when creating my idea for a Freddy rework, and tried to apply them to the Ultra Rare add-ons:

    Red Paint Brush:

    -Tremendously decreases The Nightmare's Terror Radius.

    -Tremendously reduces Dream Transition time.

    Time to fall asleep is reduced by 2 seconds.

    -Survivors suffer from a Hindered penalty during the Dream Transition

    Don’t be afraid. I can make it the way it was... Just the way you liked it” -Freddy Krueger

    Black Box:

    -Broken pallets are replaced by Dream Pallets

    -Non-sleeping survivors cannot see or interact with Dream Pallets

    I can sleep… I just don’t want to” -Dean Russell

    Red Paint Brush has a small nod to Snares, and Black Box...well, Black Box is basically Dream Pallets that you don't manually place.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Falling alseep needs to be bad, like really bad. You can't fall asleep against Freddy, that's the whole concept of the Killer.

    Falling asleep should cause Exposed, affected by snares (Blood pools) and, Freddy gets highlighted gen info when a asleep survivor is working on a gen.

    Waking up should be top priority for survivors.

    Hitting an awake Survivor with Freddy shouldn't injure them but instead, put them to sleep with a speed boost as if hit. They are now Exposed and will go down in one hit. (talk about a good Dead Hard counter!)

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    God the red paint brush quote is so creepy.

    But, does the hindered effect replace the incapacitated status effect or does it get tacked on? It seems pretty clear in the description alone, but I'd like the author's input haha

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    That quote is from the Remake's alternate ending, and definitely one of my favorites!

    And nope, it would not replace the Incapacitated effect. A Survivor has to run when the Transition begins, since he cannot commit to the generator.

    But when he tries to run... Surprise!

    I believe it would be a powerful add-on, considering its effects. But then again, we're talking about an Ultra Rare here.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    Freddy should be like doctor, when the you are put to sleep;certain actions are prevented and you are unable to do something unless you get out the dreamworld.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Definitely more balanced since you manually have to put them to sleep and wait 5 - 7 seconds before you could hit them

    Plus a survivor could sprint burst away haha